
Showing posts with label Dental. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dental. Show all posts


Natural Toothache Remedies that Your Dentist Does not Want You to Know


Natural Toothache Remedies that Your Dentist Does not Want You to Know

As explained on Fit Life, even though cavities are considered to be the most common reason behind a toothache, there are numerous other contributing factors. Some of them are gum illness, bruxism, damaged fillings, irregular bite, erupted tooth, tooth decay, etc.

A toothache is often manifested through a sharp and throbbing ache in the affected tooth, fever, headache, swelling and inflammation, and infection.

If you want to learn how to manage the pain naturally until you visit your dentist (the sooner, the better!), we have prepared a list with the 10 best methods to alleviate toothache.

10 Natural Ways to Lower Toothaches

  1. Clove oil

The eugenol in clove oil has the power of numbing pain, similarly to what over-the-counter painkillers do. To be able to use it, mix several drops of the oil with coconut oil and then soak a cotton ball into the mixture and apply it gently onto the painful area. When the area feels numb, remove the cotton ball and rinse the mouth with water gently.

  1. Ginger and cayenne

This combination will help you alleviate the pain and discomfort and it will also remove bad bacteria causing the toothache. Mix a bit of cayenne powder with ginger powder and water to get a paste-like texture. Apply it with a clean finger onto the painful tooth and leave it like that to dissolve and for the area to become numb. Rinse the mouth with water if needed.

  1. Ice

Did you know that toothaches can be relieved by pressing some ice on the cheek against the painful area? This will also minimize the swelling and inflammation. Before putting the ice, wrap it in a fabric or a towel and hold it for 20 minutes or before the ice begins to melt.

  1. Chewing gum

Before heading out to the dentist’s office, to lower the toothache, chew some gum. Opt for the ones that are sugar-free.

  1. Salt & water gargle

Gargling with some water and salt can help you lower the pain and inflammation, as well as the swelling. Mix some salt in a glass of water and gargle it for 30 seconds, a couple of times per day.

  1. Turmeric paste

Mix a bit of turmeric powder and a tbsp of coconut and peppermint oil. Brush the teeth with the paste, focusing on the painful tooth. Once you are done, spit out the toothpaste and rinse the mouth.

  1. Essential oils

Tea tree oil, clove oil, myrrh, and peppermint can help you fight off the bad bacteria causing the toothache and will also avert further damage. When it comes to essential oils, remember that they are best when used aromatically or topically and remember, they should not be ingested (unless otherwise instructed by a doctor or a professional)

  1. Acupressure

Nowadays, a lot of people use acupressure to reduce toothaches. Just press the area where the thumb and index finger meet gently for several seconds.

  1. Peppermint tea

This tea is abundant in antibacterial properties and it is therefore useful in relieving toothaches. Consume several cups per day for optimal effect.

  1. Garlic

This superfood possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics that can be useful in alleviating headaches. Crush one clove, leave it for a bit and then sprinkle some salt and chew the content with the painful tooth gently. Repeat several times per day.




Домашна паста за лечение на кариес, укрепване венците и за избелване на зъбите

С помощта на тази домашно приготвена паста за зъби ще осигурите на зъбите си дълготрайно здраве и комфорт. Лесно се прави и много помага

 На пазара се предлага голямо разнообразие от средства за почистване на зъбите. Но дали те наистина са безопасни? Едва ли, тъй като съдържат част от компоненти, които отдавна са признати за вредни за здравето (флуорид, натриев лаурил, сулфат, хлорхексидин, триклозан и други).

Днес открихме една страхотна рецепта, която бързаме да споделим с вас. Абсолютно сме убедени, че може сами да си приготвите тази домашна паста за зъби. При условие, че я ползвате постоянно, вие ще имате не само едно напълно естествено средство за избелване на зъбите, но и ще може да предотвратите появата на различни проблеми в устната кухина.

Рецепта за паста за зъби, която може да си приготвите у дома


3 супени лъжици хлебна сода
1 супена лъжица нийм на прах
3 супени лъжици кокосово масло
15 капки етерично масло от мента



1. Смесете всички съставки, докато се получи гладка паста с равна консистенция. Съхранявайте в подходящ съд в хладилника.

2. Използвайте сутрин и вечер като средство за миене на зъбите.

Болка в зъбите, болка при кариес – отново ползвайте пастата, но този път капнете в нея няколко капки тинктура от валериан. След това просто намажете хубаво зъба с тази паста, без да отмивате.

Дървото нийм, от чиято кора се добива нийм на прах в Индия се нарича „селска аптека“ или „божествено дърво“.

В източната медицина нийм се използва като антибактериално, противогъбично, стягащо средство. Може да си купите нийм на прах онлайн или от здравословните магазини.

Кокосовото масло омекотява абразивните свойства на содата, без да се намалява обезцветяването и антибактериалния ефект. Така кокосовото масло има благоприятен ефект върху цялата устна кухина – премахва възпалението от венците и лекува язви на лигавицата.


Японски учени откриха как да накарат зъбите да поникнат наново


Японски учени откриха как да накарат зъбите да поникнат наново

Японски учени работят по създаването на лекарство, което би могло да помогне регенерирането на загубени зъби при хората

Изследователи от Университета в Киото и Фукуи са открили,  че антитяло за един ген – USAG-1 (uterine ще associated gene-1) – може да стимулира растежа на зъбите при мишки, страдащи от вроденото състояние агенезия (необразуване) на зъбите. Докладът е публикуван в Science Advances.

Въпреки че нормално в устата за възрастните има 32 зъба, около 1% от населението има повече или по-малко поради вродени състояния. Учените са изследвали генетичните причини за случаите с твърде много зъби като начин за регенериране на зъби при възрастни.

Един от водещите автори на изследването, преподавателят от Университета в Киото Кацу Такахаши, отбеляза как техният екип идентифицира основните молекули, отговорни за развитието на зъбите.

„Морфогенезата на отделните зъби зависи от взаимодействията на няколко молекули, включително BMP, или костен морфогенетичен протеин, и Wnt сигнализация“, обяснява професорът.

В проучването се обяснява още, че освен развитието на зъбите, BMP и Wnt участват също и в модулирането на растежа на множество органи и тъкани в най-ранните етапи на човешкото развитие.

Ето защо лекарствата, които влияят върху дейностите на BMP и Wnt, се избягват поради страничните ефекти, които те могат да причинят на цялото тяло.

Констатациите отбелязват за първи път ползите от моноклонални антитела – протеини, които имитират имунната система за борба с патогените – върху регенерацията на зъбите. Това предлага нова терапевтична рамка за клиничен проблем, който отдавна е ограничен от импланти и други изкуствени решения.

Съавторът на изследването Манабу Сугай от университета във Фукуи обясни, че „Конвенционалното тъканно инженерство не е подходящо за регенерация на зъбите. Нашето проучване показва, че безклетъчната молекулярна терапия е ефективна за широк спектър от вродена агенезия на зъбите. „


Eruption Charts

                      Eruption Charts

Teeth vary in size, shape and their location in the jaws. These differences enable teeth to work together to help you chew, speak and smile. They also help give your face its shape and form. At birth people usually have 20 baby (primary) teeth, which start to come in (erupt) at about 6 months of age. They fall out (shed) at various times throughout childhood. By age 21, all 32 of the permanent teeth have usually erupted.

Download the following eruption charts:

Baby Teeth Eruption Chart

Permanent Teeth Eruption Chart

Permanent Teeth Eruption Chart

Лъжа е, че не се лекува вкъщи! Пародонтозата може да се излекува само за месец!

Лъжа е, че не се лекува вкъщи! Пародонтозата може да се излекува само за месец!

Стойна Русева от Велико Търново написа своето читателско писмо, за да сподели как сама се е излекувала от пародонтоза!
Пародонтозата е болест, от което косите на всички настръхват. Тъй като това неразположение на венците е първата стъпка към реалната загуба на зъби и цялостен обрат в живота и ежедневието на човек.
Читателката ни от Велико Търново Стойна Русева обаче, изпрати писмо с рецептите, които тя лично е използвала и с които се е отървала от пародонтозата в рамките на месец.
Разклатените й зъби се възстановили и вече би могла да се храни и даже да яде ябълка съвсем нормално.
Първият и изпитан от нея начин за лекуване на пародонтоза е да държим всеки ден поне по два пъти в устата си една лъжичка зехтин и да се жабурим с него, колкото се може по-дълго време. Зехтинът действа като истинско чудо за пародонтозата и спасява дори считани за неспасяеми случаи.
След това, вечерно време преди да си легнете, направете масаж на болните венци с една щипка йодирана сол, съветва Русева. Само потопете пръста си в солта и започнете с нея да масажирате венците си като ги изплакнете само с по-хладка вода. Това се прави всяка вечер и след седмица подобрението ще се усети осезаемо.
Стойна Русева признава чудния ефект на всички тези рецепти, но споделя, че в нейния случай специално, помогнала най-много следната смес. Или така наречената морска вода.
„Взимате си близо 200 грама с по-топла водичка и я сипвате в малка бутилка, може и от минерална вода. В бутилката добавяте две-три капки йод, малко сода за хляб – едва на върха на ножа и малка лъжичка обикновена сол. Разбивате го това нещо много хубаво и с него си правите жабурене и гаргара след всеки прием на храна. Уникално действа, след две седмици венците ми се стегнаха и зъбите спряха да се клатят, а бях много зле“, споделя Стойна Русева.
Тя признава, че не пропускала обаче и ден, без да се жабури с натурален зехтин. Чат пат дъвчела и пресен живовляк, тъй като чула от стари лечители, че действието му за лечение на пародонтоза е феноменално.
„Само че като го дъвчете, нужно е после да изплюете не само живовляка, но и слюнката, която е останала след него. Трябват ви само три-четири дни и ще видите, че зъбите и венците ви ще се заздравят осезаемо“, кълне се препатилата Стойна Русева.


Лекарство срещу Алхаймер оставя пломбите в миналото

Лекарство срещу Алхаймер оставя пломбите в миналото


С храните, които ежедневно ядем от най-ранна детска възраст, като че ли почти всеки има поне по две пломби в устата си. Учени сега обаче успокояват, че в скоро време този метод за закърпване на зъбите може да остане в миналото.
Според изследователи от Кралския колеж в Лондон лекарство предназначено за лечение на болестта на Алцхаймер е в състояние да стимулира зъба да започне да произвежда нов дентин, като по този начин разрушените зъби да се възстановят от само себе си, кухините да се запълнят, а пломбите, които служат за тази цел, да останат в миналото.
Създаването на нов дентин, с който да се запълват малките кухини в зъба, е естествен, но много бавен процес. Обикновено, когато дупките в зъба станат прекалено големи, зъболекарите правят пломби на своите пациенти, в опит да спаси усмивката им.
Простотата на нашия подход прави лекарството идеален клиничен продукт за дентална медицина. С него ние можем да приложим естествено лечение на големи кухини в зъбите, като предоставим същевременно средство за тяхната защита. Медикаментът предизвиква засилено производство на нов дентин и защита на стария, казва професор Пол Шарп, водещ автор на изследването.


10 Ways to Clean Yellow Teeth Naturally

10 Ways to Clean Yellow Teeth Naturally

clean yellow teeth naturally

Whether its intrinsic or extrinsic stains, tooth discoloration can cause a tremendous sense of insecurity of most people. That said, tooth discoloration can be a byproduct of many things including health factors, medication, or poor oral hygiene. Generally speaking, tooth discoloration falls into two distinct categories, intrinsic and extrinsic. Stains affecting the enamel are considered intrinsic while extrinsic stains are those that impact the inner structure of the tooth. While there are exceptions, tooth discoloration is not always indicative of a dental problem. In fact, in most cases, stained teeth are very much healthy. In this article, we will take a closer look at what leads to teeth yellowing and other forms of discoloration and also detail a few ways to brighten your smile from the comfort of your own home.


As noted in the preface of this article, stains that impact one’s tooth enamel are extrinsic stains. Lifestyle is one of the main contributors to this type of staining. For example, tobacco, wine, and coffee are notorious for causing discoloration. It is also worth noting that the foods and drinks that can stain clothes can also stain teeth as well, especially those that are dark in color like chocolate, balsamic vinegar, spaghetti sauces, and certain fruit juices, for example. The same applies to certain fruits and vegetables. While they may be a great source of nutrition, blueberries, pomegranates, and beets, for example, contain chromogens, which can bond to the enamel and cause discoloration. Also, some fruits and vegetables are naturally very acidic and can erode tooth enamel, which, in turn, makes it easier for teeth to become stained.

10 Ways to Clean Yellow Teeth Naturally

clean yellow teeth naturally
Whether its intrinsic or extrinsic stains, tooth discoloration can cause a tremendous sense of insecurity of most people. That said, tooth discoloration can be a byproduct of many things including health factors, medication, or poor oral hygiene. Generally speaking, tooth discoloration falls into two distinct categories, intrinsic and extrinsic. Stains affecting the enamel are considered intrinsic while extrinsic stains are those that impact the inner structure of the tooth. While there are exceptions, tooth discoloration is not always indicative of a dental problem. In fact, in most cases, stained teeth are very much healthy. In this article, we will take a closer look at what leads to teeth yellowing and other forms of discoloration and also detail a few ways to brighten your smile from the comfort of your own home.


As noted in the preface of this article, stains that impact one’s tooth enamel are extrinsic stains. Lifestyle is one of the main contributors to this type of staining. For example, tobacco, wine, and coffee are notorious for causing discoloration. It is also worth noting that the foods and drinks that can stain clothes can also stain teeth as well, especially those that are dark in color like chocolate, balsamic vinegar, spaghetti sauces, and certain fruit juices, for example. The same applies to certain fruits and vegetables. While they may be a great source of nutrition, blueberries, pomegranates, and beets, for example, contain chromogens, which can bond to the enamel and cause discoloration. Also, some fruits and vegetables are naturally very acidic and can erode tooth enamel, which, in turn, makes it easier for teeth to become stained.


Intrinsic stains are more substantial than their extrinsic counterparts in that they occur in the tooth’s dentin, dense bone tissue that makes up nearly the entire tooth. In addition to poor oral hygiene, intrinsic stains can be the result of certain medications like antibiotics, for example. Intrinsic stains are usually brown or yellow and primarily affect the anterior teeth. These stains can also be caused by some prescription-strength mouthwashes like chlorhexidine gluconate, for example. While it is great a killing bacteria and reducing inflammation, long-term use can cause tooth discoloration. In addition to antibiotics and prescription-strength mouthwashes, antipsychotics, antihistamines, and high blood pressure medication are also known to cause discoloration. Another contributor to intrinsic stains is fluoride. Of course, this is not to say that one should avoid fluoride, but it is worth noting that excessive amounts can lead to fluorosis, brown spots that develop beneath the tooth’s surface.


Having detailed some of the causes of tooth discoloration, as well as the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic stains, let’s turn our attention toward prevention and treatment. To avoid tooth discoloration, it is a good idea to avoid smoking and also the foods and drinks that contribute to the problem in the first place. To further reduce the likelihood of teeth yellowing, you should practice good oral hygiene and be seen by a dentist at least once a year.


The combination of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, when used as a paste, is almost comparable to professional whitening treatments in that it breaks up plaque and bacteria that can cause tooth stains. Most people who have used this hydrogen and peroxide to brighten their smiles noticed a significant improvement in as little as six weeks. The combination is so effective that many manufacturers have added it to several of their best-selling toothpaste brands. Here are a few tips to help get you started:

  • Combine 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide
  • Mix the two ingredients until you formed a paste
  • Brush for 2 to 3 minutes
As a side note, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda is also a great mouth wash. For best results, mix the same ratio of ingredients and rinse after brushing.


Activated charcoal is also great at removing stains, bacteria, and toxins that typically lead to yellow teeth. Activated charcoal can be found in most pharmacies and big-box stores. However, it may not work for everyone, especially those with sensitive tooth sensitivity as the charcoal may be too abrasive. Nonetheless, if you are interested in trying activated charcoal, here are a few helpful tips:

10 Ways to Clean Yellow Teeth Naturally

clean yellow teeth naturally
Whether its intrinsic or extrinsic stains, tooth discoloration can cause a tremendous sense of insecurity of most people. That said, tooth discoloration can be a byproduct of many things including health factors, medication, or poor oral hygiene. Generally speaking, tooth discoloration falls into two distinct categories, intrinsic and extrinsic. Stains affecting the enamel are considered intrinsic while extrinsic stains are those that impact the inner structure of the tooth. While there are exceptions, tooth discoloration is not always indicative of a dental problem. In fact, in most cases, stained teeth are very much healthy. In this article, we will take a closer look at what leads to teeth yellowing and other forms of discoloration and also detail a few ways to brighten your smile from the comfort of your own home.


As noted in the preface of this article, stains that impact one’s tooth enamel are extrinsic stains. Lifestyle is one of the main contributors to this type of staining. For example, tobacco, wine, and coffee are notorious for causing discoloration. It is also worth noting that the foods and drinks that can stain clothes can also stain teeth as well, especially those that are dark in color like chocolate, balsamic vinegar, spaghetti sauces, and certain fruit juices, for example. The same applies to certain fruits and vegetables. While they may be a great source of nutrition, blueberries, pomegranates, and beets, for example, contain chromogens, which can bond to the enamel and cause discoloration. Also, some fruits and vegetables are naturally very acidic and can erode tooth enamel, which, in turn, makes it easier for teeth to become stained.


Intrinsic stains are more substantial than their extrinsic counterparts in that they occur in the tooth’s dentin, dense bone tissue that makes up nearly the entire tooth. In addition to poor oral hygiene, intrinsic stains can be the result of certain medications like antibiotics, for example. Intrinsic stains are usually brown or yellow and primarily affect the anterior teeth. These stains can also be caused by some prescription-strength mouthwashes like chlorhexidine gluconate, for example. While it is great a killing bacteria and reducing inflammation, long-term use can cause tooth discoloration. In addition to antibiotics and prescription-strength mouthwashes, antipsychotics, antihistamines, and high blood pressure medication are also known to cause discoloration. Another contributor to intrinsic stains is fluoride. Of course, this is not to say that one should avoid fluoride, but it is worth noting that excessive amounts can lead to fluorosis, brown spots that develop beneath the tooth’s surface.


Having detailed some of the causes of tooth discoloration, as well as the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic stains, let’s turn our attention toward prevention and treatment. To avoid tooth discoloration, it is a good idea to avoid smoking and also the foods and drinks that contribute to the problem in the first place. To further reduce the likelihood of teeth yellowing, you should practice good oral hygiene and be seen by a dentist at least once a year.


The combination of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, when used as a paste, is almost comparable to professional whitening treatments in that it breaks up plaque and bacteria that can cause tooth stains. Most people who have used this hydrogen and peroxide to brighten their smiles noticed a significant improvement in as little as six weeks. The combination is so effective that many manufacturers have added it to several of their best-selling toothpaste brands. Here are a few tips to help get you started:

  • Combine 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide
  • Mix the two ingredients until you formed a paste
  • Brush for 2 to 3 minutes
As a side note, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda is also a great mouth wash. For best results, mix the same ratio of ingredients and rinse after brushing.


Activated charcoal is also great at removing stains, bacteria, and toxins that typically lead to yellow teeth. Activated charcoal can be found in most pharmacies and big-box stores. However, it may not work for everyone, especially those with sensitive tooth sensitivity as the charcoal may be too abrasive. Nonetheless, if you are interested in trying activated charcoal, here are a few helpful tips:

  • Place a toothpaste-sized amount of activated charcoal on a toothbrush.
  • Gently brush in a circular motion for a minimum of 2 minutes.
  • While this is optional, consider mixing activated charcoal with water as the combination can be used as a mouth rinse.
Although activated charcoal is effective in whitening yellow teeth, the charcoal powder can become embedded in the small crevices and along the gum line. That said, make sure you rinse thoroughly your mouth with plain water after using this product.


Apple cider vinegar is also an effective way of resolving tooth discoloration. To whiten yellow teeth with apple cider vinegar, it is a good idea to use it as a mouth rinse before brushing. For best results, dilute 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 5 ounces of water and vigorously swish the liquid in your mouth for 20 to 30 seconds. The reason why apple cider vinegar is so effective is that it contains natural bleaching agents that work to breakdown stains caused by coffee, wine, and tobacco products.


Coconut oil pulling is an effective way to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria from the oral cavity. It has also been shown to be effective in reducing gingivitis as well. For best results, swish 1 or 2 teaspoons of coconut oil in your mouth for a minimum of 10 minutes before brushing. For those who are not a fan of coconut oil, sesame oil and sunflower oil are just as effective.


Eating fruits that contain a high percentage of water like oranges, grapes, and watermelon, for example, can help wash away plaque, food particles, and bacteria that often lead to yellowing and other types of discoloration.


Although it may sound peculiar, fruit peels derived from lemons, oranges, or bananas can help brighten your smile. The peels from these fruits contain d-limonene, which is a compound used to treat a number of health problems like cancer and bronchitis, for example. However, fruit peels are also used to whiten discolored or yellow teeth. Similar to hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, many manufacturers have added d-limonene to many toothpaste brands. For best results, rub a fruit peel on your teeth for a minimum of 2 minutes. After you’re done, however, make sure to rinse your mouth out thoroughly with water as the acid from fruit peels can erode tooth enamel, which, in effect, resolves one problem and creates another one.


Similar to fruit, eating crunchy vegetables like celery and raw carrots can be a great way to remove plaque and bacteria build up that causes stains and discoloration.


Over-the-counter whitening kits are a viable alternative to professional whitening done at your dentist office, and they are more cost-effective, averaging $10 to $50 for most kits. That said, over-the-counter whitening kits are available in gel, strips, trays, and toothpaste form.


Brushing and flossing can help ensure your oral health and also prevent tooth discoloration. However, there is a right and wrong way to go about brushing. It is important to use circular motions as this minimize gum irritation and leads to a better overall clean. Lastly, you should brush at least twice per day for a minimum of two minutes.


While age and lifestyle can play role in tooth discoloration, there are instances where such problems may signify a dental problem. The best to catch problems early and keep a bright, beautiful smile is by seeing your dentist at least once per year.


If plaque, bacteria, and tartar are not removed early, severe dental problems may develop. In fact, even small cavities can lead to big problems in that they allow food particles and bacteria into the tooth. All in all, it is a good idea to stay on top of your oral health. So if your teeth are discolored, you’re encouraged to schedule a visit with your dentist to at least rule out the presence of cavities. Also, if professional whitening is not an option, your dentist may be able to recommend veneers or other forms of restoration that can help you achieve a bright, beautiful smile.

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