
Showing posts with label Headache. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Headache. Show all posts


С този елементарен масаж на ръцете премахвате от раз силното главоболие

С този елементарен масаж на ръцете премахвате от раз силното главоболие


Масаж на тази част от ръката е важен, особено ако имате главоболие или сте настинали

Много хора се оплакват от силно главоболие, защото са подложени на огромен стрес и напрежение. С този елементарен масаж на ръцете ще се почувствате прекрасно
Вие ще изгледате видеото и ще видите как професионален масажист прави масаж, с който се премахва главоболие.

По принцип този масаж трябва да бъде направен от друг човек.
Ако в определен момент не можете да отидете на масаж или около вас няма човек, който може да ви го направи, ще трябва да се справите сами. А това е лесно.
Трябва да направите следното:
1. С едната ръка започнете да разтривате пръстите на другата ръка един по един от основата към върха и обратно.
2. Масажирайте кожата между пръстите.
Тази кожа е чувствителна и когато вие не се чувствате добре, тя боли. Дори и да ви боли, масажирайте я, защото само така болката ще отшуми.
3. Масажирайте частта на ръката, която се намира между палеца и показалеца.
Когато човек е настинал или има силно главоболие, тази част много боли. Но с масаж болката става по-слаба.
4. Повторете цялата процедура на другата ръка.
5. Направете масаж на челото:
5.1. С пръстите на двете ръце едновременно започнете от средата на челото към слепоочията.
Поставяте пръстите в основата на веждите и започвате да изтегляте навън към слепоочията.
5.2. Масаж на слепоочията.
Когато пръстите ви стигнат до слепоочията, започнете с леки кръгови движения да ги масажирате.
Ако сте настинали или имате главоболие, слепоочията болят много.
6. Масаж на ушите.
Завършвате с масаж едновременно на двете уши. Започвате от горната част на ушите и с леки масажиращи движения слизате надолу към меката част.
Меката част масажирате малко повече. Можете да повторите масажа на ушите няколко пъти.
Ако имате главоболие, настинка или болен вътрешен орган, ушите болят. След масажа, болката утихва.


Foods That Help To Get Rid Of Headaches

Foods That Help To Get Rid Of Headaches

Be it a bothersome tension headache or a debilitating migraine, it's good to have an all-natural toolkit on hand when the pain hits you. Fortunately, all it takes is a quick trip to the supermarket to stock up on some everyday foods. Choose spices like ginger, fruit like pineapple and cherries, or even some coffee or tea. Eating foods rich in magnesium and vitamins B2 and B3 (like nuts and green leafy vegetables) can also help your cause. And, of course, don't forget to drink plenty of water!

Traditional headache medication can come with plenty of unwanted side effects. Fortunately, some natural remedies found right in your kitchen can help ease that head pain, reducing both the intensity and frequency of headaches. Here’s a roundup of the best that nature has to offer!

Feed Your Head: Foods For Headache Relief

Certain types of food can treat a headache or even prevent one. This is especially the case when a headache or migraine is due to a deficiency of certain nutrients.

1. Foods Rich In Magnesium

According to some estimates, as many as half of all migraine sufferers may have a deficiency of magnesium. It is believed to influence the synthesis and release of neurotransmitters and the platelet hyperaggregation linked to migraines. Cortical spreading depression, which causes certain neurons in the brain to go quiet, triggering migraines, is also connected to magnesium deficiency.1
Getting enough magnesium can help you prevent headaches and migraines. One study of 81 test subjects prone to migraine attacks found that taking 600 g of magnesium daily for a 12-week period helped reduce migraine headache frequency by nearly 42 percent. The duration and intensity of each attack also reduced a little (but then not significantly).

3. Foods Rich In Vitamin B3

Niacin or vitamin B3 is needed by the body to boost circulation and suppress inflammation, factors that play a role in migraines. Oral intake of niacin or vitamin B3 has even been known to help relieve tension headaches as well as migraines.
What to eat: Organ meat like liver and kidney, as well as fish like salmon, tuna, and swordfish, are all rich in vitamin B3. You can also find the vitamin in beets, sunflower seeds, peanuts, brewer’s yeast, and fortified breads and cereals.

4. Water

According to the National Headache Foundation, mild to moderate dehydration can cause headaches and even migraines. When this happens, you may also be irritable and find it hard to concentrate. Replacing lost fluid as well as electrolytes can alleviate the problem.
In one study, drinking an average of 500 ml of water helped bring complete relief from a headache in just half an hour. Others in the study required a bit more time (1 to 3 hours) and water (750 ml on average) to experience relief.
What to have: Besides plain water, you can also ensure adequate fluid intake by consuming vegetables and fruit that contain a lot of liquid – like cucumbers, watermelon, celery, green leafy vegetables, and citrus fruits – or by enjoying a freshly made juice.

5. Fatty Fish

Migraines are an inflammatory disease and the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids in fatty fish can help battle the problem. Small studies have found that consuming fish oil daily helped reduce both the frequency and the severity of migraine headaches as quickly as within 6 weeks of starting the regimen. Other research has noted that the frequency of migraine attacks is higher if dietary intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is lower.
What to have: Trout, salmon, herring, and mackerel have good amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

6. Caffeine

Caffeine is a double-edged sword: Some people find it triggers their headaches, while others find it relieves them. How can it help? Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, which means it can help narrow your blood vessels, easing the pain caused by the enlarging of blood vessels during a headache. This restricted blood flow is what can help treat a headache for some people.But since this varies from person to person, you will need to see how you react to it.
What to have: Coffee and tea, of course. Just be sure to balance your caffeine intake with adequate amounts of water to avoid a dehydration headache.

7. Cherries

Cherries can also help treat a headache naturally. They are rich in antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory effects that can ease the symptoms of a headache.
In one study, the pigment cyanidin responsible for the red color of cherries was found to have better anti-inflammatory effects than aspirin, a traditional anti-inflammatory medication.
What to have: Eat cherries as a snack on their own or toss some into a healthy dessert. You could also stew cherries to top on your oatmeal or yogurt.

8. Pineapple

Thanks to its pain-fighting enzyme bromelain, pineapple can also help cure a headache. Its anti-inflammatory properties can also ease the inflammation associated with headaches.Just be warned that pineapple may also be a trigger for migraines in some people. So you’ll need to see how it works for you.
What to have: Eat some freshly cut pineapple as a snack or pizza topping or add it to a salad; drink up a glass of pineapple juice; or grill some for a delicious side dish.

9. Ginger

Ginger has broad anti-inflammatory properties that help with migraine relief. It also eases nausea and vomiting, side effects people with migraines sometimes suffer from.
In one study, patients who experienced acute migraine headaches saw the severity of headaches decrease significantly within 2 hours of taking ginger powder. This was not unlike the effects of sumatriptan, a medication normally suggested for cluster headaches and migraines.
What to have: You can easily incorporate ginger powder into your cooking. Just add a teaspoon here and a pinch there. You can also add it to juice or soup.

Headache Triggers: Foods To Avoid

Now that you know what foods can help with headaches, it’s just as important to know what foods to avoid. Certain foods are common triggers for headaches, though not all of them may cause a problem for you.
Watch for signs after eating these foods to see if they lead to a headache. If a certain food disagrees with you, you may want to decrease your intake of it or completely avoid it – it may be the simplest solution to find respite from your headaches!

Foods You Are Sensitive Or Allergic To

Sometimes your body is sensitive to foods that don’t cause problems for anyone else. Though you may not have an allergic reaction to them – this is when your immune system kicks in – they may still cause abdominal discomfort, flatulence, or pain when consumed. In some cases, you might even develop a headache. These foods may include:
  • Gluten-Containing Foods: If you are sensitive to the protein gluten, you would do well to consume smaller amounts of gluten. If you have celiac disease, you’ll want to avoid it completely. Switch to a gluten-free diet if you experience very severe headaches and digestive issues. Gluten-containing grains include wheat, barley, and rye.
  • Dairy: Lactose intolerance or a dairy allergy can trigger headaches in addition to gastrointestinal symptoms. Limit your intake of milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, ice cream, and other dairy products. Have only small amounts at a time to reduce the burden on your system.
  • Foods That Are Migraine Triggers

    Some foods can cause migraines for some people. You may want to check if any of the following foods work as a migraine trigger.
    • Chocolate
    • Nuts
    • Peanut butter
    • Cheeses
    • Dairy
    • Onions
    • Citrus fruit
    • Bananas
    • Avocados
    • Fermented foods, pickled foods
    • Nitrate-containing meats like hot dogs, bacon, and salami
    • Foods that contain tyramine (an amino acid) like smoked fish, chicken livers, aged cheese, red wine, and figs
    • Monosodium glutamate (MSG), an ingredient used in some restaurants


Менингитът е като руска рулетка

Менингитът е като руска рулетка

От 1,500 носители заболява само един

При децата и подрастващите през лятото най-лесно и бързо заразата се пренася по време на ученически лагери и екскурзии. Ако на порасналото ви дете му предстои такова пътуване с връстници, непременно го ваксинирайте. Такива са препоръките на Американския център за превенция и контрол на болестите. Заразяването с менингит не може да стане само ако вдишвате въздуха, който диша и болният, обясняват специалистите. Микробът, който причинява бактериален менингит, не живее дълго извън човешкия организъм - той обитава задната част на носоглътката на 10 до 25% от населението на планетата и може никога да не причини болестта. Но може да се заразите от продължителен и близък контакт с инфектиран пациент. Болестта се разпространява по въздушно-капков път с отделените пръски при говор, кашляне и кихане. Макар пикът на заболяването да е през есента и зимата, по принцип се регистрира целогодишно. Преди да пратите детето си на екскурзия, предупредете го да спазва лична хигиена и да:
  • не ползва кърпите и хавлиите на останалите деца;
  • не ползва техните червила, гримове, кремове, лосиони;
  • не ползва приборите им за храна и да не пие от техните чаши и бутилки;
  • не пуши, а ако го прави - да не пуши цигара, от която друг е пушил;
  • Предупредете вашия тийнейджър, че ако негов другар на лагера се разболее от менингит, той продължава да е заразоносител повече от 24 часа, след като е започнал да пие антибиотици.
Първоначалните симптоми на менингита често се бъркат с тези на грипа. При повечето хора се наблюдава схващане на врата, силно главоболие, объркване, изтощение и повръщане. С развиване на инфекцията настъпват кома, гърчове и парализа.


How to Get Rid of a Headache in 5 Minutes Without Pills

How to Get Rid of a Headache in 5 Minutes Without Pills

Sometimes, pills cannot relieve the terrible headache you are suffering from, and when they can, they might also cause various adverse effects.
Fortunately, there is a successful, scientifically confirmed, way to treat headaches naturally, and it is known as acupressure. This technique is a kind of a massage, similar to acupuncture and reflex therapy, and the best part is that it can be practiced without any medical knowledge.
All you need to do is to relax in a comfortable position, and gently massage a certain point in a circular motion for about a minute. After 5-10 minutes, the pain will stop.
Yet, to relieve a headache, you need to know these six main points:
Yintang point

This point treats the eye fatigue. It is located between the eyebrows, on the place where the bridge of the nose passes into the forehead.
Zan Zhu points

These points are symmetrical and can be found at the base of the inner edge of the eyebrows. They help in the treatment of visual acuity and a runny nose.
Yingxiang points
The massage of these points treats toothaches, headaches relieves stress and clears the sinuses. They can be found on both sides of the nostrils in line with the eyes.
Just feel a dimple in the bottom of the cheekbones, and you will easily locate them. It helps to open sinuses, reduce your headache and toothache, and relieve stress.
Tian Zhu points
The points can be found in the middle area of the back of the head, between the ear and the beginning of the spine. Massage them to treat eye pain, headaches, migraines, earaches, and nasal congestion.
Shuai gu

You can spot these points if you press 2-3 cm from the beginning of the hairline, in the small dimple in the temple area. Press them to treat eye fatigue and pain in the temporal region.
He gu points
These symmetrical points can help you teat toothaches, back pain, and tension in the muscles of the neck. Their location is on the back of the hand, between the thumb and forefinger.
If you carefully follow the instructions, you will experience improvements very soon after you apply pressure to these points. If you don’t, visit your doctor and check the nature of the health problem.

Spoon of This Miracle Plant to Prevent Dementia

  Spoon of This Miracle Plant to Prevent Dementia Did you know that mint, a simple yet powerful herb, can help protect your brain and potent...