

Когато нашите чакри са блокирани, се появява чувство на физически и психически дискомфорт

Когато нашите чакри са блокирани, се появява чувство на физически и психически дискомфорт
Първа чакра – „Аз съм“
Това е първата чакра, коренната, която отговаря за връзката ни със Земята. Когато се страхуваме, изпитваме несигурност и страдаме от нерешителност, първа чакра блокира. Ако се вгледате в страховете с и и ги погледнете „очи в очи“, ще видите, че можете да ги подхраните с любов и да ги трансформирате. Демонът на първа чакра е страхът.
Втора чакра – „Аз чувствам“
Когато не сме удовлетворени от отношенията си с хората, осъждаме околните, чувстваме вина и не можем да прощаваме, блокираме тази чакра, която отговаря за реализацията ни и потребностите ни. Тези блокажи могат да доведат до здравословни проблеми и чувство на безизходица, ако не застанете срещу проблемите и не ги решите. Променете гледната точка! Демонът на втора чакра е вината.
Трета чакра – „Аз правя“
Третата чакра е свързана с намеренията ни, това е енергийният център на тялото ни. Когато ни завладее срам или разочарование, тогава трета чакра блокира. Когато осъзнаем ясно какво ни води към тези чувства, когато спрем осъждането на всички нива трета чакра е разблокирана. Срамът е демонът на трета чакра.
Четвърта чакра – „Аз обичам“
Сърдечната чакра блокира, когато в сърцето ни се загнезди мъка и скръб. Апатията, която завладява човека, когато четвърта чакра е блокирана е особено вредна, защото пречи да се види обективно ситуацията и да се направи нужното, за да се свали блокажа. Благодарността и способността да намираме положителното в ситуацията помагат, за да работи четвърта чакра без блокажи. Демонът й е тъгата.
Пета чакра – „Аз говоря“
Блокажите на пета чакра (гърлена чакра) идват от самозалъгването и нуждата да лъжем околните и себе си. Ако често се обиждате и смятате, че ви обиждат несправедливо гърлената чакра блокира. Сякаш не можете да говорите, появява се силно чувство за малоценност. Демонът на гърлената чакра е лъжата!
Шеста чакра – „Аз виждам“
Това е чакрата на третото око, отговаря за духовната ни същност и подсъзнанието. Когато животът ви е самотен и изпълнен с илюзии, шеста чакра блокира. Отворете ума и съзнанието си и слезте на Земята, човек трябва да има реални стремежи и да не се смята за повече от другите. Медитацията и усамотението са методите за изчистване. Демонът на шестата чакра е илюзията.
Седма чакра – „Аз разбирам“
Коронната чакра е връзката ни с космическата енергия. Ако сте отявлени материалисти, то коронната чакра блокира, защото губите връзката с Божественото. Освободете се от етикета „мое“ и желанието за притежание. Когато сте безпристрастни, Божественото ще ви обгърне. Демонът на коронната чакра е привързаността.
Споделено от Съпричастност


The Eden Prescription

The Eden Prescription

Blood Orange Compound Stops 100% of Lung Cancer Growth in vitro: Blood oranges get their unique red coloring thanks to a powerful antioxidant called C3G (cyanidin-3-glucoside) which is not found in normal oranges (but is also found in blackberries, strawberries, black currants and cranberries). Researchers have now discovered C3G to be powerfully active against lung cancer cells (A549), completely halting their growth in vitro, and when fed to mice with lung cancer it reduced lung tumors by 50% and suppressed metastasis by over 70%. But the health benefits of blood orange don’t stop there. A recent clinical trial on adults at high risk for heart disease showed that drinking two cups of blood orange juice daily for one week provided major health benefits, significantly improving arterial elasticity and decreasing important inflammation markers, thereby theoretically reducing their risk for heart disease. A further clinical trial is being run now to test blood orange juice for improving cholesterol, blood sugar and insulin. In addition, two fascinating studies on mice have shown that this super fruit suppresses weight gain and prevents fat accumulation in the liver, suggesting that blood oranges may even help with weight loss. And alkaline diet fans take note, blood oranges are particularly rich in potassium, delivering 150% of the alkalizing power of lemons! 


27 Highly Medicinal Plants You Can Grow At Home

27 Highly Medicinal Plants You Can Grow At Home

1. Aloe Vera

The aloe vera grows only under the sun with well drained dry or moist soil. Although the plant tastes like turd, it’s still edible. The sap from aloe vera is extremely useful to speed up the healing and reducing the risk of infections for :
  • wounds
  • cuts
  • burns
  • eczema
  • reducing inflammation
Apart from its external use on the skin, aloe vera is also taken internally in the treatment of :
  • ulcerative colitis (drinking aloe vera juice)
  • chronic constipation
  • poor appetite
  • digestive problems

2. Marsh Mallow

The plant of which marshmallows were once made of. The root is taken internally to treat :
  • inflammations and irritations of the urinary and respiratory mucus membranes
  • counter excess stomach acid
  • peptic ulceration
  • gastritis
Externally, the root is applied to :
  • bruises
  • sprains
  • aching muscles
  • insect bites
  • skin inflammations
  • splinters
The leaves are very edible, unlike the aloe vera. They can be added to salads, boiled, or fried. It is known to help out in the area of cystitis and frequent urination.

3. Great Burdock

It requires moist soil and can grow shadeless. The great burdock is the pretty famous in the area of detoxification in both Chinese and Western herbal medicine. The root is is used to treat ‘toxic overload’ that result in throat infections and skin diseases like :
  • boils
  • rashes
  • burns
  • bruises
  • herpes
  • eczema
  • acne
  • impetigo
  • ringworm
  • bites
The leaves and seeds can be crushed to poultice it to bruises, burns, ulcers and sores.

4. Pot Marigold

It grows in almost any type of soil condition. It has no problem with nutritionally poor, very acidic or very alkaline soils, just as long as it’s moist. Well known as a remedy for skin problems, the deep-orange flowered pot marigold variety is applied externally to :
  • bites
  • stings
  • sprains
  • wounds
  • sore eyes
  • varicose veins
Internally it is used to treat fevers and chronic infections.
The tea of the petals tones up circulation and, taken regularly, eases varicose veins.
Applying the crushed stems of the pot marigold to corns and warts will soon have them easily removable.

5. Gotu Kola

The gotu kola acts on various phases of connective tissue development and stimulates healing of :
  • ulcers
  • skin injuries
  • decreasing capillary fragility
  • stimulation of the lipids and protein necessary for healthy skin
Leaves are thought to maintain youthfulness. Crushed leaves are poulticed to treat open sores. The gotu kola can also be used to :
  • treat leprosy
  • revitalize the brain and nervous system
  • increase attention span and concentration
  • treat venous insufficiency

6. Camomile

With a sweet, crisp, fruity and herbaceous fragrance, has long been used medicinally as a remedy for problems regarding the digestive system. It has a soothing and calming effect in the area of aromatherapy, used to end stress and aid in sleep. The entire herb is used to treat common aches like toothache, earache, shoulder pain and neuralgia.

7. Globe Artichoke

A bitter tasting plant that requires a lot of sun, the cardoon has become important as a medicinal herb in recent years following the discovery of cynarin. The cardoon leaves, best harvested before flowering, helps to :
  • improve liver and gall bladder function
  • stimulate the secretion of digestive juices
  • lower blood cholesterol levels
  • treat chronic liver and gall bladder diseases
  • jaundice
  • hepatitis
  • asteriosclerosis
  • early stages of late-onset diabetes

8. Chinese Yam

A type of yam that can be eaten raw, the chinese yam can be easily grown, succeeding in fertile, well drained soil in a sunny position. It is sweet and soothing to the stomach, spleen and has a tonic effect on the lungs and kidneys. It is used internally to treat :
  • tiredness
  • weight loss
  • loss of appetite
  • poor digestion
  • chronic diarrhea
  • asthma
  • dry coughs
  • uncontrollable urination
  • diabetes
  • emotional instability
Externally, it is applied to :
  • ulcers
  • boils
  • abscesses
  • The leaf, on the other hand, is used to treat snakebites and scorpion stings.

9. Echinacea

One of the world’s most important medicinal herbs, the echinacea has the capacity to raise the body’s resistance to bacterial and viral infections by stimulating the immune system. It also has antibiotic properties that helps relieve allergies. Basically, the roots are beneficial in the treatment of sores, wounds and burns. It was once used by the Native Americans as an application for insect bites, stings and snakebites. The echinacea grows on any well drained soil, as long as it gets sunlight.
10. Siberian Ginseng

The siberian ginseng has a wide range of health benefits, mostly as a powerful tonic herb that maintains good health. Its medicinal properties are used for :
  • menopausal problems
  • geriatric debility
  • physical and mental stress
  • treat bone marrow suppression caused by chemotherapy or radiation
  • angina
  • hypercholesterolemia and neurasthenia with headache
  • insomnia
  • poor appetite
  • increasing endurance
  • memory improvement
  • anti-inflammatory purposes
  • immunogenic purposes
  • chemoprotective purposes
  • radiological protection

11. Great Yellow Gentian

The great yellow gentian root is a bitter herb used to treat digestive disorders and states of exhaustion from chronic diseases. It stimulates the liver, gal bladder and digestive system, strengthening the overall human body. Internally, it is taken to treat :
  • liver complaints
  • indigestion
  • gastric infections
  • aneroxia

12. Sea Buckthorn

The sea-buckthorn has been used throughout the centuries in China to relieve cough, aid digestion, invigorate blood circulation and alleviate pain. The branches and leaves are used in Mongolia to treat gastrointestinal distress in humans and animals.
The bark and leaves are used for treating diarrhea, gastrointestinal, dermatological disorders and topical compressions forrheumatoid arthritis. Even the flowers are used as skin softeners.
The berries on the other hand are used together with other medications for pulmonary, gastrointestinal, cardiac, blood and metabolic disorders. Fresh sea buckthorn berry juice is known to be taken in the event of :
  • colds
  • fever
  • exhaustion
  • stomach ulcers
  • cancer
  • metabolic disorders
  • liver diseases
  • inflammation
  • peptic ulcer
  • gastritis
  • eczema
  • canker sores
  • general ulcerative disorders
  • karatitis
  • trachoma

13. Tea Tree

Even the aborigines have been using the tea tree leaves for medicinal purposes, like chewing on young leaves to relieve headaches. The paperbark itself is extremely useful to them as it serves to line coolamons when used as cradles, as a bandage, as a sleeping mat, as material for building humpies, as an aluminum foil, as a disposable rain coat and for tamping holes in canoes.
The leaves and twigs, eventaully made into tea tree oil, is anti fungal, antibacterial, antiseptic and deserves a place in every household medicine box. Tea tree oil can be used to treat :
  • cystitis
  • glandular fever
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • thrush
  • vaginal infections
  • acne
  • athlete’s foot
  • verrucae
  • warts
  • insect bites
  • cold sores
  • nits
  • minor burns

14. Lemon Balm

The reason the plant is called lemon balm is because of the lemon minty scent of the leaves. The flowers, which appear during the summer, are full of nectar. The crushed leaves, when rubbed on the skin, are used as :
  • mosquito repellent
  • herpes
  • sores
  • gout
  • insect bites
Infusion of the leaves with water are known to treat :
  • colds
  • fevers
  • indigestion due to nervous tension
  • digestive upsets in children
  • hyperthyroidism
  • depression
  • mild insomnia
  • headaches

15. Peppermint

Peppermint is sometimes regarded as ‘the world’s oldest medicine’, with archaeological evidence placing its use at least as far back as ten thousand years ago. Pepeprmint are naturally high in manganese, vitamin A and vitamin C. Crushed leaves rubbed on the skin help soothe and relax the muscles. Infused peppermint leaves are used to :
  • reduce irritable bowel syndrome
  • against upset stomachs
  • inhibit bacterial growth
  • treat fevers
  • flatulence
  • spastic colon

16. Evening Primrose

The young roots can be eaten like a vegetable, or the shoots can be eaten as a salad. Poulticed roots of the evening primrose is applied to piles and bruises. Tea made from the roots have also been used in the treatment of obesity and bowel pains. However, the more valuable parts are the leaves and bark which are made into evening primrose oil, known to treat :
  • multiple sclerosis
  • premenstrual tension
  • hyperactivity
  • eczema
  • acne
  • brittle nails
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • alcohol-related liver damage (alcoholics, this is for you)

17. Ginseng

One of the most highly regarded medicines in the orient, the ginseng is reputable in its ability to promote health, general body vigor and prolong life. The roots are used to :
  • stimulate and relax the nervous system
  • encourage secretion of hormones
  • improve stamina
  • lower blood sugar levels
  • lower cholesterol levels
  • increase resistance to disease
  • treat debility associated with old age
  • treat lack of appetite
  • treat insomnia

18. Turkey Rhubarb

Known mainly for its positive and balancing effect upon the digestive system as a whole. Even children may use the turkey rhubarb as it is gentle enough. The roots act as an astringent tonic to the digestive system while larger doses are used as laxatives. Other than that, it is also known to treat :
  • chronic constipation
  • diarrhea
  • liver and gall bladder complaints
  • hemorrhoids
  • menstrual problems
  • skin eruptions due to accumulation of toxin

19. Sage

Salvia, the Latin name for sage, means ‘to heal’. Internally, the sage is used for :
  • indigestion
  • flatulence
  • liver complaints
  • excessive lactation
  • excessive perspiration
  • excessive salivation
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • female sterility
  • menopausal problems
On the other hand, it is used externally for :
  • insect bites
  • skin infections
  • throat infections
  • mouth infections
  • gum infections
  • skin infections
  • vaginal discharge

20. Wu Wei Zi

Low doses of the fruit are said to stimulate the central nervous system whilst large doses depress it, while regulating the cardiovascular system. The seed is used in the treatment of cancer. Externally, it is used to treat irritating and allergic skin conditions while taken internally to treat :
  • dry coughs
  • asthma
  • night sweats
  • urinary disorders
  • involuntary ejaculation
  • chronic diarrhea
  • palpitations
  • insomnia
  • poor memory
  • hyperacidity
  • hepatitis
  • diabetes

21. Milk Thistle

It protects and improves the function of the liver (take note, alcoholics). Taken internally, milk thistle helps to treat :
  • liver and gall bladder diseases
  • jaundice
  • hepatitis (liver inflammation)
  • poisoning
  • high cholesterol levels
  • insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes who also have cirrhosis
  • the growth of cancer cells in breast, cervical, and prostate cancers
  • the effects of a hangover

22. Comfrey

Comfrey contains allantoin, a cell proliferant that speeds up the natural replacement of body cells. It is reputed to have teeth and bone building properties in children. Safer to use externally than internally, comfrey is used to treat a wide variety of ailments ranging from :
  • bronchial problems
  • broken bones
  • sprains
  • arthritis
  • gastric and varicose ulcers
  • severe burns
  • acne
  • cuts
  • bruises
  • sprains
  • sores
  • eczema
  • varicose veins

23. Feverfew

A tea made from the whole plant is used in the treatment of arthritis, colds, fevers etc. It is said to be sedative and to regulate menses. An infusion is used to bathe swollen feet. Applied externally as a tincture, the plant is used in the treatment of bruises. Chewing 1-4 leaves a day has proven to be effective in the treatment of some migraine headaches.

24. Fenugreek

Fenugreek seeds are nourishing and taken to :
  • encourage weight gain (take note, anorexics)
  • inhibit cancer of the liver
  • lower blood cholesterol levels
  • treat inflammation and ulcers of the stomach and intestines
  • drain off sweat ducts
  • for body building
  • for late onset diabetes
  • poor digestion
  • insufficient lactation
  • painful menstruation
  • labor pains
  • freshen bad breath
  • restore a dull sense of taste

25. Slippery Elm

The inner bark of the slippery elm can be ground into nutrient-rich porridge-like soup that serves as an excellent remedy for sore throats. Other than that, it can be used to soothe the digestive tract. The bark of the slippery elm was used as an abortion tool, moistened with water and inserted into the cervix, before it was banned by certain countries like the UK.

26. Stinging Nettle

Long known as a nutritious addition to the diet and as a herbal remedy, the stinging nettle leaves have been traditionally used to :
  • cleanse the blood
  • treat hay fever
  • arthritis and anemia
  • excessive menstruation
  • hemorrhoids
  • rheumatism
  • skin problems like eczema
  • nettle rash
  • chicken pox
  • bruises
  • burns

27. Agnus Castus

Beneficial to female hormonal system, the agnus castus seeds and fruits are used to rectify hormonal imbalances caused by an excess of estrogen and an insufficiency of progesterone. It acts upon the pituitary gland, reducing the production of certain hormones and increasing the production of others, shifting the balance in favor of the gestagens, hormones that ‘secure’ pregnancy. Thus it has a wide application of uses in malfunctions of the feminine reproductive system and has been used with great effect in :
  • restoring absent menstruation
  • regulating heavy periods
  • restoring fertility caused by hormonal imbalance
  • relieving premenstrual tension
  • easing the transition of menopause

13 Reasons Every Woman Should Masturbate Regularly

13 Reasons Every Woman Should Masturbate Regularly

Screw diamonds, a little DIY is a girl's best friend.
Historically, masturbation has gotten a bad rap, but a party for one is still a party. And this is one party you'll actually feel better after attending. Masturbation has some awesome health benefits and feels really really good.
Research shows most women over the age of 18 have masturbated at least once, but few women do so routinely. According to Indiana University's National Survey Of Sexual Health And Behavior, only 7.9 percent of women between the ages of 25 and 29 masturbate two to three times a week whereas 23.4 percent of men do. C'mon ladies, we deserve better than that.
Masturbation is a normal, enjoyable and healthy experience. It's time to put the taboo subject of women and masturbation to bed and realize a little menage a moi might be exactly what you need.
The Huffington Post spoke with Dr. Lauren Streicher, an Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University and author of Sex Rx: Hormones Health And Your Best Sex Ever, about the health benefits of masturbation. She said that masturbation can benefit your health by helping you sleep, relieving stress and simply being more comfortable with your body. She also noted that, similar to working out or getting a massage, self-stimulation is a great way for you to relax both emotionally and physically. Instead of buying an expensive massage, you can just stay in and give yourself one.
So, dim the lights, burn some candles and hop into bed (or whatever your routine may be) -- it's time to partake in a little self exploration. Here are 13 reasons every woman should masturbate on the reg:
1. It makes you happier.
“We know that pleasure makes people feel good," Streicher said. It's really that simple. Orgasms release the endorphins dopamine and oxytocin, which can improve your mood and create a natural high. Who needs drugs when you can make your own?
2. You become more comfortable with your body.
Your body should be your best friend -- it's one of the only things that will be with you your entire life. And part of becoming besties with your body includes exploring it. “It is extremely important that women have an appreciation of their own anatomy and how to self-pleasure,” Streicher said. Time to hit the books, ladies.
3. It can improve your sex life.
Masturbation allows you to explore your body and find out what feels best. Knowing your body in this way can make you more confident in bed and more vocal with partners. Once you figure out what you like, you can tell your partner where to touch you.
4. It helps you sleep.
There's a reason most of us feel so sleepy after those toe-curling climaxes: Orgasms physically and emotionally relieve tension and exhaust the body, which allow you to fall asleep quicker. “Generally people do sleep better after masturbating, but very often it’s from feeling relaxed and satisfied," Streicher said. Masturbation helps people sleep the same way reading a book before bed does -- you feel calm and relaxed after.
5. It's a great way to release sexual tension.
If you've chosen to not have sex or are simply going through a dry spell, masturbating is a great way to satisfy your libido.
6. Masturbating can ease body aches and menstrual pain.
“If you have a uterine contraction while self-stimulating and a uterine contraction can help menstrual blood come out faster... theoretically it’s going to help with cramps,” Streicher said. While she cautioned that the research behind this benefit is relatively limited, Streicher said there's no reason not to masturbate while on your period: “It’s never a bad thing and if it seems to help you then go for it.” Either way, it's more fun than a heating pad.
7. It relieves stress.
“Anything that makes you feel more relaxed and gets you to turn off the day, whether you do yoga or get a foot massage, it’s all the same thing," Streicher said. "It’s not that it has to be sexual but sex and self-stimulation is definitely one of the ways to relieve stress." Sounds like an awesome way to unwind.
8. Masturbation helps your body stay sexual... even when you're not having sex.
“If you’re between partners, there’s a very strong benefit to keeping things going by self-stimulating -- not only in terms of keeping the tissues elastic and healthy and increasing blood flow, but just getting your brain going," Streicher said. "We know that sex and arousal starts in the brain… The more sex you have, the more sex you want because you think about sex more. If you have someone who hasn’t been sexual for a very long period of time, in most cases, they’re not even thinking about it."
9. There are tons of cool gadgets to help you masturbate.
From hands-free vibrators to buzzing faux lip stick bottles, there's a vibrator for every lady.
10. If you're in a relationship, it's a great way to mix things up -- and keep you coming back for more.
As Streicher noted, the more sex you have, the more sex you'll want to have. It follows that the more you masturbate and become comfortable being sexual with your own body, the more you'll want to be sexual with your partner. "We know that being self-sexual is going to stimulate the part of the brain that is going to keep your libido alive and well," Streicher said.
11. Multiple. Orgasms.
Understanding how your body works helps you know exactly how to pleasure it. Once, twice, three times -- it's up to you! Climax is often times only at the end of sex for men, but women can keep going. Why stop at one?
12. There are no downsides to it.
Masturbation has "absolutely zero negative effects," Streicher said. "Nothing bad can happen from doing it -- you can’t catch anything, you can’t get pregnant, you’re not going to get sick. It’s the best thing out there as far as a feel-good vice that isn’t going to have any negative repercussions.”
13. It feels f*&^%$! amazing.
No explanation needed.

Spoon of This Miracle Plant to Prevent Dementia

  Spoon of This Miracle Plant to Prevent Dementia Did you know that mint, a simple yet powerful herb, can help protect your brain and potent...