
Showing posts with label Garlic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garlic. Show all posts


Печеният чесън лекува цялото тяло за 1 ден! Ето как се приготвя


Печеният чесън лекува цялото тяло за 1 ден! Ето как се приготвя

Когато ядете чесън, силата му е толкова голяма, че дори и след 24 часа тялото ни реагира на тази храна. Това се забелязва, когато се използва в диети за отслабване или когато се консумира като естествено средство за лечение на някои заболявания.

Необходими съставки:

6 глави чесън
сол, черен пипер, зехтин


Обелете външната обвивка на главите чесън. Отсечете 1/4 от върховете, подправете със сол и черен пипер, поръсете със зехтин, поставете в огнеупорен съд, увийте с алуминиево фолио и печете в загрята фурна на 200-220 градуса за около 30-35 минути.

Охладете и консумирайте. Отделете всяка скилидка от люспата, след това ги съхранявайте в стъклен буркан. Залейте печените скилидки със зехтин, съхранявайте в хладилника и консумирайте при необходимост. Достатъчни са ви от 4 до 6 скилидки чесън на ден.

Какво се случва в тялото ви, когато ядете печен чесън или лук?

1 час: През първия час, чесънът се храносмила в стомаха и се превръща в храна за тялото.

2- 4 час: Помага за борба със свободните радикали и съществуващите канцерогени в нашето тяло.

4 – 6 час: Метаболизмът на организма започва да се възползва от ползите от чесъна и активира процеса за премахване на излишната течност, както и да топи складираните мазнини в тялото.

6-7 час: Антибактериалните свойства на чесъна се активират след преминаване на неговите компоненти през кръвния поток.

6-10 час: През този период хранителните вещества вече са изпълнили функцията си в клетките, така че чесънът предпазва от окисление.

10-24 час: След смилане (през първия час), чесънът в тялото започва процес на дълбоко почистване, включително следните процеси:
регулиране нивата на холестерола
почистване на артериите и предпазване от сърдечни проблеми

регулира кръвното налягане
повишава естествената защита на тялото и имунитета
в процеса на почистване, чесънът помага за премахване на тежките метали от тялото ви

подобрява здравината на костите
помага за премахване на умората
подобрява спортните постижения
поддържа клетките здрави.


Чесън под възглавницата: Изглежда просто, но е доказано решение на много здравословни проблеми


Чесън под възглавницата: Изглежда просто, но е доказано решение на много здравословни проблеми

Само една скилидка чесън, която да сложите под възглавница през нощта, може да реши много здравословни проблеми.
От древни времена предците ни са използвали този метод и традиционната медицина се придържа към това до сега.
Чесънът съдържа голямо количество витамин В. Освен това изобилства от калий, натрий и магнезий.
Също така, в този продукт може да открием едно много важно вещество – алицин, който действа като универсално антимикробно средство – елиминаторът на много вируси, бактерии и гъбички.

Факт е, че алицинът има способността да се изпарява, така че през нощта неистово се „бори“ с микроби и инфекции.
По този начин се отстранява на слуз от синусите, затова се препоръчва на хора, страдащи от хрема.
Под въздействието на това вещество назалната конгестия изчезва. Но основното в чесъна е, че той действа успокояващо на нервната система, отпуска и помага да заспите по-лесно, тъй като магнезият и калият влизат в тялото, стимулирайки производството на хормон, помагащ за заспиването.
Друго свойство на алицина е блокирането на синтеза на нитрозамини, които са канцерогенни съединения и водят до клетъчни мутации, които могат да доведат до развитието на онкологични болести.

Веществата, които се изпаряват от чесъна през нощта, могат постепенно да предотвратят съдовото запушване с холестеролни плаки.
Специалистите отбелязват, че е важно е чесънът да е пресен, защото термично обработен този продукт няма да има такъв ефект.
А ето и как да проверите качеството на чесъна, когато го купувате: леко стиснете скилидките между пръстите си. Ако ги усещате като здрави, твърди и не мокри, сте избрали висококачествен чесън.
Пресният чесън е най-добре да бъде съхраняван в непокрит или леко покрит съд, на хладно и тъмно място, далеч от топлина и слънчева светлина. По този начин се предотвратява покълването му.

Няма нужда чесънът да бъде държан в хладилник. Някои хора замразяват беления чесън, но ви предупреждаваме, че това може да намали аромата му и да влоши състава му.
Ако бъдат съхранявани правилно, целите скилидки чесън, могат да останат свежи в продължение на месец. Номерът е в това често да проверявате скилидките и да отстранявате, ако има изсъхнали или мухлясали скилидки. Помнете също, че счупвайки чесъна, намалявате срока му на годност до няколко дни.


Garlic Kills 14 Kinds of Cancer & 13 Types of Infections; so, Why Do Not Doctors Prescribe It?

Garlic Kills 14 Kinds of Cancer & 13 Types of Infections; so, Why Do Not Doctors Prescribe It?

As you may already know, garlic is among the healthiest veggies in the world and it has a variety of health advantages to offer. Throughout the ages, it has been used as a powerful remedy against a variety of health problems, including cancer, impotence, and stomach bugs.

As seen on Daily Mail, newest studies have shown that garlic may also be able to better the health of the heart. Most of its healing properties are believed to stem from its two pivotal compounds, i.e. allicin and allinase. Garlic cloves have no smell until they are peeled or crushed, which is when the 

How to Eat Raw Garlic

As seen on Nourishing Gourmet, these are three delicious recipes to introduce raw garlic to your diet:
  1. Raw garlic shot
Put a clove of raw garlic mixed with a bit of olive oil in the mouth and tswallow it with water.
  1. Garlic & Avocado Mash
Mix 3 cloves of minced garlic with small-sized, mashed avocado; sprinkle with chopped cilantro and salt. Serve it with homemade chips.
  1. Garlic & Walnut Dip
Mash three cloves of garlic and a bit of water with a pestle to get a paste-like content. Then, add two dozen of walnuts to the mixture and mash everything together with the pestle until you get a homogeneous mixture.compounds mix and allicin is released and a specific, rather strong odor is released.

What Is Allicin?

This is a volatile compound which lasts only several hours and it possesses strong antibiotic properties, as well as antiviral and antifungal characteristics. It is only present in raw garlic and when cooked, this compound is destroyed.

Other Elements of Garlic

Did you know that garlic has around 10 distinct types of natural sugars, including glucose, insulin, and fructose and a high amount of copper, zinc, iron, tin, manganese, selenium, calcium, and germanium.  It is also believed to enhance the capacity of the white blood cells to fight off viral and bacterial infections and cancer.

Garlic Destroys These Illnesses

  • MRSA
  • Fungal overgrowth
  • Helicobacter pylori infection
  • Candida overgrowth
  • HIV 1 infection
  • Vibrio infection
  • Pseudomonas Aerigonosima
  • Cytomegalovirus infections
  • Mycotoxin-associated aflatoxicosis
  • Viral infections like Herpes Simples 1 and 2, Parainfluenza virus type 3, vaccinia virus, vesicular stomatitis virus and human rhinovirus type 2
  • Group B streptococcus infection
As seen on Woman Daily Tips, garlic is also capable of preventing or treating more than 150 health problems, including cancer, diabetes, DNA damage, mercury poisoning, infection, and atherosclerosis.




Before the discovery of penicillin, no effective treatment was available for infections such as  pneumonia.  It wasn’t until 1928, when Alexander Fleming noticed that the “mold” growing in his petri dish was killing the Staphylococcus bacteria, that penicillin came to be. However,the excessive use of antibiotics in humans and farm animals can drive drug-resistant bacteria to thrive.

It has been studied that bacteria have, now, been growing resistant to antibiotics that have been used time and time again. Not only that, many antibiotics are shown to have severe adverse effects, and have even led to death.


This garlic oil ointment, also known as GOOT, is great for helping with bacterial or viral infections and fungus.
Garlic is probably nature’s most potent food.
Scientifically known as Allium sativa, garlic has been famous throughout history for its ability to fight off viruses and bacteria.
Allicin is the compound providing the largest range of garlic’s health benefits. Allicin also does not occur in garlic cloves, but is produced when garlic is finely chopped or crushed.
By chopping garlic more finely, more allicin may be produced. Pressing garlic or mincing it into a smooth paste will give you the strongest flavor and may also result in the highest amount of allicin.
Countless studies have shown that this compound is a potent antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal and antioxidant, which is why it’s so good at preventing and treating disease.
  1. 5 Fresh Peeled Garlic Cloves
  2. 3 Tbs. Coconut oil
  3. 2 Tbs. Olive oil
  1. Warm Coconut oil.
  2. Add Olive oil.
  3. Crush or mince garlic cloves. Add to the mixture
  4. Let sit for 30 minutes. Strain out garlic. Retain oil and place in jar.
How to use:
  • Put in and around ears for ear infection
  • Rub on chest for coughs or colds or pneumonia
  • Garlic might help prevent hair loss! Massage garlic oil into scalp.
  • Rub into nostrils for sinus infection
  • Apply to athletes foot or jock itch on infected area.


These wheatgrass flu shots are your answer to improved immunity and better health this winter season. Wheatgrass is one of the most effective healers, containing over 90 minerals, all 17 amino acids (building blocks of protein), and vitamins A, C, E, I, K and B-complex.


Ginger-Garlic Soup Made With 52 Cloves of Garlic Can Defeat Colds, Flu and Even Norovirus

Ginger-Garlic Soup Made With 52 Cloves of Garlic Can Defeat Colds, Flu and Even Norovirus

Ginger-Garlic Soup Made With 52 Cloves of Garlic Can Defeat Colds, Flu and Even Norovirus

Forget the flu shot. A soup based on more than 50 cloves of garlic, onions, thyme and lemon will destroy almost any virus that enters its path including colds, flu and even norovirus.

Ginger-Garlic Soup Made With 52 Cloves of Garlic Can Defeat Colds, Flu and Even Norovirus

As we sneeze and cough our way through these dark months of contagious nasties, garlic is being hailed for its powers to halt viruses in their tracks.
It has gained its reputation as a virus buster thanks to one of its chemical constituents, allicin.
A recent and significant finding from Washington State University shows that garlic is 100 times more effective than two popular antibiotics at fighting disease causing bacteria commonly responsible for foodborne illness.
When the garlic is crushed, alliin becomes allicin. Research shows that allicin helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure and also helps prevents blood clots. Garlic can also reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Compounds in this familiar bulb kill many organisms, including bacteria and viruses that cause earaches, flu and colds. Research indicates that garlic is also effective against digestive ailments and diarrhea. What’s more, further studies suggest that this common and familiar herb may help prevent the onset of cancers.
‘This chemical has been known for a long time for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal powers,’ says Helen Bond, a Derbyshire-based consultant dietitian and spokeswoman for the British Dietetic Association.
‘Because of this, people assume it is going to boost their immune systems. Lots of people are simply mashing up garlic, mixing it with olive oil and spreading it on bread.
‘But how or whether it may actually work has still not been proven categorically.’
Indeed, scientists remain divided on garlic’s ability to combat colds and flu. Last March, a major investigation by the respected global research organisation, the Cochrane Database, found that increasing your garlic intake during winter can cut the duration of cold symptoms — from five-and-a-half days to four-and-a-half.
But the report, which amalgamated all previous scientific studies on garlic, said it could not draw solid conclusions because there is a lack of large-scale, authoritative research.
The problem is that pharmaceutical companies are not interested in running huge, expensive trials — as they would with promising new drug compounds — because there is nothing in garlic that they can patent, package and sell at a profit.
Modified Garlic Soup Recipe
Serves 4
26 garlic cloves (unpeeled)
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons (1/4 stick) organic butter (grass fed)
1/2 teaspoon cayenne powder
1/2 cup fresh ginger
2 1/4 cups sliced onions
1 1/2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme
26 garlic cloves, peeled
1/2 cup coconut milk
3 1/2 cups organic vegetable broth
4 lemon wedges
Preheat oven to 350F. Place 26 garlic cloves in small glass baking dish. Add 2 tablespoons olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt and toss to coat. Cover baking dish tightly with foil and bake until garlic is golden brown and tender, about 45 minutes. Cool. Squeeze garlic between fingertips to release cloves. Transfer cloves to small bowl.
Melt butter in heavy large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add onions, thyme, ginger and cayenne powder and cook until onions are translucent, about 6 minutes. Add roasted garlic and 26 raw garlic cloves and cook 3 minutes. Add vegetable broth; cover and simmer until garlic is very tender, about 20 minutes. Working in batches, puree soup in blender until smooth. Return soup to saucepan; add coconut milk and bring to simmer. Season with sea salt and pepper for flavour.
Squeeze juice of 1 lemon wedge into each bowl and serve.
Can be prepared 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Rewarm over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

Ginger-Garlic Soup Made With 52 Cloves of Garlic Can Defeat Colds, Flu and Even Norovirus
If garlic were found to be a wonder drug, consumers could simply buy it in the supermarket for 30p a bulb or grow their own in the garden.
Nevertheless, garlic has a long and proud tradition as a medicine. The Ancient Egyptians recommended it for 22 ailments. In a papyrus dated 1500BC, the labourers who built the pyramids ate it to increase their stamina and keep them healthy.
The Ancient Greeks advocated garlic for everything from curing infections, and lung and blood disorders to healing insect bites and even treating leprosy.
The Romans fed it to soldiers and sailors to improve their endurance. Dioscorides, the personal physician to Emperor Nero, wrote a five-volume treatise extolling its virtues.
One of the most interesting of the recent findings is that garlic increases the overall antioxidant levels of the body. Scientifically known as Allium sativa, garlic has been famous throughout history for its ability to fight off viruses and bacteria. Louis Pasteur noted in 1858 that bacteria died when they were doused with garlic. From the Middle Ages on, garlic has been used to treat wounds, being ground or sliced and applied directly to wounds to inhibit the spread of infection. The Russians refer to garlic as Russian penicillin.
More recently, researchers have unearthed evidence to show garlic may help us to stay hale and hearty in a number of ways.
Last June, nutrition scientists at the University of Florida found eating garlic can boost the number of T-cells in the bloodstream. These play a vital role in strengthening our immune systems and fighting viruses.
And pharmacologists at the University of California found that allicin — the active ingredient in garlic that contributes to bad breath — is an infection-killer.
Allicin also makes our blood vessels dilate, improving blood flow and helping to tackle cardiovascular problems such as high cholesterol.
An Australian study of 80 patients published last week in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that diets high in garlic may reduce high blood pressure.
In 2007, dentists in Brazil found that gargling with garlic water (made by steeping crushed garlic cloves in warm, but not boiling, water) can kill the germs that cause tooth decay and gum disease.
But they hit a snag: the volunteers refused to continue the experiment, complaining that the garlic gargle made them feel sick. Looking at the garlic soup recipe certainly made me feel queasy. Still, it gave me an excuse to use up my ample supply of garlic.
Though last year’s awful weather caused crop failures on my allotment, I enjoyed a bumper harvest of garlic.
Among its many other virtues, garlic kills slugs and snails. Researchers from the University of Newcastle believe it contains oils that may cripple the nervous systems of these slimy creatures.
There are two schools of thought as to the best way of preparing garlic to make the most of its medicinal qualities.
Argentinian investigators found it releases its allicin-type compounds when you bake the cloves, while scientists at South Carolina Medical University believe peeling garlic and letting it sit uncovered for 15 minutes produces the highest levels of compounds to fight infection.
So you can simply peel half of the garlic cloves and roast the other half with the kitchen door tightly closed (to stop the pong permeating throughout the house).
After an hour-and-a-quarter’s industrious soup-making, sprinkle lemon juice over a bowl of steaming, grey gloop and tuck in.
The heady aroma certainly revs up the appetite and the first spoonful does not disappoint. Delicious as it is, however, one large bowl of home-made soup is a more than ample meal.
As for the soup’s cold-preventing powers, only time will tell. Regular bowlfuls may very well keep me free of winter ailments, thanks to the virus-killing compounds they contain.
Or it could just be that my nuclear-strength garlic breath will keep everyone who is infectious far out of sneezing range for months to come.
John Summerly is nutritionist, herbologist, and homeopathic practitioner. He is a leader in the natural health community and consults athletes, executives and most of all parents of children on the benefits of complementary therapies for health and prevention.




Сланина с лук – това е една отлична комбинация за подпомагане работата на имунната система. Предлагаме ви рецепта за вкусна и здравословна сланина

Сланина с лук е била зимната вечеря на нашите дядовци. А заедно с това – и една малка, много малка, добре отлежала истинска ракийка. И не е чудно защо в онези времена, в студените зими, хората са били здрави и са живели дълги години. Благодарение на арахидоновата киселина, която се съдържа в сланината, се включват защитните реакции на тялото. Така то успешно се бори с вируси и бактерии.

Когато прибавим към сланината лук, резултатът е истинска витаминна бомба! В крайна сметка, лукът съдържа цели 36 полезни елемента. Дори лекарите съветват да се хапва от време на време сланина с лук и чесън, и една малка ракийка.

Колкото до малката ракийка, тя наистина трябва да е малка. И, по възможност, да е с доказан произход. Алкохолните напитки имат съдоразширяващи свойства и регулират работата на мускулите на вътрешните органи. По този начин животинските мазнини не представляват кой знае каква заплаха за организма. Когато се хапва сланина с лук и чесън, плюс една малка ракия, това има положителен ефект върху работата и здравето на сърдечно-съдовата система.

Опитайте се да приготвите сланина, с помощта на тази необичайна рецепта.

Гарантираме, че ще останете доволни от резултата.

Сланина в пакет

Необходими продукти:
1,5 кг сланина
1 ч.л. сол 1/4 ч.л. черен пипер
1 ч.л. подправка за месо
4 скилидки чесън


1. Сланината се нарязва на парчета, не особено големи. Чесънът се пресова. Натрийте сланината с чесъна, солта, черния пипер и подправката за месо. Разбира се, подправките може да бъдат подбрани и по ваш вкус.
2. Поставете всяко парче сланина в найлонов плик. Здраво завържете, като първо изкарате въздуха от пакета. Поставете пакетите в тенджера със студена вода. Когато водата заври, намалете огъня и оставете да къкри в продължение на около 2 часа.
3. След това изключете котлона и оставете да се охлади без да махате водата. Когато сланината изстине

Тази рецепта е най-добрата алтернатива на здравословно приготвен колбас. Не пропускайте да поглезите любимите си хора, като я приготвите още утре.



Waking Times 
A significant finding from Washington State University shows that garlic is 100 times more effective than two popular antibiotics at fighting disease causing bacteria commonly responsible for foodborne illness.
Their work was published recently in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy a follow-up to the author’s previous research in Applied and Environmental Microbiology which conclusively demonstrated that garlic concentrate was effective in inhibiting the growth of C. jejuni bacteria.
Garlic is probably nature’s most potent food. It is one of the reasons people who eat the Mediterranean diet live such long healthy lives. Garlic is also a powerful performer in the research lab.
“This work is very exciting to me because it shows that this compound has the potential to reduce disease-causing bacteria in the environment and in our food supply,” said Xiaonan Lu, a postdoctoral researcher and lead author of the paper.
One of the most interesting of the recent findings is that garlic increases the overall antioxidant levels of the body. Scientifically known as Allium sativa, garlic has been famous throughout history for its ability to fight off viruses and bacteria. Louis Pasteur noted in 1858 that bacteria died when they were doused with garlic. From the Middle Ages on, garlic has been used to treat wounds, being ground or sliced and applied directly to wounds to inhibit the spread of infection. The Russians refer to garlic as Russian penicillin.
“This is the first step in developing or thinking about new intervention strategies,” saif Michael Konkel, a co-author who has been researching Campylobacter jejuni for 25 years.
“Campylobacter is simply the most common bacterial cause of food-borne illness in the United States and probably the world,” Konkel said. Some 2.4 million Americans are affected every year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with symptoms including diarrhea, cramping, abdominal pain and fever.
The bacteria also are responsible for triggering nearly one-third of the cases of a rare paralyzing disorder known as Guillain-Barre syndrome.
Diallyl disulfide is an organosulfur compound derived from garlic and a few other genus Allium plants. It is produced during the decomposition of allicin, which is released upon crushing garlic
Lu and his colleagues looked at the ability of diallyl sulfide to kill the bacterium when it is protected by a slimy biofilm that makes it 1,000 times more resistant to antibiotics than the free floating bacterial cell. They found the compound can easily penetrate the protective biofilm and kill bacterial cells by combining with a sulfur-containing enzyme, subsequently changing the enzyme’s function and effectively shutting down cell metabolism.
The researchers found the diallyl sulfide was as effective as 100 times as much of the antibiotics erythromycin and ciprofloxacin and often would work in a fraction of the time.
Two previous works published last year by Lu and WSU colleagues in Applied and Environmental Microbiology and Analytical Chemistry found diallyl sulfide and other organosulfur compounds effectively kill important food-borne pathogens, such as Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157:H7.
“Diallyl sulfide may be useful in reducing the levels of the Campylo bacterin the environment and to clean industrial food processing equipment, as the bacterium is found in a biofilm in both settings,” Konkel said.
“Diallyl sulfide could make many foods safer to eat,” said Barbara Rasco, a co-author on all three recent papers and Lu’s advisor for his doctorate in food science. “It can be used to clean food preparation surfaces and as a preservative in packaged foods like potato and pasta salads, coleslaw and deli meats.”
“This would not only extend shelf life but it would also reduce the growth of potentially bad bacteria,” she said.
The natural substance could also be derived without artificially introducing harmful chemicals to disruptive its disease-reducing abilities.
Ironically, many researchers think that antibiotics may be just one of several factors that contribute to intestinal blockage in young children.


Garlic More Powerful Than Penicillin And Treats Many Disease

This Garlic Syrup Is 10 Times More Powerful Than Penicillin And Treats Many Disease

In today’s article we’ll show you how to prepare a powerful garlic syrup that has numerous health benefits and can be used in the treatment of a number of diseases. The syrup is made from inexpensive and readily available ingredients like ACV, garlic and honey and can be easily prepared. Every one of the ingredients that goes in the syrup is potent on its own, but when combined their properties are even more powerful.

 Benefits of garlic syrup consumption 

If you start drinking this syrup on a daily basis your immune system will get a boost, your blood pressure will be reduced and your bad cholesterol levels as well. Your body will be able to fight off infections easily, you’ll lower your risk of catching the flu and alleviate conditions like arthritis and gout.

Honey has potent antifungal, antibacterial and anti-viral properties; Apple cider vinegar is abundant in phytonutrients that prevent leg cramps and lower your risk of cancer, as well as citric acid which is effective against kidney stones. Garlic is one of the healthiest plants in the world and has potent antibacterial and antiviral properties. Thanks to its high allicin content garlic will boost your immune system and make it more resistive to all kinds of diseases.

 To prepare this powerful garlic syrup you’ll need: 

8 garlic cloves
organic honey 200ml
Apple cider vinegar

Preparation method and use: 

Toss the garlic cloves in the blender and pulse until you get a fine paste. Add the ACV and honey and transfer the mixture in a jar. Mix until everything is combined. Store the jar in the fridge for 5 days, taking in out every day to give it a good stir. In five days your syrup is ready to use. Dissolve 2tsp. of the syrup in a glass of water and drink it first thing in the morning. Repeat this procedure every day and you’ll overall health will be significantly improved.

Source: =====

See also:

8 Places NEVER to Keep Your Cell Phone. Warning! Nowadays, it seems that practically nobody goes out without a cellphone with them. However, research shows that there are a lot of places where you shouldn’t keep your phone for extended

periods of time, since it may actually end up damaging your health or your phone. Here are 8 places to avoid putting your phone:

1. Under Your Pillow

 There are a number of reasons why you shouldn’t store your phone under your pillow. Radiation may cause you to experience dizziness or headaches, and if your screen lights up with each notification you receive, your melatonin production may also end up being disrupted. If you want a good night’s sleep, then keep your cell phone far away from your pillow!

2. Your Back Pocket

There are a number of reasons why keeping your phone in your back pocket is a terrible idea. First of all, it’s very easy to forget about your phone when it’s in your back pocket, which could cause you to break it, lose it, or even dial somebody by accident. It could also disrupt your circulation, resulting in you feeling pain in your legs or stomach.

3. Your Front Pocket

 This one can be pretty dangerous for men in particular. This is because studies have shown that a smartphone’s electromagnetic radiation emissions can have a negative impact on the quality and quantity of a man’s sperm cells. This risk increases the longer a man keeps his phone in his pants.

4. On Your Hip

According to scientists, carrying your cell phone close to your thigh or hip can make your hip bones weaker, especially if carried like this for months or years on end.

5. Your Bra 

While not all scientists are in full agreement about this one, some of them warn that placing a cell phone inside your bra may increase your risk of getting breast cancer.

6. Against Your Skin 

When talking on your cell phone, try to keep your device at least 0.5 to 1.5cm away from your face. This is because by touching your face with your phone, you’ll be transferring loads of nasty bacteria, as well as increasing the amount of electromagnetic radiation your skin absorbs.

7. In a Stroller

 Moms who are in a hurry often place their cell phones in baby strollers. However, some researchers claim that doing so may actually lead to young children developing certain behavioral issues, such as ADHD and hyperactivity.

8. On a Charger

While leaving your cell phone charging all night long won’t harm your health, it’ll significantly reduce the battery’s efficiency and reduce your phone’s lifespan. If you can’t afford to replace your phone anytime soon, then make sure you unplug it as soon as it finishes charging.

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