Natural and Home Cures For Receding Gums
Receding gums is often one of the first signs that warn you of gum disease. When gums start
receding, they create a space between your teeth and the gums and this will cause bacteria to
enter the gums and start damaging the tissues.Many reasons like poor dental hygiene, periodontal disease, heredity, hormone imbalances and aggressive brushing of the teeth are some reasons associated with this condition. Receding gums need not always be treated in a dentist’s office. There are some natural remedies that can be used at home in order to control the deterioration of the gums and teeth.
The loss of gum tissues leads to exposure of teeth roots that are referred as gingival recession
or receding gums. It can be considered as the first sign for gum disease. Gum recession creates
a gap between gum line and teeth. As a result, disease causing bacteria will severely damage
the tissues.
Genes, periodontal disease, aggressive tooth brushing, hormonal changes, and insufficient
dental care can be prime reasons for receding gums. Sensitivity of teeth, cavities, exposed
roots, swollen gums, gum bleeding and bad breath are general symptoms for receding gums.
If receding gums are left untreated, it can even damage bone structure and supporting tissues,
which results in tooth loss. Effective Natural Cure for Receding Gums:
It is considered to be a “miracle plant,” which has an incredible medicinal effect to cure receding
gums. It can recover damaged cells by healing infections due to disease causing bacteria.
Natural aloe vera gel has to be applied on infected gums to get relief from receding gums.

Aloe is an anti-inflammatory and anti bacterial agent. Take the fresh gel from the aloe plant
and use this for brushing your teeth.
You can also use aloe gel as a mouthwash every day morning and after meals to protect your
teeth and gums from decay and prevent receding of gums. Aloe also helps in healing of
damaged gums and infections
Aloe vera is full of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which can address all
kinds of oral diseases and disorders and keep the gums and the teeth in excellent health.
Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and skin it to remove the gel. Rub the gel on your teeth and gums
for five minutes then keep it for another five minutes before rinsing your mouth with water. Use this
remedy thrice a day preferably after a meal to reverse the recession of the gums.
Use aloe vera gel (fresh) taken from the aloe plant and use this to brush your teeth two times
every day; once in the morning and once after having dinner. It will prevent tooth and gum decay
and also receding gums.
You can also use aloe vera gel as a mouthwash. Take aloe vera gel (½ teaspoon) in a cup of
water and wash your mouth properly with this solution every day.
Sesame oil can be used in the same manner as a mouthwash for removing toxic substances and
plaque buildup in the gums, which too can cause the gums to recede. Take a quarter cup of
sesame oil and swish your mouth thoroughly with this.
Warming the oil slightly can help as it can help in better absorption and removal of toxins and
plaque. The oil will also give a protective coating to your gums and teeth and prevent recession
of gums and dental decay
It is a method by which sesame, coconut and sunflower oils are used as a mouthwash to cure
oral cavities. The toxins in the mouth can be easily flushed out by using these oils. Use of natural
oils will not cause any side-effects and it is cost effective. Hence, oil pulling can be a good
natural cure for receding gums.
Sesame oil can be used as mouth wash to prevent gum recession and to destroy the
bacterial infection. Fill your mouth with some sesame oil and swirl it around your mouth.
Then with a sucking motion pull the oil between your teeth to remove all the food debris,
bacteria and plaque. Do this for five minutes twice a day. Sesame oil will also provide a protective
coating to your teeth and gums from the effects of the stomach acid.
It has a natural antioxidant in catechin, which can efficiently fight against bacteria that causes
periodontal disease. Consuming a cup of green tea every morning can reduce gum infections and
improves health and oral hygiene.
Rich in antioxidants, green tea is known as the elixir of health and can be used for treating and
preventing the onset of a number of diseases. Taking green tea will help in reducing the damage
caused to the teeth as a result of receding gums.
Green tea reduces inflammation of the gums and also helps in destroying the bacteria in the
mouth that can cause periodontal problems. Take a cup of green tea in the morning to keep
your gums and teeth strong.
It is a fragrant oleoresin that is taken from tree species of genus Commiphora. It substantially
strengthens the gums and teeth and reduces exposure of roots. Myrrh can be used in the form
of a toothpaste, powder or mouth rinse.
A kind of resin that is obtained from trees, myrrh can be used for stopping the recession of gums
and preventing root exposure and damage as well. It is also great for strengthening the gums.
Myrrh can be used for rinsing the mouth or as a tooth powder or paste, whichever is convenient
for you.
Regular use of propolis is a simple and excellent natural cure for receding gums. To cover
hives, bees extract resinous substance from conifer tree buds. This substance is referred as
propolis. The substance has the tendency to treat gingivitis and dental plaque.

Lemon oil helps in calming, stimulating and detoxifying the body apart from being an
antiseptic. Hence, it helps to get rid of receding gums by increasing tissue formation.
Lemon has mild antiseptic qualities and is also an excellent antibacterial agent. However, direct
application of lemon every day is not recommended as it can corrode the enamel. Lemon oil can
be acquired or prepared at home by infusing olive oil with lemon for a few weeks.
This oil can be used for swishing your mouth first thing in the morning. Lemon oil helps in killing
all the bacteria and prevents gum recession and tooth decay as well. Lemon also stimulates
tissue formation and can encourage new tissues to grow in the place of damaged ones.
This strong essential oil helps in killing all the germs in the mouth and prevents tooth decay and
gum diseases that lead to receding gums. Eucalyptus is also anti inflammatory in nature and helps
in reducing swollen gums as well.
Take some eucalyptus oil and dilute with water. Massage for a few minutes onto your gums
every day and rinse off. This will stimulate new tissue growth and also reduce gum recession and
damage due to bacterial action.
The Eucalyptus oil has decongesting, anti-inflammatory, anti septic, stimulant and anti-bacterial
properties. Massaging gums with eucalyptus oil will help to get relief from periodontal disease.
Due to its invaluable property it can act as a natural cure for receding gums.
Eucalyptus oil is very strong, so you should first dilute it with some water, mix it well and
then massage it on your gums for 10-15 minutes using cotton balls.
Do it every day and then wash it off. Eucalyptus kills the germ in the mouth and thus prevents
decay of tooth, gum disease which leads to receding gum.
Clove oil acts as an antibacterial, antiseptic, antimicrobial, natural fungicide, antiviral and
stimulant. The powerful disinfectant property of clove oil can effectively treat receding gums.
The action of cloves on decayed and damaged tooth and infection has been long praised. Clove
oil is known to be a natural antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti fungal agent and helps in
stimulating the growth and repair of damaged tissues.
Cloves are very powerful as disinfectants and can stop bacterial action with frequent use. Use a
clove every day or massage with clove oil for best results
Take 1 cup of water and boil it. Then add 1 tablespoon of cloves and turn off the heat. Let it steep
for 1-2 hours with cloves until cool. Then put it in a dark bottle and use it as a mouthwash. You can
also apply clove oil on your gums to get rid of pain.
You can use cotton balls or use a soft dental pick, dip it into the clove oil and then apply it gently
and massage the gums. You can also make the clove oil dilute with olive oil and then use it.
Sugary foods have a tendency to worsen receding gums by increasing gummy deposits on
teeth. Snacking of raw fruits and vegetables can be a healthy exercise for teeth. Anti Adhesive
property of cranberries, green tea and cashews can prevent receding gums.
Vitamin C enriched foods like cantaloupe, kiwi, broccoli, green leaf and leafy vegetables can
naturally reverse receding gums. Vitamin C with bioflavonoids can heal roots exposure that
increases energy to fight against cell damage. The natural cure for receding gums also
includes zinc to improvise immunity and gingko bilobo can be used for healthy blood circulation.

Being antimicrobial in nature, coconut oil too is a great remedy for treating receding gums and
the cause behind it. Take some virgin coconut oil and swish your mouth with it after brushing
your teeth.
This will give your teeth the necessary cover for protection against disease causing bacteria and
germs and also prevent food particles and germs from sticking between and on the teeth and
causing decay. Coconut oil can be used every day as a prevention method for receding gums
and also for general oral hygiene.
Tea tree oil can be diluted and used for swishing the mouth for preventing gum recession and
root damage. Remember that the oil is very strong and should not be used without diluting it, lest it
should cause burns.
Tea tree oil is a powerful anti fungal and microbial agent and destroys the bacteria and plaque
buildup in the teeth and between the gums.
Take a glass of water and add a few drops of tea tree oil to it. Use this solution as a mouth wash
twice daily. The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil will soon get rid of the
offending bacteria and will restore gum health.
Also Read
Natural Cure For Receding Gums
Home Remedies For Sensitive Teeth
Sumac tree is known to have stringent qualities that can come of help for treating of receding
gums. It helps in stimulation of the gums and also cleans the teeth, keeping them safe from decay
and damage. Take a twig and peel the outer bark. Gently rub the inner part over the surface of
the teeth and along the gums.
Wild yarrow too has several antiseptic and astringent qualities. The flower or the leaves of wild
yarrow can be used for rubbing over your teeth and preventing gum recession to a great
The leaves act as a tonic for the gums and are also an excellent treatment for the mucus
membrane. Sage leaves can be directly rubbed on the gums and teeth for protection and
treatment of receding gums.
Sage leaves can be used for making a tea as well for preparing a rinse for your gums. Add sage
leaves to a cup of boiling water and steep for ten minutes before using it for rinsing.
Rose vinegar helps in strengthening the gums and can be used as a rinse for the mouth. For
making rose vinegar, take 3 ounces of rose petals and soak in red wine vinegar solution.
Steep for about seven days and strain it. A tablespoon of rose vinegar can be added to one
cup of warm water and this can be used as a mouth rinse every day to prevent recession of
insufficient oral care causes a build up of plaque and tarter which also cause gum recession.
Tobacco products are another major cause of gum recession as they cause a buildup of sticky
plaque which is very difficult to remove.
Ways To Treat Receding Gums
Take a teaspoon of mustard oil and mix it with a quarter teaspoon of salt. Massage your
gums with this mixture for five minutes twice daily.Mustard oil is full of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which will deal with bacteria and
repair the damaged gum tissue. The massage will also stimulate the blood circulation and will help
keep the gums in a healthy condition.
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Boil a few neem leaves in a pan of water for a few minutes or until the water turns green. Filter
the water and use it as gargle. Rinse your mouth well with neem water two or three times
daily in order to get rid of the bacteria and toxins and to maintain the health of your gums and to
prevent them from receding.
Take some rose petals in a bowl and then add red wine vinegar to it. Let it steep for at least 1
week. After 1 week, add vinegar (1 tablespoon) to a glass of warm water and use it as a mouth
wash every week. Green tea- Drink 2-4 cups of green tea every day. All these will make the gum
strong and thus prevent receding gum.
You can also place the tea bags directly to the affected area or take a cup of water, heat
it well and then add a tea bag and allow it to steep for at least 10 minutes. Then apply the tea bag
(cooled) on the gums and let it be like that for at least 5 minutes. Do this 3 times every day.
You can also place the tea bags directly to the affected area or take a cup of water, heat it well and then add a tea bag and allow it to steep for at least 10 minutes.
Then apply the tea bag (cooled) on the gums and let it be like that for at least 5 minutes. Do this 3 times every day.
Wash your mouth with coconut oil every day after you brush your teeth.
Sesame oil-Take some sesame oil (1 quarter) in a cup and wash your mouth properly with it.
Olive oil – Take some lemon and olive oil and then use it to wash your mouth every day in the morning.
Thus, you can prevent receding gums easily by following these above mentioned tip
How To Treat Receding Gums
Receding gums is caused by loss of gum tissue and the roots of the teeth are exposed.
The gingival margin retracts from the crown of the teeth and pockets or gaps form between the teeth and the gum line.
These gaps fill up with disease causing bacteria causing infection and damage to the gum tissue.
Gum recession is a common problem especially in adults over the age of forty but sometimes the problem
starts from the teens and progresses slowly without the person even being aware of it.Gum recession leads to gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontal disease in which the bacterial infection erodes the gum tissue which supports the bone that hold the tooth in place.
Harsh and aggressive brushing wears away the enamel at the gum line and improper flossing can cut into the gums.
Sometimes the stomach acid also damages the gums and insufficient oral care causes a build up of plaque and tarter which also cause gum recession.
Tobacco products are another major cause of gum recession as they cause a buildup of sticky plaque which is very difficult to remove.
Receding gum is a very common dental problem, in which the gums become lose and spaces occur
between the gums and teeth. It should be properly treated, otherwise receding gum leads to tooth decay.
Receding gum is the first sign of gum disease.
People are not aware of it because gum recession occurs slowly
So when you feel any sensitivity in your teeth, you should understand that you are having a
chance of getting receding gums. But you can prevent receding gums easily by following some
tips which are mentioned below.