

Гулията - съкровище в земята

Гулията - съкровище в земята

Земната ябълка (Helianthus tuberosus L.), още наричана гулия, топинамбур или йерусалимски артишок, принадлежи към семейство Сложноцветни (Asteraceae, ост. Compositae), сред чиито много разпространени представители са още слънчогледът, маргаритката, лайката, белият равнец, еделвайсът и други добре познати в България растителни видове.

Така нареченият Топинамбур (счита се, че името му произлиза от бразилското индианско племе Тупинамба), съвсем близък роднина на слънчогледа, произхожда от Северна Америка и е известен като култура от много столетия насам. В началото на 17 в. френски мореплаватели донасят растението в Европа, като през 18 век, с появата на картофа, то бива позабравено. С течение на времето обаче, благодарение на лечебните, хранителните и вкусовите си характеристики, земната ябълка отново намира своето място в кулинарната карта на Стария континент. 

Земната ябълка може да бъде консумирана сурова, варена или печена. Грудките й растат до края на месец ноември, като след това е добре да се изчака, преди да бъдат събрани, за да могат ценните вещества от горната част на растението да преминат и в грудката му. Грудките (клубени) могат да бъдат събирани и през пролетта, тъй като презимуването не вреди на хранителния им състав – истински букет от витамини, протеини, захари, минерали. Едно от големите предимствата на тази култура е и фактът, че тя е в състояние да оцелява в най-различни екстремни климатични условия. Топинамбурът цъфти през лятото, като в много градини се използва и като декоративно растение заради красивите си жълти цветове.

В България гулията не е много разпространена като масово култивирано растение, въпреки че издържа при всякакви условия и ползите от нея са наистина големи. В днешно време обаче хората все по-често се обръщат към това позабравено, заровено в земята, съкровище.
Какво съдържа?

Полезните свойства на земната ябълка са обусловени, както от разнообразните вещества в нея, така и от високото съдържание на инулин в растението. 

Инулинът е уникален природен полизахарид, състоящ се от 95% фруктоза. Инулинът в земната ябълка действа като пребиотик – стимулира растежа на полезните бактерии в чревната флора. Той също така спомага за усвояването на калция в организма, намалява триглицеридите и холестерола, както и препятства растежа на различни видове рак.

Освен инулин, в топинамбура се съдържат и много други полезни биологично активни съединения: фибри, желязо, силиций, цинк, магнезий, калий, фосфор, калций, витамините B и C, пектин, органични киселини и аминокиселини. 

Благодарение на въглехидратния си състав, много подобен на този на меда, земната ябълка е съчетание от ниска калоричност и много добра усвояемост от организма.

В 100 грама сурова земна ябълка има 73 калории. В същото количество се съдържат 17.4 г въглехидрати, 1.6 г. диетични фибри и следните вещества: Полезни свойства

Консумацията на земна ябълка регулира кръвното налягане и действа благоприятно на храносмилателната система. Топнамбурът е много подходящо средство за повишаване на имунната система при инфекции и отслабен организъм. Тъй като инулинът в земната ябълка способства усвояването на калция и магнезия, с които бива приет, растението се препоръчва и като превантивна мярка срещу остеопороза.

Земната ябълка е много разпространена като средство за понижаване на нивата на кръвната захар и намаляване на необходимите инсулинови дози при хора, страдащи от диабет тип I. За разлика от картофите, при които нишестето се разгражда до глюкоза и така повишава кръвната захар, инулинът в земната ябълка се разгражда до фруктоза и по начин не повлиява драстично нивата на кръвна захар. 

Не на последно място грудките на земната ябълка могат да послужат като средство за пречистване на кръвта и са полезни за черния дроб и бъбреците. Растението е в състояние да изведе от организма различни замърсявания и тежки метали.

Unlock Code For Samsung Galaxy Note 3, S3, S2 and S4 Leaked

Unlock Code For Samsung Galaxy Note 3, S3, S2 and S4 Leaked

There is good news for those who are holding a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 or perhaps the Samsung Galaxy S4 as we have heard about a code that will unlock your handset so that you can use it with any provider.One of the best things about a locked device is that it is cheaper to buy when you take it out with a contract. The downside is that if you want to take the handset to a different carrier then you have to unlock the handset.
If you have a device that is locked you can unlock it by following the steps below.
One: Insert a new SIM card into your Galaxy Note 2 or Galaxy S4.
Two: Turn off your device then turn it back on again.
Three: Head to the dialpad and enter in *#197328640#.
Four: Choose [1] UMTS > [1] Debug Screen > [8] Phone Control > [6] Network Lock > Options [3] Perso SHA256 OFF.
Five: Wait for 30 seconds or so before heading back into the main menu by choosing “back”.
Six: In your main menu, you’ll see “Network Lock”, so now choose [4] NW Lock NV Data INITIALLIZ
The code is said to work with many Samsung handsets, so give it a try. Of course we have no idea how long it will last now it’s been leaked.


Health Benefits of Lychee

Health Benefits of Lychee

The Lychee is actually an uncommon sub exotic fruit beginning in South China the location where the lychee is extremely important within their culture and is also well known as “the King of Fruits”.
The lychee fruit is all about 1½ to 2 inches in dimensions, oblong to rounded heart shaped as well as the rough skin is red in color. As soon as you peel off the skin off, the sharp succulent flesh of the lychee fruit is whitened or even pinkish, clear and also lustrous just like the reliability of the grape, however the flavor is more gratifying. Lychees have got a sub acid sweet flavor and also have a fantastic freshness to them which is difficult to explain. Lychee fruit has lots of the anti-oxidant Vitamin C as well as the important mineral Potassium.
Health Benefits of eating Lychee
Lychee is really a succulent fresh fruit within the soapberry family. It’s really a exotic fruit tree, broadly seen in southern China, southern Taiwan, northern Vietnam, Indonesia as well as the Philippines. India also offers lychee like a in season summer time fruit. The fruit develops on an evergreen tree, along with pinnate leaves. It’s really a drupe, outwardly protected by a pink-red rough textured skin, effortlessly extractible. Lychee consists of fairly sweet layered white-colored flesh, covering a brown colored seed. The flavor relatively is similar to that of grapes and is particularly very delicious. In addition to its fairly sweet as well as tangy taste, Lychee has substantial health advantages.
1. Oligonol:
Oligonol, a trademarked ingredient from lychee fruit, would be the world’s very first industrially created low molecular weight polyphenol and it has been scientifically proven to have got exceptional bioavailability as well as effectiveness.
Oligonol is surely a shortened title produced from “Oligomer Polyphenol”. Oligomer usually is the term for a polymer which has a relatively reduced molecular weight (monomer, dimer as well as trimer).
Scientific testing on people have demonstrated that Oligonol decreases deep fat, raises side-line blood circulation, decreases post-exercise exhaustion, raises stamina as well as reduces facial lines as well as brown spots.
2. Prevents growth of cancer cells:
Cancer is actually a problem in which irregular cells separate without control or even are not able to die as an element of an ordinary cell’s lifecycle. Cancer cells may also invade close by tissues and may distribute throughout the blood stream as well as the lymphatic system to many other areas of the body.
Lychees is actually Natural Cancer Treatment, it helps prevent the development of cancer cells as retain the flavones quercetin as well as kaempferol as effective substances in cutting the expansion of cancer cells. It helps prevent the Breast as well as cancer of the prostate.
Lychees consist of a lot more Beta-carotene as compared to carrots. The anti-oxidant combat against most cancers.
3. Lowers risk of heart disease:
The heart would be the center of the cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular disease is definitely an umbrella term for just about any kind of condition which has an effect on the heart. Cardiovascular disease signifies just like cardiac illness although not coronary disease. Coronary disease is the term for problems of the blood vessels as well as heart, whilst cardiovascular disease is the term for only the heart.
The Journal of Nutrition found that lychee fruit has got the second-highest degree of polyphenols, which usually promoted heart health, of all fruits examined. Lychees have got nearly 15% a lot more polyphenols as compared to grapes (which are generally regarded as the key method of obtaining polyphenols).
Oligonol(R) also has proven enhanced cardio performance. Lychees consist of a lot more Beta-carotene when compared with carrots. The anti-oxidant offers numerous health advantages, which includes improving immunity, slowing down the advancement of cataracts, as well as blocking cardiovascular disease as well as most cancers.
4. Fight colds and sore throat and boost up the immune system:
The defense mechanism safeguards the body from perhaps dangerous ingredients simply by realizing as well as responding to antigens. Antigens are usually ingredients (generally healthy proteins) on the surface of cells, viruses, fungi, or even bacteria. Nonliving ingredients just like harmful toxins, chemical substances, drugs, as well as unusual contaminants (say for example a splinter) may also be antigens. The defense mechanism acknowledges as well as damages ingredients which contain antigens.
If our immune system is vulnerable then we have problems with the various types of illnesses just like cold flu, a sore throat and so on.
The fruit is really an abundant method of obtaining vitamin C. It includes 40 % a lot more vitamin C as compared to orange juice. A 100 gram offering supplies about 70 mg, or even 117 % of the suggested every day worth. Foods full of vitamin C assist to increase the human body’s immunity. They assist the body to build up a greater resistance to bacterial infections. Frequent usage of lychee fruit can easily avoid regular common colds, flu virus as well as a sore throat. It may also help to ease inflammation and pain.
5. Helps with Weight loss:
Reducing your weight consists of consuming balanced and healthy diet as well as doing exercises. Consuming a number of fruits is effective for the entire body. Fruits supply the important vitamins which the body requires. There are numerous fruits which can be consumed to help you shed weight. Consuming fruits which contain a great deal of water will fill up your stomach, decreasing the requirement for higher calorie food.
Lychee fruits are generally lower in calories, consists of no saturated fats or even cholesterol levels, yet full of soluble fiber which usually, can be quite essential for people who are worried about their excessive bodyweight.
Oligonol, a minimal molecular weight polyphenol discovered generously within lychee fruit. Oligonol has been discovered to have a number of Anti-oxidant, Anti-influenza virus actions. Additionally, it will help enhance blood circulation within organs, shed extra pounds.
6. Good for gastrointestinal health
The digestive or even gastrointestinal intestinal system, which is also referred to as gut, is essential for a lot of causes. Difficulties with it might result not just in one of the numerous digestive system problems, but in addition to health problems in almost any system of the entire body, just like the central nervous system or even the defense mechanisms. The reasons just for this can become obvious as we discover the digestive system.
The seed contained in this particular fresh fruit is astringent and is also utilized for intestinal tract problems and also to be free from the body of intestinal worms. Differing parts of the lychee tree will also be recommended for slight Diarrhea, gastralgia as well as stomach ulcers. Lychee flesh is recognized as an excellent antacid. It really is utilized to deal with Higher acidity, nausea as well as dyspepsia.
7. Acts as an Aphrodisiac:
Aphrodisiacs assist to increase or even stimulate sexual interest. Although there’s no definitive medical proof assisting aphrodisiac qualities, numerous cultural traditions assume that particular foods, just like fruits, can easily improve as well as excite your sexual hunger. Thankfully, fruits may also be good for your overall health and may even dually enhance your sex life along with your well-being.
Lychee includes a long-standing custom in Chinese culture just as one aphrodisiac, in accordance with Nick Ray within his book “Cambodia.” Lychee is usually pressed in a sweet-tasting wine to obtain its sexual improvement capabilities, Ray states. These types of unusual fruits look like oversize chestnuts which has a milky, gentle interior which has a demure sweet taste. Although there’s no conclusive substance within lychee which could be the cause of its aphrodisiac status, it features an abundant quantity of vitamin C, potassium as well as copper favorable to the healthy body.
8. High in copper and potassium:
Lychee also includes an excellent quantity of minerals just like potassium as well as copper. Potassium is a crucial element of cell and the entire body fluids help manage heart rate as well as Blood pressure level; therefore provides safety from Heart stroke as well as Coronary Heart Diseases. Copper is needed in the manufacture of red blood cells
9. Cures Constipation:
Typically, the colon soaks up extreme water through food throughout digestion. Whenever food moves too gradually, the colon soaks up too much water, leading to difficult, dry stool as well as bowel problems.
In young kids, bowel problems might result from becoming scared or even not wanting to make use of the toilet, or even slowing down a bowel movement as soon as the desire is felt, which could in addition appear in grown-ups.
Simply because Lychees consist of soluble fiber, they are able to assist with digestion and stop bowel problems. Moreover, they assist in keeping the stomach free from toxic compounds and may in addition help clean the colon.
10. Prevents anemia:
As soon as the quantity of red blood cells or even levels of hemoglobin are lower an individual is believed to have Anemia. Hemoglobin is usually a necessary protein (metalloprotein) within the red blood cells which contains iron as well as transports oxygen.
Anemia is regarded as the typical problem of the blood. It really is a lot more frequent in developing countries, particularly in very poor locations where individuals have problems with lack of nutrition. In several areas of Africa serious anemia is additionally brought on by Malaria.
Lychees are definitely the abundant supply of copper that is significantly required for the development os RBC (Red Blood Cells).
11. Helps fight stress:
Stress is usually a sensation which is produced whenever we respond to specific occasions. It is the human body’s method of increasing to the problem as well as getting ready to fulfill a difficult scenario with concentration, power, endurance, as well as increased alertness.
The events which induce tension are known as stressors, plus they include a whole selection of circumstances – anything from downright physical danger to make a class presentation or even getting a semester’s price of your most difficult subject.
The B group of vitamins is just not generally present in fruits. A single serving of lychee can easily provide an abundant supply of vitamin B6, one of the so-called anti-stress nutritional vitamins.
12. Maintain healthy bones:
Bone is definitely the thick, semi rigid, permeable, calcified connective tissue developing the main area of the skeleton on most vertebrates. It includes a lustrous natural matrix as well as an inorganic, mineral component. It really is mortal. It will be the promoter of the entire body.
Litchi can also be a wealthy source of phosphorus as well as magnesium which will help to support powerful bones, as well as the trace minerals copper as well as manganese.
Lychee is probably the very few fruits abundant with copper. Along with zinc , copper boosts the effectiveness of Vitamin D, which usually increases the assimilation of calcium.


Super Spices That Pritect Your Body

Super Spices That Pritect Your Body

1. Basil - Basil is a very effective anti-inflammatory herb with extraordinary healing benefits that work for arthritis, allergies, and inflammatory bowel conditions, to name a just a few. In addition, basil helps kill harmful bacteria that cause food poisoning including: Listeria, Staph, and E. coli O:157:H7.
Basil is also an excellent source of beta carotene, a powerful antioxidant that prevents free radical damage. Free radical damage is the primary cause of heart disease, cancer, and many other serious health conditions, as well as aging. Because of its dark green color, it is an excellent source of vitamin K, calcium and magnesium, which is good for the bones. It is also a great source of iron, manganese, vitamin C and potassium. Use both fresh basil and dried basil generously in your foods to maximize it's benefits.
2. Cinnamon - This ancient spice has one of the highest antioxidant levels of any spice.
Cinnamon is highly effective at helping to stabilize blood sugar levels, making it very effective for those with diabetes (type 1 and type 2). In one study of people with type 2 diabetes, just two teaspoons a day reduced blood sugar as much as 20-30%, as well as lowering LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Cinnamon also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, and helps relieve pain and stiffness in muscles and joints, including arthritis. Cinnamon has a positive effect on brain function, and smelling cinnamon, or chewing cinnamon flavored gum, can possibly help improve memory and attention. Cinnamon also reduces inflammation in blood vessels that leads to atherosclerosis and heart disease, as well as having antifungal and antibacterial properties.
You can read another article we have here about how cinnamon can even help control belly fat in an indirect way.
Try cinnamon in your smoothies, yogurt, healthy baking recipes, oatmeal, mixed with berries, or as a healthy addition in your coffee or tea.
3. Cayenne - This hot spice not only heats up your dishes, it heats up your body and raises your metabolism, helping you burn fat faster. And an interesting research study showed that when a person consumed an appetizer with red pepper flakes, they ate 15% less food. And for those of you who avoid cayenne because you think it bothers your stomach, cayenne pepper is actually healing to stomach tissues, it stimulates digestive enzymes, and helps prevent stomach ulcers.
Cayenne reduces LDL blood cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and decreases the formation of harmful blood clots, all of which prevent heart attacks and strokes. And, cayenne is a very effective anti-inflammatory and pain remedy for everything from headaches to arthritis and sore muscles, as well as clearing nasal congestion and boosting immunity.
Try cayenne in your morning eggs, in soups, stews, chili, or meatloaf for a little metabolism boosting spice!
4. Cloves - Cloves have a unique sweet and spicy flavor, but also contain powerful natural medicine. Cloves have strong antiseptic and germicidal ingredients that help fight infections, relieve digestive problems, and arthritis pain. One of cloves’ best known uses is its ability to relieve tooth and gum pain. Cloves have been measured as having THE highest antioxidant level (ORAC value) of all spices and herbs.
The oil in cloves kills bacteria and is very effective when applied to scrapes, cuts, fungal infections, itchy rashes, bites, burns, or bruises. Cloves also help digestive problems like gas, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, and eliminate harmful parasites, bacteria and fungus in the digestive system. And the smell of cloves helps to encourage mental creativity too.
Cloves can be a great healthy addition to hot teas.
5. Cumin - Cumin is another spice that is especially high in antioxidants, but cumin is known for being especially good for digestion. It stimulates the gallbladder and pancreas to secrete enzymes and bile that break down food into usable nutrients your body can use. Cumin also helps detoxify the body, and is highly effective for respiratory disorders like asthma and bronchitis.
Cumin, like cinnamon, helps keep blood sugar levels stable, which means cumin is great for diabetics or pre-diabetics, and it means less chance of weight gain and excess body fat. Cumin has been proven to work as well as some commonly used diabetic drugs at regulating insulin and glycogen. Cumin is also a very good source of iron, vitamin C and vitamin A, which benefit the immune system.
Cumin goes great in chili!
6. Turmeric - Turmeric’s yellow-orange pigment, curcumin, is the main active ingredient in this super spice. Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory benefits are actually comparable to drugs like hydrocortisone and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicines like Advil and Motrin. But, unlike the drugs, curcumin is not toxic at all.
Curcumin is more effective slowing down the development of Alzheimer’s disease than many medications, because it decreases inflammation and oxidation in the brain. This spice also speeds up the recovery time from strokes as well. Turmeric and its active ingredient, curcumin, are also highly effective against diseases like irritable bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s, and arthritis. Turmeric also improves liver function, lowers homocysteine and prevents heart disease.
Most importantly, turmeric is one of the most potent anti-cancer spices that helps protect you. Turmeric and it's derivatives are currently being studied in alternative cancer treatments.
Try this trick: Using black pepper along with turmeric (I use this combo in my eggs every morning) helps to increase the absorption of turmeric's curcumin in the body. We also have a full article on the super health benefits of turmeric here.
7. Rosemary - Rosemary contains active ingredients that are potent antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory agents. Rosemary has long been known to improve concentration, boost memory, and lift depression. Rosemary also strengthens the immune system, improves circulation, stimulates digestion, and fights cancer, as well.
Rosemary is highly effective for respiratory problems including asthma, chest congestion, and respiratory infections. While rosemary adds a delicious savory flavor to meat dishes, it also helps digestion by stimulating the gallbladder to release bile as well. Rosemary will protect your body against harmful carcinogenic toxins and prevents colon cancer, stomach, breast, and lung cancer.
Fun fact: If you're going to grill meats, marinating meats for hours beforehand in liquid mixtures that contain rosemary and other herbs/spices can dramatically help to reduce HCA's (heterocyclic amines), which are carcinogenic compounds that can form when meats are grilled. So using rosemary, thyme, garlic, oregano and other spices in a meat marinade before grilling meats can drastically reduce any carcinogens that normally would form on grilled meat.
The antioxidants in rosemary and thyme from a marinade were specifically cited in studies at being powerful inhibitors of HCA formation when grilling meats. But it was also noted that other spices such as garlic, oregano, and others can help to prevent HCA formation as well, so I suggest using a variety, which tastes great anyway!
One more important point about grilling meat: Remember that the more well-done a meat is cooked, the higher concentration of carcinogenic HCA's can form, so rare, medium-rare, or medium are healthier choices than well-done. I've never understood why anybody would want to ruin a good steak by burning it to oblivion anyway. But hey, if you're one of those folks that likes your steaks well-done, just remember that you're eating a lot more carcinogens than a steak that's cooked less, so make sure to load up on your antioxidants (spices, teas, berries, etc) to help combat those extra carcinogens.
Washing down your barbequed meal with a glass of unsweetened iced tea (rich in antioxidants) and also a good salad with lots of raw veggies can provide the antioxidants needed to counteract the effect of HCAs in your body from grilled meat.
By the way, even charring vegetables on the grill creates different carcinogens such as acrylamides, so don't think that the negative effect of charring only applies to meats.
8. Ginger - Ginger is VERY powerful for your health! Ginger contains over 25 different antioxidants, which makes it extremely effective at fighting free radicals in many different body systems. Ginger is best known for its ability to reduce nausea and vomiting, as well as motion sickness. In fact, ginger may even be more effective than Dramamine, one of the most common drugs used for motion sickness. And because ginger does not have harmful side effects like many drugs, it is very good for nausea from pregnancy. Studies actually show that just 1 gram of ginger before surgery is more effective than the standard anti-nausea medication given for post surgical nausea and vomiting.
Ginger is also a soothing remedy for sore throats from colds and flu because of its antiviral properties. Ginger also helps coughs and is an effective expectorant. Try a tea made with hot water simmered with a few slices of ginger and a small amount of honey and lemon for a soothing tonic when you are sick.
Because ginger is such a strong anti-inflammatory, it helps reduce the pain and swelling of arthritis, and muscle aches. Ginger also fights cancer, reduces cholesterol, and prevents blood clots that lead to strokes or heart disease. I like to use a slice of ginger root in my hot teas sometimes, in our batches of iced teas, and of course, I love piling ginger on top of sushi! I take a couple capsules of ginger daily since it's not as frequently used in dishes as some other spices.
9. Oregano - This herb contains an oil that is a very potent anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral agent, rosmarinic acid (also found in rosemary). Oregano oil has been used to treat a wide range of conditions from bacterial and viral infections, to parasites and stubborn fungal infections. Although the oil of oregano is most often used for medicinal purposes, the herb itself can provide many of the same benefits when consumed regularly.
Oregano also relieves inflammation, internal or external, and can offer relief from allergies, aches and pain, without side effects. Oregano is very high on the ORAC scale of measured antioxidant value.
10. Thyme — Thyme’s active ingredient is known for treating bronchitis, sore throats, chest congestion, laryngitis and asthma. Thyme is so effective it is often an ingredient in cough drops and mouthwashes to treat inflammation and infections. Thyme is also effective as a soothing stomach aid to relieve gastritis, indigestion and colic.
Thyme helps prevent cancer, improve memory, treat Alzheimer’s, calm the nerves, and alleviate depression, nightmares, and insomnia. An interesting new discovery about thyme shows that it actually boosts the amount of DHA (an important ingredient in omega 3 fatty acids) in the brain, heart and kidney cells.
Here are some other health benefits of some of the most popular herbs and spices:
Rosemary, turmeric, ginger and basil are powerful anti-inflammatories.
Cumin, turmeric, and sage help fight dementia.
Cayenne, cumin, coriander and cinnamon help to regulate insulin and blood sugar, aiding fat loss.
Lemon grass, nutmeg, bay leaves and saffron have a calming effect.
Garlic, mustard seed, hawthorne, and chicory are excellent for the heart.
Basil and thyme help your skin become softer and smoother.
Turmeric, garlic, basil, cinnamon, thyme, saffron, garlic and ginger boost the immune system.
Coriander, rosemary, cayenne, allspice and black pepper can help banish depression.

Spoon of This Miracle Plant to Prevent Dementia

  Spoon of This Miracle Plant to Prevent Dementia Did you know that mint, a simple yet powerful herb, can help protect your brain and potent...