

Как да отслабнете най-лесно след като навършите 50 години?

Как да отслабнете най-лесно след като навършите 50 години?

На всяка жена средно след 50 години влиза в менопауза. Това е третият красив период в живота на всяка дама, който е придружен от някои промени в тялото. Във връзка с хормоналната реорганизация, много жени печелят и малко допълнително тегло с менопаузата. В края на краищата, нивото на стресовия хормон кортизол, което провокира появата на висцерална мазнина, се увеличава.

И липсата на основен женски хормон естроген засяга почти всички метаболитни процеси. Но не позволявайте увеличаване на теглото по време на менопаузата и дори може да отслабнете, ако следвате тези 3 правила за красива фигура. Редакционната ни колегия с удоволствие ще ви разкаже за тях.

Как да отслабнете по време на менопауза

От началото на менопаузата, женското тяло е склонно към подпухналост, диетолозите препоръчват да се доверите на храните- диуретици. Те включват домати, които също се препоръчват да се използват за всички патологии на пикочната система, целина, цитрусови плодове, краставица. Всички тези продукти имат добър диуретичен ефект. Във вашата ежедневна диета трябва да присъстват аминокиселини, витамин С, магнезий и ненаситени мастни киселини. Яжте по-малко мазни пържени храни и се опитайте да не пиете през нощта течности

Изключете продукти, които забавят метаболизма струва си да се откажете напълно от продукти, които неблагоприятно влияят върху скоростта на метаболитните процеси. Би било добре да сведете до минимум употребата на алкохолни напитки, тъй като те дразнят храносмилателния тракт, нарушавайки способността на организма да абсорбира хранителни вещества от храната.

 Необходимо е да се изключи рафинираната захар и всички продукти, които я съдържат. Тя провокира инсулинови скокове и пречи на процеса на отслабване. За да компенсирате нуждата от сладки храни, яжте плодове или сушени плодове, но само сутрин Във връзка с факта, че с възрастта тялото все по-трудно разгражда лактозата в млечните продукти, струва си да се откажат от тях или поне да ги сведете до минимум

Физически упражнения
Може да сте слаби, заради гена ви или в резултат на ограничения на храните, но само спортът може да извая перфектната фигура и да я направи наистина тънка. Особено полезни по време на менопаузата са пилатес, плуване, аква аеробика и фитнес.

По време на менопаузата се наблюдава повишаване нивото на стресовия хормон кортизол. Ето защо се препоръчва да се включите в активна физическа активност, която също ще повиши настроението: волейбол, тенис, конна езда. Също така опитайте да ходите повече. Менопаузата е труден период, през който трябва да мине всяка жена. Но може дори да не го усетите, ако следвате здравословен начин на живот и внимателно избирате какво да ядете. Също така, движете се повече, така че калориите да се губят и да не залепват по вас. Ако нямате възможност да посетите залата, съветваме ви да направите програмата за домашна тренировка. Интересно е да знаем вашите наблюдения и съвети как се поддържате във форма по време на менопауза . Споделете полезна статия с приятелите си в социалните мрежи!


How To Install Ubuntu Linux On Windows 10 In 24 Steps

How To Install Ubuntu Linux On Windows 10 In 24 Steps

Yeah, you can do this - just take your time

This guide will show you how to download and install Ubuntu Linux on Windows 10 in such a way that it won’t harm Windows.
The upside to following this guide is that Ubuntu Linux will only run when you tell it to and it doesn’t require any special partitioning of your disks.
The method used to install Ubuntu is to download a piece of software called VirtualBox from Oracle which allows you to run other operating systems as virtual computers on top of your current operating system which in your case is Windows 10.

What You Will Need

In order to install Ubuntu Linux on Windows 10 you will need to download the following applications:
  • Oracle Virtualbox (link tells you all about VirtualBox)
  • Ubuntu (links to a review of Ubuntu)
  • Virtualbox Guest Additions (links to a description of guest additions) 

Steps Required To Run Ubuntu Linux On Windows 10

  1. Download Oracle Virtualbox
  2. Download Ubuntu
  3. Download Virtualbox Guest Additions
  4. Install Virtualbox
  5. Create an Ubuntu virtual machine
  6. Install Ubuntu
  7. Install Virtualbox Guest Additions

What About Windows 7 And Windows 8 Users?

Here are some alternative guides for Windows 7 and Windows 8 users:

Download Oracle Virtualbox

Where To Download Oracle Virtualbox
Download Virtualbox by clicking on the large download button in the middle of the screen. 

Choose 32-Bit or 64-Bit

Is My Computer 32-Bit Or 64-Bit

To find out whether you are running a 32-bit or 64-bit system click on the Windows start button and search for PC Info.

Download Virtualbox Guest Additions

Click on the link for “About your PC.
The screen that appears tells you lots of useful information about your computer such as the amount of RAM, the processor, and the current operating system.
The most important part, however, is the system type which as you can see from the image shows that my system is 64-bit. Using the same technique you can work out which system type your computer is.
Where To Download Ubuntu Linux

There are two versions of Ubuntu available:
  1. Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
  2. Ubuntu 15.04 (soon to be Ubuntu 15.10)
Ubuntu 14.04 is for people who don’t want to upgrade their operating system every 6 months. The support period has a number of years to run and therefore it really is a case of installing it and getting on with your life.
Ubuntu 15.04, 15.10 and beyond are the latest releases and have more up to date developments which aren’t available in 14.04. The downside is that the support period is much shorter at just 9 months. The upgrade process isn’t a big deal but obviously requires more effort than just installing 14.04 and leaving it.
There is a big download link next to both versions and it is up to you whether you want to install 14.04 or 15.04 and beyond. The installation process doesn’t really change.

The guest additions make it possible to run the Ubuntu virtual machine in full-screen mode at a suitable resolution.
There are a lot of links on this page. Click on the link that matches the version of Virtualbox you downloaded previously.
When the next page opens click on the link for VBoxGuestAdditions.iso (There will be a version number as part of the link i.e. VBoxGuestAdditions_5_0_6.iso).
Click on the link and let the file download.

How To Install VirtualBox

Install Oracle VirtualBox

Press the start button and search for Downloads. Click on the link to the Downloads file folder.
When the downloads folder opens click on the Virtualbox application file you downloaded earlier on. 
The Virtualbox setup wizard will begin. Click on “Next” to start the installation.

Where To Install Virtualbox

Choose where to install virtualbox

The next screen lets you choose the Virtualbox installation options.
There is absolutely no reason not to choose the defaults unless you want to choose a different installation location in which case click on “​Browse and navigate to where you want to install Virtualbox.
Click Next to continue.

Create VirtualBox Desktop Icons

Creating Virtualbox Desktop Icons

You now have the option to create shortcuts, either on the desktop and/or the quick launch bar and whether to register file associations such as VDI files to Virtualbox.
It is up to you whether you want to create shortcuts. Windows 10 is really easy to navigate with the powerful search button so you might decide not to bother creating either of the shortcuts.
Click Next to continue.

Virtualbox Warns About Resetting Your Network Connection

Virtualbox Network Interface Warning

A warning will appear stating that your network connection will temporarily be reset. If this is a problem to you right now then click No and come back to the guide at a later stage otherwise click Yes.

Install VirtualBox

Install VirtualBox

You are finally at the point of installing Virtualbox. Click the “Install button.
A security message will appear asking whether you are sure you wish to install Virtualbox and halfway through the install you will be asked whether you want to install the Oracle Universal Serial Bus device software. Click Install.

Create A Ubuntu Virtual Machine

Create A Ubuntu Virtual Machine

You can start Virtualbox simply by leaving the Start Oracle VM Virtualbox after installation checked and clicking “Finish” or for future reference click the start button and search for VirtualBox. 
Click on the New icon on the taskbar.

Choose The Type Of Virtual Machine

Name Your Virtual Machine

Give your machine a name. It is a good idea to go for the Linux distribution name (i.e. Ubuntu) and the version number (14.04, 15.04, 15.10 etc).
Select Linux as the type and Ubuntu as the version. Make sure you choose the correct version based on whether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit machine.
Click Next to continue.

How Much Memory Do You Give Your Virtual Machine

Set Virtual Machine Memory Size

You cannot assign all of your computer’s memory to the virtual machine as you need to leave enough for Windows to continue running as well as any other programs that you have running within Windows.
The minimum you should consider assigning to Ubuntu is 2 gigabytes which ​are 2048 MB. The more you can give the better but don’t go overboard. As you can see I have 8 gigabytes of memory and I have assigned 4 gigabytes to the Ubuntu virtual machine.
Note that the amount of memory you set aside is only used whilst the virtual machine is running.
Slide the slider to the amount you want to assign and click Next

Create A Virtual Hard Drive

Create A Virtual Hard Drive

After assigning memory to the virtual machine you now have to set aside some hard drive space. Select the Create a virtual hard disk now option and click Create.
There are a number of different hard drive types that you can choose from. Choose VDI and click Next.
There are two ways to create the virtual hard drive:
  1. Dynamically allocated
  2. Fixed size
If you choose dynamically allocated it will only use space as it is required. So if you set 20 gigabytes aside for the virtual hard drive and only 6 is required then only 6 will be used. As you install more applications the extra space will be allocated as necessary.
This is more efficient in terms of disk space usage but isn’t so good for performance because you have to wait for the space to be allocated before you can use it.
The fixed size option allocates all the space you request straight away. This is less efficient in terms of disk space usage because you may have set aside space you never actually use but it is better for performance. This is the better option as your computer generally has more disk space than memory and CPU power.
Choose the option you prefer and click Next.

Set The Size Of Your Virtual Hard Drive

Set Size Of Virtual Hard Drive

Finally, you are at the stage of setting how much space you wish to give to Ubuntu. The minimum is about 10 gigabytes but the more you can spare the better. You don’t have to go overboard though. If you are just installing Ubuntu in a virtual machine to test it out go for a smaller amount.
When you are ready click Create to continue.

Install Ubuntu On Your Virtual Machine

Select The Ubuntu ISO

The virtual machine has now been created but it is like a computer that doesn’t have an operating system installed yet.
The first thing to do is to boot into Ubuntu. Click the start icon on the toolbar.
This is the point where you need to choose the Ubuntu ISO file you downloaded earlier. Click on the folder icon next to the Host Drive dropdown.
Navigate to the download folder and click on the Ubuntu disc image and then on Open.

Start The Ubuntu Installer

Install Ubuntu
Click on the Start button.
Ubuntu should load into the little window and you will have the option to try Ubuntu or install Ubuntu.
Click on the Install Ubuntu option. 

Check Your Virtual Machine Meets The Pre-requisites

Ubuntu Pre-requisites

A list of pre-requisites will be displayed. Basically, you need to make sure your machine has enough power (i.e. plug it in if you are using a laptop), has over 6.6 gigabytes of disk space and is connected to the internet.
You also have the option of downloading updates whilst installing and to install third party software.
If you have a good internet connection check the download updates option otherwise untick it and leave the updates to install at a later point post installation.
Check the install third party software option as it will allow you to play MP3 audio and watch Flash videos.
Click Continue.

Choose The Installation Type

Choose The Ubuntu Installation Type

The next step lets you decide how to install Ubuntu. As you are using a virtual machine select the Erase disk and install Ubuntu option.
Do not worry. This will not erase your physical hard drive. It will just install Ubuntu in the virtual hard drive created earlier on.
Click Install Now.
A message will appear showing you the changes that will be made to your disk. Again this is only your virtual hard drive and so it is safe to click Continue

Choose Your Location

Choose Your Location

You will now be required to choose where you live. You can either select the place on the map or type it into the box available.
Click Continue.

Choose Your Keyboard Layout

Ubuntu Keyboard Layout Selection

The penultimate step is to choose your keyboard layout.
You may find that the correct layout has already been chosen but it isn’t, try clicking on the Detect Keyboard Layout option.
If that doesn’t work, click on the language for your keyboard in the left panel and then choose the physical layout in the right pane.
Click Continue.

Create A User

Create A User

The final step is to create a user.
Enter your name into the box provided and give your virtual machine a name.
Now choose a username and enter a password to associate with that user. (repeat the password as required).
The other options are to log in automatically or require a password to log in. You can also choose to encrypt your home folder.
As it is a virtual machine you may as well go for the Log in automatically option but we recommend always selecting the Require my password to log in.
Click Continue.
Ubuntu will now be installed. 
When the installation has finished click the File menu and choose close.
You have the option to save the machine state, send the shutdown signal or power off the machine. Choose power off the machine and click OK.

Install Guest Additions

Add An Optical Drive To Virtualbox

The next step is to install the guest additions.
Click on the settings icon on the VirtualBox toolbar
Click on the storage option and then click on IDE and choose the little circle with a plus symbol icon which adds a new optical drive.
An option will appear asking you to choose which disk to insert into the optical drive. Click on the Choose disk button.
Navigate to the downloads folder and click on the VBoxGuestAdditions disc image and select Open.
Click OK to close the settings window.
When you are back at the main screen click the start button on the toolbar. 

Open The VirtualBox Guest Additions CD In Ubuntu

Open The Virtualbox Guest Additions CD Folder

Ubuntu will boot for the first time but you won’t be able to use it full screen until the guest additions are properly installed.
Click on the CD icon at the bottom of the launcher panel on the left and make sure there are files for VirtualBox Guest Additions.
Right-click on an empty space where the list of files are and choose open in terminal. 

Install Virtualbox Guest Additions

Install Virtualbox Guest Additions

Type the following into the terminal window

Finally, you need to reboot the virtual machine.
Click on the little cog symbol in the top right corner and choose shutdown.
You will be given the choice to restart or shutdown. Choose Restart.
When the virtual machine restarts choose the View menu and select Full-Screen Mode.
A message will appear telling you that you can toggle between full screen and windowed mode by holding down the right CTRL key and F.
Click Switch to continue.
You're done! Great job. Here are some guides you should follow to get used to using Ubuntu:
Congratulations! You should now have successfully installed Ubuntu as a virtual machine within Windows 10.

How to Install and Run Linux on a Chromebook

How to Install and Run Linux on a Chromebook

Using Crouton to Switch Between Chrome OS and Ubuntu

Illustration of penguin typing on a computer screen that reads 'Linux'

Chromebooks have become popular for two simple reasons: ease of use and price. Their growing popularity has led to a rapid increase in the number of apps available, which in turn enhance the functionality of these Chromebooks. We're not here to talk about Chrome OS or its apps, however.  We're here to talk about running Linux on a Chromebook, a powerful operating system that is most definitely not a Chrome app.

By following the tutorial below you can also run a full-fledged version of the Linux operating system on your laptop, opening up a whole world of possibilities on what is essentially a low-budget machine.
Before installing Ubuntu on your Chromebook, you  first need to enable Developer Mode. This is a mode typically reserved for advanced users only, so it is important that you pay careful attention to the instructions below.

Enabling Developer Mode

While most of your data in Chrome OS is stored server-side in the cloud, you may also have important files saved locally; such as those found in your Downloads folder. In addition to disabling certain security restrictions and allowing you to install a customized version of Ubuntu, activating Developer Mode also automatically deletes all local data on your Chromebook. Because of this, make sure everything that you need is backed up on an external device or moved to the cloud before taking the steps below.
  1. With your Chromebook on, hold the Esc and Refresh keys down simultaneously and tap your device's power button. A forced reboot should begin, at which point you can let go of the keys.
  2. After the reboot is complete, a screen with a yellow exclamation point and a message that Chrome OS is missing or damaged should appear. Next, utilize this key combination to initiate Developer Mode: CTRL+D.
  3. The following message should now be displayed: To turn OS verification OFF, press ENTER. Hit the Enter key.
  4. A new screen will now appear stating that OS verification is off. Do not touch anything at this point. After a few sections, you will receive notification that your Chromebook is transitioning into Developer Mode. This process may take some time and could involve multiple reboots. You will eventually be returned to the OS verification is OFF message, accompanied by a red exclamation point. Ignore this message and wait until you see the welcome screen for Chrome OS.
  5. Since all local data and settings were deleted when you entered Developer Mode, you may have to re-enter your network details, language and keyboard orientation on the OS welcome screen as well as agree to the operating system's terms and conditions. Once completed, sign in to your Chromebook when prompted to do so.

Installing Ubuntu via Crouton

While there are multiple options available to install and run a flavor of Linux on your Chromebook, this tutorial focuses on the recommended solution only. The main reasons to choose Crouton lie in its simplicity and the fact that it allows you to run Chrome OS and Ubuntu side-by-side, eliminating the need to hard boot into one operating system at a time. To get started, open your Chrome browser and follow the steps below.
  1. Navigate to Crouton's official GitHub repository.
  2. Click on the link, located directly to the right of the Chromium OS Universal Chroot Environment header.
  3. A Crouton file should now be available in your Downloadsfolder. Open the Chrome OS developer shell in a new browser tab by using the following keyboard shortcut: CTRL+ALT+T
  4. A cursor should now be displayed next to the crosh> prompt, awaiting your input. Type shell and hit the Enter key.
  5. The command prompt should now read as follows: chronos@localhost / $. Enter the following syntax at the prompt and hit the Enter key: sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -e -t xfce. If you are running a Chromebook device with a touchscreen, use the following syntax instead: sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -e -t touch,xfce
  6. The latest version of the Crouton installer will now be downloaded. You may now be prompted to provide and verify both a password and an encryption passphrase at this juncture, the reason being that you chose to encrypt your Ubuntu installation via the "-e" parameter in the previous step. While this flag is not required, it is highly recommended. Choose a secure password and passphrase that you will remember and enter them accordingly, if applicable.
  1. Once key generation is completed, the Crouton installation process will begin. This will take several minutes and requires minimal user intervention. However, you can view details of each step in the shell window as the installation progresses. You will eventually be asked to define a username and password for the primary Ubuntu account towards the tail end of the process.
  2. After installation has successfully completed, you should find yourself back at the command prompt. Enter the following syntax and hit the Enter key: sudo startxfce4. If you chose encryption in the previous steps, you will now be prompted for your password and passphrase.
  3. An Xfce session will now begin, and you should see the Ubuntu desktop interface in front of you. Congratulations... You're now running Linux on your Chromebook!
  4. As I mentioned earlier in the article, Crouton allows you to run both Chrome OS and Ubuntu simultaneously. To switch between the two operating systems without having to reboot, use the following keyboard shortcuts: CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+BACK and CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+FORWARD. If these shortcuts do not work for you then you are probably running a Chromebook with an Intel or AMD chipset, as opposed to ARM. In this case, utilize the following shortcuts instead: CTRL+ALT+BACK and (CTRL+ALT+FORWARD) + (CTRL+ALT+REFRESH).

Start Using Linux

Now that you've enabled Developer Mode and installed Ubuntu, you'll need to follow these steps to launch the Linux desktop each time you power on your Chromebook. It should be noted that you will see the warning screen stating that OS verification is OFF every time you reboot or turn the power on. This is because Developer Mode remains active until you manually disable it, and is required to run Crouton.
  1. First, return to the developer shell interface by using the following keyboard shortcut: CTRL+ALT+T.
  2. Type shell at the crosh prompt and hit Enter.
  3. The chronos@localhost prompt should now be displayed. Type the following syntax and hit Enter: sudo startxfce4
  4. Enter your encryption password and passphrase, if prompted.
  5. Your Ubuntu desktop should now be visible and ready for use. 
By default, the version of Ubuntu which you have installed does not come with a great deal of pre-installed software. The most common method for locating and installing Linux applications is through apt-get. This handy little command line tool allows you to search for and download countless applications within Ubuntu. Please note that AMD and Intel-based Chromebooks have access to more working applications than those running ARM chips. With that said, even ARM-based Chromebooks have the ability to run some of the most popular Linux applications.
Visit our in-depth guide to learn more about installing applications from the command line via apt-get.

Backing Up Your Data

While most data and settings in Chrome OS are automatically stored in the cloud, the same cannot be said for files created or downloaded during your Ubuntu sessions. Keeping this in mind, you may want to back up your Linux files from time to time. Luckily, Crouton provides the ability to do just that by taking the following steps.
  1. Launch the developer shell interface by keying the following shortcut: CTRL+ALT+T.
  2. Next, type in shell at the crosh prompt and hit the Enter key.
  3. The chronos@localhost prompt should now be displayed. Type the following command and parameters and hit Enter: sudo edit-chroot -a
  4. The name of your chroot should now be displayed in white text (i.e., precise). Type the following syntax followed by a space and the name of your chroot and hit Entersudo edit-chroot -b. (i.e., sudo edit-chroot -b precise).
  5. The backup process should now begin. Once completed, you will see a message stating Finished backing up along with a path and filename. A tar file, or tarball, should now be located in your Chrome OS Downloadsfolder; which is shared and therefore accessible within both operating systems. At this point, it is recommended that you copy or move that file to an external device or onto cloud storage.

Removing Linux From Your Chromebook

If you ever find yourself uncomfortable with the fact that Developer Mode provides a less secure environment than when OS verification is enabled or if you just want to remove Ubuntu from your Chromebook, take the following steps to return your device to its previous state. This process will delete all local data, including any files in your Downloads folder, so be sure to back up anything important beforehand.
  1. Restart your Chromebook.
  2. When the OS verification is OFF message appears, press the spacebar.
  3. You will now be asked to confirm whether or not you want to turn OS verification on. Hit the Enter key.
  4. A notification will appear briefly stating that OS verification is now on. Your Chromebook will reboot and be restored to its original state at this point. Once the process is complete, you will be returned to the Chrome OS welcome screen where you'll once again need to enter your network information and login credentials.

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