

Fix: Windows 10 upgrade couldn’t update the system reserved partition

Fix: Windows 10 upgrade couldn’t update the system reserved partition

Disclaimer: This is what worked for me, and it’s not guidance from Microsoft. It may not work for you. Since this involves resizing partitions, it could wipe out all of your data. You may want to create a backup first. Proceed at your own risk.
Over the weekend I upgraded my machines at home to Windows 10. I had two desktops and one Surface Pro (the first one) running Windows 8.1. Since I had multiple machines to upgrade, I downloaded the Windows 10 installer to a USB flash drive using the media creation tool mentioned on Download Windows 10. For me, the media creation tool wouldn’t recognize the USB drive, so I chose the ISO and copied the contents to my flash drive. I used the flash drive to upgrade my Surface Pro with no issues.
Then I tried to upgrade my desktops. The first one failed with the message saying, “We couldn’t update the system reserved partition.” That happened after it downloaded updates (that takes a while). I tried my other desktop and got the same message.
I pulled up diskmgmt.msc and saw that my system partition had a size of 100 MB and was essentially completely full – 3% free. Both machines were in that state. So I started searching for a solution. I ran across a couple of places, such as this one on reddit, that had a set of instructions to free up space. It included commands that I didn’t actually know existed (I’ve never needed takeown).
I followed the instructions and had more than 50 MB free on system partition. I ran the Windows 10 upgrade, and this time it got further before failing and failed with a different message (I don’t remember exactly what it said).
At this point I decided to extend the system partition. The thread on reddit mentioned a tool called MiniTool Partition Wizard Free. I did a search and found a review on PCMag. They were complimentary of the pro version, so I decided to give it a try.
The UI makes it really easy to drag the OS partition to resize it a bit smaller and then extend the system reserved partition to make it bigger. I shrunk my OS partition by 200 MB and increased the system reserved partition to 300 MB. After hitting Apply, Windows has to be rebooted for the tool to make the change. I did that and let it do its work, and then all was good. Windows 8.1 booted up just fine with the newly resized partitions.
I ran the Windows 10 upgrade again, and the upgrade proceeded smoothly. Thanks to the folks at MiniTool for a great tool!

error installing Windows 10

“We couldn’t update system reserved partition” error installing Windows 10

When upgrading to Windows 10, customers may encounter the error “We couldn’t update system reserved partition”, error code 0xc1900104, or error code 0x8000f0922.
The System Reserved Partition (SRP) may be full. The System Reserve Partition (SRP) is a small partition on your hard drive that stores boot information for Windows. Some third-party anti-virus and security apps write to the SRP, and can fill it up.
Caution: these steps are complicated, and carry some risk. This is best done by advanced users with experience using the command line. If you make an error in entering these commands, you could put your device in a no-boot situation, and possibly lose data you have stored on the device.

To upgrade your device, you'll need to free up 15MB of space on the SRP using the appropriate method below, and then try the upgrade again.

First, determine whether the SRP is GPT or MBR partition style:

  1. Press the Windows key + R. In the Run window that comes up, type diskmgmt.msc and press Enter.
  2. Press-and-hold or right-click on the Disk (such as Disk 0) that contains the SRP, and select Properties.

  1. Choose the Volumes tab.
  2. The Partition Style: line will say either GUID Partition Table (GPT) or Master Boot Record (MBR).

Second, choose which method you need:

Windows 7 or 8/8.1 with GPT partition

  1. Search for cmd. Press-and-hold or right-click on Command Prompt in the results, and select Run as administrator.
  2. At the command prompt, type mountvol y: /s and then hit Enter. This will add the Y: drive letter in order to access the System Partition.
  3. Type taskkill /im explorer.exe /f and press Enter. Then type explorer.exe and press Enter to restart explorer in Admin mode.
    Note While in this mode, some apps (such as OneNote) will not run.
  4. Open File Explorer and put Y:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\ in the address bar and press enter.
  5. Select the language folders you want to remove and permanently delete them. They will be indicated by a set of four letters, split with hyphen. For example, en-US means U.S. English; de-DE means German.
  6. Optional: Remove unused font files at Y:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\Fonts.
  7. After removing the files, reboot the device. This will remove the drive letter, and return explorer.exe to a normal mode.

Windows 7 with MBR partition

This makes a permanent, but small, increase in the available space of the SRP.

  1. Remove language folders
    1. Press the Windows key + R. In the Run window that comes up, type diskmgmt.msc and press Enter.
    2. Select the partition marked System Reserve. Press-and-hold or right-click on it.
    3. Select Change Drive Letter and Paths.
    4. Choose Add.
    5. Enter Y for the drive letter.
    6. Tap or click OK.
    7. From the Start menu, search for cmd. Right-click Command Prompt from the search results, and select Run as administrator.
    8. In the command prompt, type Y: and hit enter to switch to that drive.
    9. Type the following and press Enter:
      takeown /d y /r /f .
      Note You must include the space and the period after the “f”, or the command will not work properly.
    10. Back up the permission to the drive by typing the following and press Enter:
      icacls Y:\* /save %systemdrive%\NTFSp.txt /c /t

      Note: Make sure that all files are showed as successful and none as failed.
    11. Type whoami and press Enter, and then record the user name. Type the following command and press Enter:
      icacls . /grant <username you got from whoami>:F /t

      Do not put a space between the username and ":F", or the command won't work.
    12. Open the SRP drive in File Explorer and access the Boot folder, select the language folders you want to remove and permanently delete them. They will be indicated by a set of four letters, split with hyphen. For example, en-US means U.S. English; de-DE means German.
  2. Truncate the NTFS Log
    1. Check the size of the NTFS Log first. From the Command Prompt, type the following and press Enter:
      chkdsk /L Y:
      • If the size is less than 5000KB, you do not need to truncate the file.
    2. To truncate the file, type the following and press Enter:
      chkdsk /L:5000 /X /F
    3. Go back to the Disk Management window. Tap or click the Action menu, and select Refresh. Confirm if the SRP has now a greater percentage of free space. If so, press-and-hold or right-click the System Reserve Partition, and select Change Drive Letter and Paths. Select Y: and choose Remove.
  3. Resize the USN journal, if truncating the NTFS Log doesn’t increase the free space in the SRP.
    1. From the Command Prompt, type the following and press Enter:
      fsutil usn queryjournal Y:
      • This will display the size in hex value. Convert the value to decimal and divide by 1048576, the result will be in MB. (To convert Hex to Decimal: Open the Calculator in Windows, select the View menu, and then choose Programmer. Select Hex, enter the Hex value, and then select Dec)
      • If the journal is 30MB or more, continue with truncating it.
    2. Delete the journal by typing the following command and pressing Enter:
      fsutil usn deletejournal /D /N Y:
    3. Recreate the journal with a new log size value:
      fsutil usn createjournal m=1500 a=1 Y:
  4. Restore permissions
    1. Type the following command and press Enter:
      icacls Y:\ /restore %systemdrive%\NTFSp.txt /c /t
      • A message may display indicating some files failed while processing – this is normal as these files have been deleted subsequent to backing them up.
      • If the amount of successful files is none, then the command was executed incorrectly; you must have some files successfully processed before continuing.
    2. Adjust the ACL back to System by typing the following and press Enter:
      icacls . /grant system:f /t
    3. Set the owner of the drive back to System by typing the following command and pressing Enter:
      icacls Y: /setowner “SYSTEM” /t /c
    4. Go back to Disk Management and Refresh the data to confirm if the SRP now has a greater percentage of free space. If so, the drive letter can be removed at this point.
    5. Right-click the System Reserved Partition.
    6. Select Change Drive Letter and Paths.
    7. Choose the Y: drive.
    8. Select Remove.
    9. Click OK.
Windows 8/8.1 with MBR partition

This creates a larger, but temporary, increase in the available space of the SRP.

  1. Make sure you have an external drive, formatted as NTFS, with at least 250MB of free space.
  2. Press the Windows key + R. In the Run window that comes up, type diskmgmt.msc and press Enter.
  3. Select the Recovery Partition. Press-and-hold or right-click on it.
  4. Select Change Drive Letter and Paths.
  5. Choose Add.
  6. Enter Y for the drive letter.
  7. Tap or click OK.
  8. From the Start screen, swipe in from the right and select the Search charm, or just start typing to search for cmd. Press-and-hold or right-click Command Prompt from the search results, and select Run as administrator.
  9. In the command prompt, type Y: and hit enter to switch to that drive.
  10. Type the following and press Enter:
    takeown /d y /r /f .

    You must include the space and the period after the “f”, or the command will not work properly.
  11. Type whoami and press Enter, and then record the user name. Type the following command and press Enter:
    icacls . /grant <username from whoami>:F /t

    Do not put a space between the username and ":F", or the command won't work.
  12. When that command completes, type or paste the following and then press Enter:
    attrib -s -r -h Y:\Recovery\WindowsRE\winre.wim
  13. Open File Explorer, and note the drive letter of the external drive you are using (for the rest of these instructions, we will use the example F: - wherever you see F: in these steps, it really means the drive letter of the external drive).
  14. In the Command Prompt, type the following and press Enter:
    mkdir F:\Recovery\WindowsRE
  15. Next, type the following and press Enter:
    xcopy Y:\Recovery\WindowsRE\winre.wim F:\Recovery\WindowsRE\winre.wim /h
  16. Map the new path by inputting the following command and then pressing Enter:
    C:\Windows\System32\Reagentc /SetREImage /Path F:\Recovery\WindowsRE /Target C:\Windows
  17. Once verified the copy was made successfully, type the following and press Enter:
    del Y:\Recovery\WindowsRE\winre.wim /F
  18. Go back to the Disk Management window. Tap or click the Action menu, and select Refresh. Confirm if the SRP has now a greater percentage of free space. If so, continue with the upgrade.
  19. Once the upgrade has completed, move the wim file back to the Recovery Partition and re-map the location:
    1. From the Command Prompt, type the following and press Enter:
      xcopy F:\Recovery\WindowsRE\winre.wim Y:\Recovery\WindowsRE\winre.wim /h
    2. Re-map to the original path. Type the following and press Enter:
      C:\Windows\System32\Reagentc /SetREImage /Path Y:\Recovery\WindowsRE /Target C:\Windows
  20. Go back to the Disk Management window. Press-and-hold or right-click the Recovery Partition, and select Change Drive Letter and Paths. Select Y: and choose Remove.



26 Октомври
Димитър, Димитрина, Митка, Митко, Митра, Митьо, Димо, Димчо, Димка, Димaнa

Честито на тези, които празнуват днес!
Димитър Михайлов Димитър Битолски Димитър Иванов Народно Читалище Димитър Данаилов 
Dimitre Gradinarov Dimitar Mitev Dimitar Lapatov Dimitar Atanasov Dimitar Avramov Dimiter Marinov Dimitar Beglikchiev Dimitar Kambourov Dimitar Koritarov Dimitar Minkov Dimitar Todorov Dimitre Milkov Dimo Drezgachev Dimo Kolev Dimo Necov Dimo Nikolov Dimo Sandev Mitko Yanev Mitko Stanchev 

Българската православна църква почита днес паметта на Св. Великомъченик Димитрий Мироточец - в разговорната реч празникът се нарича Димитровден. Народният култ към Св. Димитър го представя като по-голям брат-близнак на Св. Георги. Широко разпространена е поговорката "Св. Георги лято носи, а Св. Димитър - зима". Като предвестник на зимата и студа светецът се свързва със света на мъртвите. Затова около празника е една от най-големите Задушници.

В народния календар празникът на Св. Димитър бележи поврата в годишното време и началото на зимата. Според поверията в полунощ срещу празника на Св. Димитър небето се отваря, след което се очаква и първият сняг. Светецът се смята за покровител на зимата, студа и снега. На 26 октомври завършва традиционният период - от Гергьовден до Димитровден, за наетите сезонни работници - пастири и ратаи. Затова и празникът на Св. Димитър се нарича още Разпус. На Димитровден се е прието на трапезата да има ястия от птици и зеленчуци. 

Християнската история, счита че Св. Димитрий се е родил в трети век в Солун, където баща му е бил градоначалник. Той тайно е вярвал в Христа, но не смеел открито да изповядва вярата си, тъй като по онова време имало голямо и много свирепо гонение срещу християните. Една от стаите в дома си бил превърнал в молитвена, поставяйки иконите на Спасителя и на Св. Богородица. Когато Димитрий поотраснал и можел да разбира истината, родителите го въвели в молитвената стая и започнали да го учат на вярата в Господ Исус Христос. Повикали свещеник и кръстили Димитрий. След смъртта на родителите си Димитрий наследил голямо богатство. 

Св. Димитрий много пъти спасявал Солун от вражески нападения. Той бил почитан още от онези времена в Тракия и Македония. По-късно българи и гърци започнали разпалено да си оспорват "покровителството на небесния стратег Св. Димитрий от Солун". Заради славянския му произход от древни времена всички славянски народи честват светеца. Българи и сърби го почитат като патрон на цялото славянство. Предполага се, че светецът е бил проконсул на Солун и е загинал мъченически за Христовата вяра на 26 октомври 306 г.


Брадавиците изчезват само за 48 часа с тази лесна рецепта

Брадавиците изчезват само за 48 часа с тази лесна рецепта

Брадавиците са доброкачествени тумори, които възникват в резултат на въздействието на различни типове човешки папиломен вирус


Брадавиците често причиняват много дискомфорт или болка. Случва се да се появяват брадавици и върху лицето, а това не винаги е много приятно.
Искам да ви споделя моя начин да се справям с брадавиците, които ме мъчат от много време. Хубавото на тази рецепта е, че действа бързо, не е необходимо кой знае какво и може да се направи от всеки.
Аз лично я знам от моя колежка, която нямам представа как се е сдобила с нея.
Искам още в началото да кажа, че може да приложите това лечебно средство, само ако сте твърдо убедени, че става дума за брадавица. Идете на лекар и се уверете, че това не е тумор.
Освен това, този метод не е подходящ за брадавици, които са разположени в областта на лицето.

Как бързо да се отървете от брадавиците?


Ще имате нужда от две неща:
– лепенки от аптеката, за предпочитане водоустойчиви
– чесън
Какво се прави?
1. Изрежете малка дупка върху лепенката, която да е с размерите на брадавицата.
2. Сложете лепенката около брадавицата, така че да предпази кожата наоколо.
3. Намачкайте скилидката чесън и я сложете веднага върху брадавицата. покрийте с марля, която може да залепите отново с лепенка.
4. Не се държи цяла нощ този чесън. Достатъчно е да поседи и 2 часа.
Аз я правех тази процедура с чесъна два пъти на ден. След втория ден брадавицата става малка като размер, омеква и като я натъркам леко със сода, тя започва да изчезва.
Само при най-упоритите брадавици ми се е налагало да правя трета и четвърта процедура. Иначе брадавиците изчезват след втория ден. Малко неприятно мирише, но това не е проблем. Лесно може да махнете миризмата на чесън с малко лимонов сок. Просто натъркайте ръцете и бъдете спокойни.
Владислава Христева от София на 39 години

Win-клавишът от клавиатурата

Значи за това служело това копче на клавиатурата! А пък аз никога не го ползвам – добре че приятел ми отвори очите!

Малко хора знаят за какво служи  горещия клавиш Win  на клавиатурата. Но използването му може значително да облекчи ежедневната ви работа на компютъра . Вкомбинация с други клавиши Win прави чудеса! Запомнете тези комбинации и преминете към следващото ниво на използване на компютър …
Бутон за прозорци на вашата клавиатура
Win-клавишът от клавиатурата
извиква менюто „Старт“.
Win + B
комбинацията позволява да изберете желаната икона в системния панел. Също така ви позволява да превключвате между различни икони със стрелките на клавиатурата.
Win + D
Пряк път към работния плот (Desktop).
Win + E
Отваря Windows Explorer.
Win + F
Тази комбинация позволява да отворите менюто „Търси“ без помощта на компютърна мишка.
Win + L
Тази комбинация заключва компютъра.
Win + M
Ако желаете да затворите всички прозорци, възползвайте се от тази комбинация.
Win + P
Позволява ви да превключвате режима на работа на допълнителен монитор или проектор.
Win + R
Отваря диалоговия прозорец „Run“.
Win + T
Активира „Taskbar“.
Win + U
Отваря „Център за улеснен достъп.“
Win + X
В Windows 7, тази комбинация отваря центъра за мобилни приложения. В Windows 8 – менюто „Старт“.
Win + Pause
Отваря „Системни свойства“.
Win + F1
Тази комбинация се отваря „Помощния център“ в Windows.
Win + Ctrl + 1 + 2 + 3
Осигурява превключване между различни прозорци на една и съща програма.
Win + стрелка нагоре
Комбинацията от тези бутони ви позволява да разширите прозореца на цял екран.>
Възстановява и минимизира прозореца.
Win + дясна или лява стрелка
Мести прозореца вдясно или вляво на екрана.
Win + Shift + лява или дясна стрелка
Премества прозореца на друг монитор.
Win + Space
В Windows 7 тази комбинация дава възможност да преминете към „Desktop“. В Windows 8 – да превключвате между различните езици на клавиатурата.
Win + Key +
Тази ключова комбинация увеличава мащаба на екрана.
Бутон Win + –
Позволява ви да намалите мащаба.


Изненадващо, но работи! Дръжте ръката в тази позиция, за да отслабнете, или за да се отървете от хормонални нарушения

Има упражнения за ръката, или и за двете ръце, които носят здраве на цялото тяло – опитайте и ще се убедите сами


Изненадващо, но работи! Дръжте ръката в тази позиция, за да отслабнете, или за да се отървете от хормонални нарушения

Само е едно движение на ръката може да помогнете на цялото тяло. Май не ви се вярва, че чрез определено сгъване на пръстите може да отслабнете или да се отървете от главоболието… Без значение дали ще се доверите на този толкова древен и ефективен метод, той работи. Той работи и е точно толкова ефективен, колкото могат да бъдат ефективни леченията от източната медицина.


Днес ще ви запознаем с мудрите. Това са определени позиции на пръстите, който оказват влияние върху различни органи и системи.
Мудра е специална ориенталска практика, която допринася за правилното разпределение на позитивната енергия в най-добрите канали вътре в човешкото тяло. С други думи, това е специфична гимнастика, която ви позволява да управлявате енергията, действайки върху нея чрез енергийните канали на пръстите.

Днес ще се научите как се изпълняват някои основни мудри, които ще осигурят прилив на енергия и ще дадат жизненост на вашето тяло

Всяко упражнение трябва да се извършва ежедневно в продължение на 1 минута.
1. Сурия мудра
Тя помага на тези, които се опитват да се отърват от излишните килограми. Тази позиция на пръстите подобрява функционирането на стомашно-чревния тракт и помага за ускоряване на метаболизма. Чрез практикуването на тази мудра, след няколко дни ще се почувствате готови да се отървете от излишното тегло.
2. Притхви мудра
Тази позиция на пръстите на ръцете е много важна по време на студения сезон. Мудрата помага за защитата на организма срещу инфекции и укрепване на имунната система.
3. Вайю мудра
Такова състояние на пръстите на ръцете е полезно за тези, които са подложени на постоянен стрес. Мудрата подобрява кръвообращението и успокоява нервната система.
4. Шуня мудра
Медитация с кръстосани пръсти помага да се отървете от болката и умората. Най-добре е да се извърши тази мудра след тежък работен ден.
5. Варуна мудра
Извършете тази мудра за подобряване на баланса на течности в организма. Варуна Мудра също помага да се справите с хормоналните нарушения.

Не забравяйте да споделите тази статия с вашите близки и приятели в социалните мрежи, за да могат и те да се възползват от лечебната сила на мудрите.


The Dirty Underbelly of the Dairy Industry

By Dr. Mercola
I've written extensively about the differences between raw grass-fed milk and dairy from cows raised in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), explaining the many health and environmental benefits of the former and the risks associated with the latter.
Contrary to popular belief, pasteurized CAFO milk is NOT safer than raw milk from a healthy, grass-fed cow raised according to organic standards. Data shows that illnesses linked to raw milk are minimal, and far lower than those from pasteurized CAFO milk.
The reason for this has to do with the abnormal diet fed to CAFO cows. Grass is a cow's natural food. Corn (nearly always GMO) and other grains, which are routinely fed to CAFO livestock, are not.
When cows eat grains, their body composition is altered and so is their milk, resulting in an inferior nutritional profile. Pasteurization also destroys many valuable nutrients — many of which have notable benefits for your digestion and immune function.1
Interestingly, cows, like humans, fed a high-grain diet will die prematurely. Many times a grain-fed cow's life expectancy will be decreased by more than 50 percent. This is not typically an issue however, as the animals are sacrificed long before that time.

Pasteurized CAFO Dairy Far More Likely to Cause Disease Than Raw Milk

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) frequently cites raw milk as a leading cause of foodborne illness outbreaks and deaths. However, if you look at the actual data, you will not find ANY deaths linked to raw milk in the U.S.
You can get the whole story in my previous article, "How the CDC Transformed 21 Raw Milk Illnesses Into 20,000." In the U.K., not a single case of illness from drinking raw milk has been reported since 2002.
Meanwhile, just last year, ice cream from Blue Bell Creamery — the third-largest ice cream maker in the U.S. — sickened 10 people with listeria; three died as a result. The price for causing three deaths? A mere $175,000 fine.
Raw dairy farmers have been put out of business for mere suspicion of contamination. Even in the absence of a complaint of contamination, farmers and consumers are often harassed over the buying and selling of raw milk.
Such is the case in Harris County, Texas, where the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance and raw milk consumers claim they're being threatened by public health officials even though they're not doing anything illegal. As reported by
"Raids have taken place at raw milk drop points to stop consumers from picking up raw milk. The raw milk consumers and producers are in fear of being shut down or fined by authorities.
'Generally, when the health department has a concern about a business, they will talk to that business and they will go through the concerns.
What's been happening is that they have been showing up in Katy with the sheriff's deputies and in Austin they showed up with the police,' said Judith McGeary, executive director of Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance. 'This isn't how food inspections are handled typically. It is very out of line.'"
Clearly, the attack on raw milk is aimed at controlling the dairy industry, NOT to save you from yourself, should you be convinced that raw milk is a healthy food and choose to go out of your way to obtain and drink it!

Ongoing Listeria Contamination Found at Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream

In 2013, Chobani Greek yogurt was recalled following reports of gastrointestinal illness. The yogurt, which is pasteurized and not raw, was found to be contaminated with a fungus called Murcor circinelloides.
Listeria bacteria was also recently found in Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams' Columbus, Ohio, facility, prompting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue a warning letter to the company.
The same strain of listeria was found in samples collected in April 2015, suggesting the company is struggling with an ongoing contamination problem.
As a rule, CAFOs are hotbeds for disease-causing bacteria that can easily end up in the final product, be it milk, cheese, yogurt or ice cream. Pasteurization is thought to kill off all of these bacteria, but reality tells a different story. Part of the problem is the sheer volume of food being processed.
All you need is for one portion of the processing plant to be contaminated in order for massive amounts of food to be contaminated — and it doesn't matter if it's been pasteurized or not. In the case of Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream, the source of the 2015 contamination was traced to a contaminated spout on one of its machines.
CAFOs also promote antibiotic-resistant disease that kills an estimated 23,000 Americans each year, courtesy of the routine use of antibiotics to keep livestock healthy enough while crammed together in unsanitary conditions.
But there's yet another major difference between organic grass-fed dairy farming and CAFOs, and it has to do with the amount of pesticides used on cattle feed. Not only does it contribute to environmental devastation, but the end product may also contain herbicide residues that could affect your health. 

Use of Agricultural Chemicals Has Skyrocketed

Pesticide-producing giants like Monsanto, Dow and Syngenta promised their genetically engineered (GE) seeds (also referred to as genetically modified organisms or GMO) would allow farmers to reduce the amount of toxic chemicals used on their crops, leading to a greener, more environmentally-friendly agriculture.
The idea that chemical technology companies would act against their own self-interests by selling seeds requiring less of the chemicals that are the backbone of their profit centers should have been identified as a lie from the start, but many bought the sales pitch hook, line and sinker.
Today, with data showing the truth in black and white, it is high time everyone realizes that GE crops DRIVE the ever-increasing use of toxic chemicals on our food supply, making not only our food but also our soil and water more toxic — a fact that, ultimately, has serious ramifications for human health and all other life on Earth.
According to a recent report by the organic advocacy group Regeneration Vermont, use of herbicides and synthetic fertilizers on Vermont dairy farms nearly DOUBLED between 2002 and 2012.
In 2002, Vermont farmers used 1.54 pounds of herbicide per acre. In 2012, they used an average of 3.01 pounds per acre.

Atrazine Dominates on Vermont Dairy Farms

One of the most commonly used weed killers on Vermont dairy farms is Syngenta's Lumax, the active ingredients of which are atrazine and metolachlor.
According to the report, as much as 80 percent of all the herbicides used in the state are atrazine-based. I recently wrote about the serious health hazards associated with atrazine, which include:
  • Estrogen overproduction, which can contribute to the feminizing of males, reproductive problems and estrogen-sensitive cancers like breast cancer
  • Ovarian cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, hairy-cell leukemia and thyroid cancer
  • Birth defects, including abdominal defects such as gastroschisis, in which the baby's intestines stick outside of the baby's body
Atrazine also causes serious reproductive harm to amphibians, fish, birds and mammals, and has been shown to depress immune function in wildlife and laboratory rodents.

Herbicides May Pose Serious Threat to Our Children

While atrazine is the most commonly found herbicide contaminant in the U.S. water supply, many other weed killers are also associated with water contamination and pose very similar health risks. As reported by
"Seven of the active ingredients in use — atrazine, simazine, acetachlor, alachlor, metolachlor, pendimethalin and glyphsate — have been linked to birth defects, developmental defects and contaminated drinking water … Five of the chemicals have been banned by the European Union."
On June 6, 2016, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a new risk assessment for atrazine,concluding the herbicide cannot be used safely even at lower concentrations.It is currently up for public comment and is not expected to be finalized until 2017, but it may well lead to tighter regulatory limits and possibly even an eventual ban, based on the level of concern found.
The report, "Vermont's GMO Legacy: Pesticides, Polluted Water and Climate Destruction," notes that the use of nitrogen fertilizer in Vermont has nearly doubled as well, rising from 8.9 million pounds in 2002 to 16.5 million pounds in 2012, applied to a total of about 92,000 acres of farmland.

Impact of GE-Fed Dairy Cows

While there are many problems with CAFOs, the use of GE feed makes everything worse. As noted by Will Allen, one of the founders of Regeneration Vermont and author of the report, "There is no reason to use GMO corn." Indeed, dairy farmers could opt for conventional corn or, even better, organic.
The cows would still suffer health problems since corn is not a natural food for them, but at least this would reduce (or eliminate in the case of organic corn) the amount of toxic herbicides contaminating the environment and ending up in the milk supply. Allen points out that the dramatic increase in herbicides, combined with GE seeds that are pre-treated with pesticides against pests that aren't even a problem, is really irresponsible.
"Allen also criticizes what he describes as the state's hypocritical stance on GMO labeling," writes."While state politicians have defended Vermont's GMO food labeling law against attacks … they have done little to effect policy that would help dairy farmers shift to organic methods ...
Vermont's GMO labeling law has left a false impression that it 'solved' the GMO problem in the state. 'Nothing could be further from the truth,' Allen writes. 'While we are forcing the labeling of Cheetos and Spaghettios, the state turns a blind eye to GMO corn used to feed cows that produce milk for Agri-Mark and Ben & Jerry's. GMOs are about more than a (consumer's) right to know. It's also about the GMO impact on the environment and the monopolization of the food supply."

Dairy Advertising Versus Reality

A recent commentary written by Allen and Regeneration Vermont co-founders Michael Colby and Kate Duesterberg focuses on the false front the CAFO dairy industry presents to the public:
"The great divide between the well-marketed image of Vermont dairy farming and its stark and toxic realities is becoming harder and harder to ignore. The marketing shows healthy cows grazing on lush pastures. But the reality is cows on concrete, being fed a diet of GMO-corn and the toxic residues from the hundreds of thousands of pounds of herbicides sprayed annually on the corn and hay fields …
Regeneration Vermont is in the process of trying to wake up consumers, the corporate dairy suppliers and the regulators that these dangerous toxins are probably in our milk, ice cream, cheese, butter and yogurt, and are definitely in our drinking and recreational waters. We believe that, in order to truly protect the Vermont brand by putting some reality behind it, an immediate transition to regenerative organic dairying needs to be fast-tracked."
More than 200 (about 20 percent) of the dairy farms in Vermont have already made the transition to organic farming. This is a good start, but hundreds more need to follow suit. Also, these problems are hardly restricted to Vermont. Dairy farms across the U.S. are contributing to the destruction of our environment and human health.

Organic Farming Pays

Nationwide there are about 2,200 organic dairy farms, most of which have fewer than 200 cows. The "get big or get out" mentality has reduced the number of dairy farms in the U.S. by 60 percent over the past two decades. Despite that decline, the total milk production has increased by one-third — a feat attributed to CAFOs, which often house more than 15,000 cows and often use drugs to promote abnormal increases in milk production.
At that scale, you simply cannot raise cows according to organic, grass-fed standards. However, family dairy farms that decide to go organic often end up profiting. As reported by Epoch Times:
"The pricing of organic milk is separate from the conventional milk market … [O]rganic prices have so far offered much greater stability … Organic Valley is the largest organic dairy cooperative in the country by far, with 1,800 family farm members. The price Organic Valley farmers earn includes a good profit …
The Buck family [in Goodhue, Minnesota] used to farm conventionally, but made the transition to organic in order to avoid spraying chemicals on the farm … [Ruth Buck] explained that the farm has the right number of cows (120) for the land (100 acres). 'Everything balances out, and you don't need to push the cows,' she said."
According to Darin Von Ruden, an organic dairy farmer and president of the Wisconsin Farmers Union, organic dairy farmers typically have a profit margin of 5 to 10 percent when first starting out. Once established, they can make anywhere from 15 to 20 percent profit.
This is in stark contrast to conventional farms, which typically have a profit margin of 1 or 2 percent; a particularly good year might yield a 7 to 8 percent profit margin. The reason CAFOs are still so profitable is their sheer scale. But as just discussed, all this cheap milk comes at a terrible price.

Organic Watchdog Group Calls for Organic Merger Block

Many well-known organic brands are actually owned by multinational junk food purveyors — many of which have lobbied to prevent GMO labeling and otherwise fought against cleaner, safer food systems. Most recently, the French dairy company Groupe Danone announced it may acquire WhiteWave Foods at a price tag of about $10 billion.
If this deal goes through, Danone-owned Stonyfield would merge with the Wallaby yogurt brand. Danone would also end up controlling Horizon, the largest organic milk brand in the U.S. As noted by The Cornucopia Institute, this merger is a cause for great concern — so much so, Cornucopia is calling for the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to block the merger.
There's already little competition in the organic dairy market, and this merger could easily result in price fixing and other problems associated with monopolization. As noted by Cornucopia:

Can Raw Milk Help Prevent Asthma?

As a result of the animals' diet and standard of living (being outdoors, exposed to natural sunlight, free to roam at will without the stressors of confinement and crowding etc.), high-quality raw milk has many health benefits that pasteurized milk lacks. For example, grass-fed raw milk contains:
  • Healthy bacteria that are good for your gastrointestinal (GI) tract
  • More than 60 digestive enzymes, growth factors and immunoglobulins (antibodies)
  • Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
  • Beneficial raw fats, amino acids and proteins in a highly bioavailable form, all 100 percent digestible
  • Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K in highly bioavailable forms, and a very balanced blend of minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron), the absorption of which is enhanced by live lactobacilli
Research has shown raw milk exposure in early childhood increases the number of regulatory T-cells (Treg cells; immunosuppressive cells that modulate your immune system), resulting in a lower risk for asthma and allergies. According to the authors:
"Farm milk exposure was associated with increased Treg cell numbers on stimulation in 4.5-year-old children and might induce a regulatory phenotype early in life, potentially contributing to a protective effect for the development of childhood allergic diseases."
In another study,21 published last year, nearly 1,000 infants from rural areas in Austria, Finland, France, Germany and Switzerland were followed for the first year of life. Their consumption of different types of cow's milk was analyzed, along with rates of common respiratory infections. Children who drank raw milk had a 30 percent lower risk of respiratory infections and fever compared to those who did not drink raw milk.
Milk that was boiled at the farm had a diminished protective effect, and milk that was ultra-pasteurized, which is heated to about 135 degrees Celsius (275 degrees Fahrenheit) for a few seconds, showed no protective effect, likely because the protective compounds are killed or otherwise damaged by the heat.
Kids who drank fresh, raw milk also had significantly lower incidence of head colds and middle-ear inflammation compared to those who drank ultra-pasteurized milk. The researchers concluded that the public health impact of minimally processed raw milk might be "enormous, given the high prevalence of respiratory infections in the first year of life and the associated direct and indirect costs."

SAD NEWS: House Passes DARK Act Compromise

The House passed a compromise to the DARK Act that will force food distributors to disclose the presence of genetically engineered (GE) ingredients with a smartphone scan code. President Obama has signed the bill that removes states’ rights for labeling GMOs. The bill is full of loopholes, which may allow genetically modified ingredients to slip through unannounced.
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), aka GE foods, are live organisms whose genetic components have been artificially manipulated in a laboratory setting through creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacteria and even viral genes that do not occur in nature or through traditional crossbreeding methods.
GMO proponents claim that genetic engineering is “safe and beneficial,” and that it advances the agricultural industry. They also say that GMOs help ensure the global food supply and sustainability. But is there any truth to these claims? I believe not. For years, I’ve stated the belief that GMOs pose one of the greatest threats to life on the planet. Genetic engineering is NOT the safe and beneficial technology that it is touted to be.
The FDA cleared the way for GE Atlantic salmon to be farmed for human consumption. Thanks to added language in the federal spending bill, the product will require special labeling so at least consumers will have the ability to identify the GE salmon in stores. However, it's imperative ALL GE foods be labeled clearly without a smartphone scan code because not everyone owns a smartphone.
The FDA is threatening the existence of our food supply. We have to start taking action now. I urge you to share this article with friends and family. If we act together, we can make a difference and put an end to the absurdity.

Boycott Smart Labels Today

When you see the QR code or so-called Smart Label on a food product, pass it by. Products bearing the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association’s (GMA) Smart Label mark are in all likelihood filled with pesticides and/or GMO ingredients.
The GMA’s 300-plus members include chemical technology companies, GE seed and food and beverage companies. Monsanto, Dow and Coca-Cola are just some of the heavy-hitters in this powerful industry group, which has showed no qualms about doing whatever it takes to protect the interest of its members.
Don’t waste your time searching through their website, which may or may not contain the information you’re looking for. If they insist on wasting your time and making your shopping difficult, why reward them with a purchase?
A little known fact is that the GMA actually owns the "Smart Label" trademark that Congress has accepted as a so-called “compromise” to on-package GMO labeling, and that’s another reason why I believe the Smart Label mark is the mark of those with something to hide, such as Monsanto.
Will you financially support a corrupt, toxic and unsustainable food system, or a healthy, regenerative one? There are many options available besides big-brand processed foods that are part of the “GMA’s verified ring of deception.” You can:
  • Shop at local farms and farmers markets
  • Only buy products marked either “USDA 100 percent Organic” (which by law cannot contain GMOs), “100 percent Grass-Fed” or “Non-GMO Verified”
  • If you have a smartphone and you don’t mind using it, download the OCA’s Buycott app to quickly and easily identify the thousands of proprietary brands belonging to GMA members, so you can avoid them, as well as identify the names of ethical brands that deserve your patronage
Last but not least, encourage good companies to reject QR codes and to be transparent and clear with their labeling. This will eventually ensure that all GMO foods can easily be identified by the GMA’s “verified ring of deception” mark that is the Smart Label.
Campbell’s, Mars, Kellogg’s, ConAgra and General Mills all vowed to voluntarily comply with Vermont's GMO labeling law by labeling all of their foods sold across the U.S. Will their plans change now that the law has been passed by Congress and signed by the President? That remains to be seen, but if you like these companies, I would encourage you to reach out to them and ask them to remain steadfast in their promise.

Spoon of This Miracle Plant to Prevent Dementia

  Spoon of This Miracle Plant to Prevent Dementia Did you know that mint, a simple yet powerful herb, can help protect your brain and potent...