

The Natural Ingredient You Should Ban From Your Diet

The Natural Ingredient You Should Ban From Your Diet

An unnecessary ingredient could be irritating your gut

Sometimes eating something natural isn't good for you.
Many food manufacturers—even some makers of commercial organic foods—are adding "carrageenan" to foods like yogurt, chocolate, soymilk, and even ice cream to give the foods a thicker consistency and to make low-fat versions taste fuller. Derived from red seaweed, it's often added to beverages to keep their ingredients from separating; you'll find it in many nutritional shakes, milk products, and milk replacements. The ingredient even crops up in certain frozen dinners, soups, and commercial broth products. The problem: carrageenan could be causing inflammation, gut irritation, and even cancer. 
"What's striking to me is that carrageenan has no nutritional value," says Charlotte Vallaeys, director of farm and food policy at the Cornucopia Institute , an organic watchdog group that promotes family-scale farming. The organization has been critical of carrageenan's approved use in organics and recently launched a nationwide petition urging the FDA to ban the ingredient from the food supply.
Its use in beverage products could be completely eliminated if companies printed "Shake Well" on their packages, since carrageenan essentially makes sure liquids remain mixed.
Although derived from a natural source, carrageenan appears to be particularly destructive to the digestive system, triggering an immune response similar to that your body has when invaded by pathogens like Salmonella. The result: "Carrageenan predictably causes inflammation, which can lead to ulcerations and bleeding," explains veteran carrageenan researcher Joanne Tobacman, MD, associate professor of clinical medicine at the University of Illinois School of Medicine at Chicago. She says the food ingredient irritates by activating an immune response that dials up inflammation. Her previous work showed a concerning connection between carrageenan and gastrointestinal cancer in lab animals, and she's involved with ongoing research funded through the National Institutes of Health that is investigating carrageenan's effect on ulcerative colitis and other diseases like diabetes.
The concern over food-grade carrageenan isn't new. Beginning in the 1960s, researchers started linking the ingredient to gastrointestinal disease in lab animals, including ulcerative colitis, intestinal lesions, and colon cancer.
Here's how to cut carrageenan from your diet:
Scan the label. Carrageenan must legally appear on a food label, so check labels of even organic foods to see if it's an ingredient. While organic foods ban the use of GMOs, chemical pesticides, and toxic synthetic additives, the program does allow carrageenan. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Organic Standards Board isn't set to vote on removing it from organics for four more years.
Speak up. Sign the Carrageenan Petition to the FDA  to let the federal agency know you don't want this ingredient in the food chain.
Check the list. The Cornucopia Institute created a Buying Guide  to help you shop carrageenan-free products. Vallaeys says the good news is companies like Stonyfield Farm, So Delicious, Eden Foods, and Oregon Ice Cream are voluntarily working to reformulate carrageenan-free products.



ONLY FOR THE ARTICHOKES CREAM (you can use it for starters with warm homemade bread)
~ 15-16 artichoke hearts
~ 2 cloves of garlic
~ Parmesan cheese to your heart’s content
~ olive oil
~ pepper
~ salt
• 200 g. of bacon (cut it in cubes)
• 2 cloves of garlic
• Parmesan cheese to your heart’s content
• Olive oil
• Pepper
• Salt
• 500 g. of Italian Pasta
Only for the cream:
• Put the olive oil in a pan and put 2 cloves of garlic in it. After few minutes, add the artichoke hearts and a pinch of salt and cook it with some water.
• Remove the garlic and when the hearts will be cooked, cut them in 4 parts.
• Put them in a mixer and add the olive oil and the Parmesan cheese, pepper and salt. This is your perfect cream for starters.
For the pasta:
• Put the oil and 2 cloves of garlic in another pan, add the bacon; it must become crispy.
• When the water boils, cook the pasta and pick some boiled water in a glass (you’ll use it to soften the cream)
• When cooked, drain the pasta and add the cream with the crispy bacon and mix all together.

SOLO PER LA CREMA (nel caso voleste utilizzarla in altro modo)
∼ 15-16 cuori di carciofo
∼ 2 spicchi d’aglio per il soffritto
∼ Parmigiano Reggiano a piacere
∼ olio evo
∼ pepe q.b.
∼ sale q.b.
∼ 200 g. di pancetta dolce a pezzettini
∼ 2 spicchi d’aglio per il soffritto
∼ Parmigiano Reggiano a piacere
∼ olio evo
∼ pepe q.b.
∼ sale q.b.
500 g. di pasta corta
• Mettete l’olio in una padella abbastanza grande e fate rosolare 2 spicchi d’aglio. Dopo qualche minuto, aggiungete i cuori di carciofo, salateli e lasciateli cuocere.
• Togliete gli spicchi d’aglio e aggiungete un bicchiere d’acqua ogni 5-6 minuti, finchè i cuori non saranno cotti.
• Tagliateli in 4 parti (dovranno risultare abbastanza morbidi).
• Una volta pronti, lasciateli intiepidire. Metteteli in un contenitore alto e frullateli (il frullatore a immersione è ideale).
• Aggiungete il Parmigiano Reggiano a volontà, un po’ d’olio, pepe e aggiustate di sale. Ecco pronta la vostra crema di carciofi!
• Prendete una pentola e fate bollire l’acqua.
• Nel frattempo, prendete una padella con un po’ d’olio e, quando sarà caldo, aggiungete 2 spicchi d’aglio (che toglierete a fine cottura) e la pancetta. Fatela rosolare bene a fuoco medio e toglietela solo quando sarà croccante. Attenzione a non farla bruciare!
• Mettete a cuocere la pasta (dopo aver aggiunto il sale) e, poco dopo, versate un po’ d’acqua di cottura in un bicchiere o in una ciotola. Servirà per ammorbidire UN PO’ la crema di carciofi.
• Quando avrete scolato la pasta, aggiungete la crema e infine la pancetta croccante e mescolate bene.
• Per chi, come me, mette il parmigiano prima, dopo e durante, aggiungetelo dopo aver mescolato, direttamente nel piatto!
Ricetta di Greta Ceresini “Profumi e Parole” 


Best Herbal Remedies

Best Herbal Remedies

Not long ago, American herbalists had to rely on folklore and anecdote. There was little clinical data on herbs, and what did exist was mostly published in German. But researchers (and translators) have been busy of late, and we now have proof that herbs are viable treatments for many ailments.
“Herbs won’t replace pharmaceuticals, but the research shows that–for many conditions–herbs work well, are cheaper than drugs and cause fewer side effects,” says Mary Hardy, M.D., medical director of the integrative medicine program at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. “Herbs aren’t quite mainstream, but they’re moving in that direction. Patients are interested in them, and doctors are increasingly familiar with herb research.
“Twenty years ago, there was no integrative program at Cedars-Sinai” she adds. “Now there is. That says something” Here, then, are the proven, 55 best herbal treatments. Stick to the dose specified in the studies or on the product label. When making teas, use 1 to 2 teaspoons of herb per cup of boiling water, steeped for 10 minutes. Tell your physician about any herbs you plan on using, especially if you’re pregnant or nursing, have a chronic medical condition or take medication regularly.

(1) Aloe Vera for Burns

Sometimes studies tell us what we already know. Aloe vera is the herb for minor burns, a fact that was confirmed most recently in the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand. Keep a potted aloe on your kitchen sill; it requires no care beyond weekly watering. For minor burns, snip off a thick leaf and slit it open; scoop out the gel from the inner leaf and apply to the burn.

(2) Black Cohosh for Menopause

The Algonquin Indians used black cohosh to treat gynecological ills, and it was a key part of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, sold in the 1870s to treat “female complaints and weaknesses.” In a recent German study on menopausal hot flashes, subjects were given estrogen, a Valium-like tranquilizer or black cohosh (Remifemin, two tablets twice a day). The herb, which is an option for women who can’t take estrogen, worked best. “The vast majority of studies show benefit,” says Mark Blumenthal, executive director of the American Botanical Council.

(3) Boswellia for Arthritis and Joint Injuries

Did the three wise men suffer aches and pains from their long camel ride? Luckily, they had frankincense, aka boswellia, a traditional Ayurvedic medicine for arthritis and joint injuries. In a study published in Alternative and Complementary Therapies, Egyptian researchers gave people with osteoarthritis of the knee boswellia and turmeric or a placebo. After three months, the herb group showed significantly greater relief from knee swelling.

(4) Chamomile for Digestive Problems

“Chamomile tea, perhaps the best-known herbal tisane, is widely employed as a digestive remedy throughout Europe, and its therapeutic use is well documented,” says David Hoffman, author of Medical Herbalism. This herb relaxes spasms of the smooth muscles and counters inflammation in the gut lining; it also has antiseptic and vasodilatory effects. Allergic reactions are possible, especially if you’re sensitive to ragweed.

(5) Chaste Tree for Premenstrual Syndrome

It won’t preserve virginity, but chaste tree has hormonal effects that minimize monthly symptoms. When 1,634 German PMS sufferers took chaste tree, 93 percent reported benefit. In tests against two other popular treatments, vitamin [B.sub.6] and Prozac, the herb worked as well as the drug and better than the vitamin. “Chaste tree is the best herb for PMS,” says James A. Duke, Ph.D., author of The Green Pharmacy. “It’s safe and the studies are convincing. “Just be patient: It can take three months to experience benefit. Some women report stomach distress, headache and increased menstrual flow.

(6) Coffee for Athletic Stamina

The caffeine in coffee or tea stimulates not only alertness (and jitters and insomnia), but also athletic performance. Korean researchers at the Institute for Elderly Health in Seoul asked athletes to ride stationary cycles until they felt exhausted–before and after drinking the equivalent of one tall Starbucks coffee. After their java break, they were able to ride significantly longer.

(7) Coffee for Pain Relief

Anacin and Excedrin claim that their “extra ingredient” provides greater pain relief. What is it? Caffeine. Many reports, including one in the Archives of Internal Medicine, have shown that adding about 65 milligrams of caffeine to aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen increases pain relief by around 40 percent. Caffeine blocks pain perception, has pain-relieving action, and elevates mood, which also helps minimize pain. Next time you have a headache, wash down your favorite pain pill with coffee or tea for more relief.

(8) Coffee as a Decongestant in Colds, Flu and Asthma

Caffeine opens narrowed bronchial tubes, according to Joe and Teresa Graedon, authors of The People’s Pharmacy. According to a report in the Annals of Epidemiology, the odds of experiencing current asthma symptoms were reduced 29 percent for subjects who drank coffee on a regular basis when compared with non-coffee drinkers.

(9) Cranberry for Urinary-Tract Infection

Cranberry prevents bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall long enough to cause an infection. Finnish researchers divided 150 recurrent UTI sufferers into three groups. One drank cranberry juice (50 milliliters a day). Another took Lactobacillus. The third took nothing. After six months, 36 percent of the no-treatment group and 39 percent of the Lactobacillus group reported at least one recurrence. Of the juice drinkers, only 16 percent had recurrences. Other options are dried cranberries (Craisins) and cranberry-extract capsules. “I recommend cranberry for UTI,” Duke says. “But if you drink the juice, you have to drink a lot. It’s usually easier to munch on the dried berries or take capsules.”

(10) Echinacea for Colds and Flu

The root of this daisy-like flower revs up the immune system. According to an analysis by University of Wisconsin researchers, in eight of nine studies evaluating echinacea for upper-respiratory infections, the herb reduced symptoms and accelerated recovery compared with placebos. “As soon as I feel a cold coming on, I take it–and my cold is mild and brief,” says Duke. Echinacea is available in teas and capsules, though most herbalists prefer tinctures. Liquid echinacea products may cause temporary, harmless numbing or tingling of the tongue; minor stomach upset is possible with tinctures. To manage your cold and flu symptoms while the Echinacea kicks in, you can use an OTC medication. While these medicines won’t cure or shorten the duration of your illness, they can help get you back on your feet again.

(11) Evening Primrose Oil for Lowering Cholesterol

Evening primrose seeds contain an oil with a high concentration of compounds rarely found in plants: essential fatty acids, specifically gamma-linolenic acid. In one study, reported in The Review of Natural Products, 79 people with high cholesterol took 4 grams of Efamol every day for three months (which provides about 320 mg of GLA), and their average cholesterol level fell 31.5 percent. The suggested dose for evening primrose oil starts at 1-gram gelcaps twice or three times a day. High cholesterol requires professional care, so consult your physician about GLA.

(12) Evening Primrose Oil for Rheumatoid Arthritis

The EFAs in EPO are also a powerful anti-inflammatory. University of Pennsylvania researchers gave 37 arthritis sufferers borage oil (which contains GLA) or a placebo, The placebo had no effect, but the herb group reported 45 percent less pain with no side effects. Other studies utilizing GLA obtained similar results. Rheumatoid arthritis requires professional care, so consult your physician about GLA.

(13) Feverfew for Migraine Prevention

British scientists at the University of Exeter analyzed six studies of feverfew, concluding that the herb significantly reduces the frequency of migraine occurrence. “In my experience,” Duke says, “feverfew prevents migraines in about two-thirds of those who use it consistently.” Dosage is generally 50 to 150 mg per day of powdered leaves.

(14) Flaxseed for Menopausal Discomfort

Safety concerns have reduced the number of women on hormone replacement therapy, but flaxseed is rich in phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) that can take the heat out of hot flashes. At Laval University in Quebec, Canada, researchers gave 25 menopausal women HRT or flaxseed (1.4 ounces per day, mixed into food). After six months, flaxseed relieved hot flashes as effectively as HRT.

(15) Flaxseed for Osteoporosis

Because flaxseed is a natural hormone replacement therapy, it also mimics HRT’s bone-preserving ability. Oklahoma State researchers gave a placebo or flaxseed (1.3 ounces per day) to 38 postmenopausal women for 14 weeks, and measured blood and urine for markers of bone loss and regrowth. The flaxseed group showed decreased bone resorption and calcium excretion, indicating reduced bone loss.

(16) Garlic as an Antibiotic

From ancient times through World War I, garlic has been used to treat the wounded. During the 1920s, researchers at Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in Switzerland isolated garlic’s antibiotic compound, alliin, which has no medicinal value until the herb is chewed, chopped or crushed. Then an enzyme transforms alliin into a powerful antibiotic called allicin. Modern antibiotics are more potent and easier to take (just try chewing a dozen raw cloves), but if you’re concerned about ulcers, use more garlic in your diet. Researchers at the University of Washington have shown that garlic kills H. pylori, the bacteria that cause ulcers. Raw garlic has the most antibiotic potency, but garlic still has benefits when cooked. “I use lots of garlic in cooking,” Duke says, “for reasons of taste and health.”

(17) Garlic for Cholesterol Control

Researchers at New York Medical College in Valhalla analyzed five studies and found that one-half to one clove of garlic per day reduces cholesterol by 9 percent. If you’d rather not eat fresh garlic every day, garlic supplements, including “deodorized” brands. have a similar effect. (Supplements with proven benefit include Kwai and Kvolic.) “Garlic doesn’t work as well as the statin drugs,” says Blumenthal, “so if your numbers are really high, you may need medication. But if your cholesterol s just mildly elevated or if it’s normal and you want to keep it that way, garlic definitely helps.” Garlic can impair blood clotting; if you notice increased bruising, stop taking it. and consult your physician.

(18) Garlic for Cancer Prevention

Garlic reduces the risk of several cancers. In the long-term Iowa Women’s Health Study. researchers followed 41,837 middle-aged women. Subjects who ate the most garlic had the lowest risk of colon cancer. A few cloves a week cut risk by 32 percent and greater intake decreased risk even more While fruit and vegetable consumption in general helps prevent cancel in this study, garlic yielded the greatest preventive benefit of all the plant foods analyzed. Other studies have shown that garlic helps lower risk for prostate and bladder cancers.

(19) Ginger for Motion Sickness

In ancient China, sailors chewed ginger root to prevent motion sickness and modern studies have confirmed that ginger prevents nausea and vomiting. Danish scientists at Svendborg Hospital observed 80 naval cadets in heavy seas and found that those who took ginger experienced 72 percent less seasickness than a placebo group. Take a 1-gram capsule of powdered ginger root about an hour before you embark, and another every two hours or as needed (without exceeding 10 grams a day) during a journey, Ginger’s only side effect is occasional minor heartburn. “t use ginger myself.” Duke says, “It works for me.”

(20) Ginger for Morning Sickness

Speaking of nausea, ginger also assists in preventing morning sickness. In a stud’. published in Obstetrics and Gynecology, researchers at Thailand’s Chiang Mai University gave 70 nausea-plagued pregnant women ginger powder (1 gram a day) or a placebo. In the latter group, 28 percent reported relief But in the ginger group, the figure was 88 percent, use the dose given in the study, or brew a tea using 2 teaspoons of freshly grated root per cup of boiling water.

(21) Ginkgo for Alzheimer’s Disease

The big study was published in 1997 in the journal of the American Medical Association: Researchers n a multicenter study gave 202 people with Alzheimer’s either a placebo or ginkgo extract (120 mg a day). A year later, the ginkgo group retained more mental function, and subsequent studies have corroborated this finding. Ginkgo Improves blood flow around the body–including through the brain. It’s safe. but it has anticoagulant properties, so increased bruising is possible.

(22) Ginkgo for Mental Acuity

Beyond its benefits for Alzheimer’s, four recent studies show that ginkgo improves mental function in people who are cognitively normal, In a study published in Phytotherapy Research. 31 health, adults, ages 30 to 59, received ginkgo (120 to 300 mg a day) or a placebo, The herbs significantly improved several measures of memory. Buy a standardized extract and take 120 to 240 mg a day.

(23) Ginkgo for Erection and Libido Problems

Ginkgo improves blood flow into the genitals. In a study published in the Journal of Urology, 60 men with erection problems caused by narrowed arteries and impaired blood flow to the penis were given ginkgo (60 mg a day); after six months, half had regained erection ability. When researchers at the University of Hawaii and Stanford University tested ArginMax, a sexual-enhancement supplement that contains ginkgo, ginseng and L-arginine, 80 percent of the male subjects had improved erection function, while 74 percent of the female subjects reported more libido, less dryness and greater frequency of orgasm.

(24) Ginkgo for Anti-Depressant-Induced Sex Problems

An enormous number of Americans take antidepressants, The relief comes at a price: a substantial risk of libido loss erection impairment, vaginal dryness and inability to reach orgasm. Investigators at the University of California at San Francisco gave ginkgo (209 mg a day) to 63 people suffering from antidepressant-induced sex problems. The herb helped 91 percent of the women and 76 percent of the men to return to normal sexual function

(25) Ginkgo for Altitude Sickness

Traveling from a low elevation up to the mountains often produces symptoms of altitude sickness, such as headache, sluggishness and excessive thirst, due to the decrease in available oxygen. (Over a few days. the body makes more red blood cells, which boosts oxygenation of the blood.) Researchers at the Hopital de Chamonix in France gave 44 mountaineers ascending the Himalayas ginkgo (80 mg twice daily) or a placebo. In the latter group, 82 percent developed respiratory problems related to altitude sickness, but among the ginkgo users, the figure was only 14 percent.

(26) Ginseng for Athletic Stamina

Many athletes take ginseng as part of their training. In a study published in Clinical Therapy, Italian researchers gave 50 physical education teachers a placebo or ginseng (with some vitamins and minerals), and then had them run on a treadmill, Hearts and lungs in the ginseng group worked more efficiently, and those subjects’ stamina increased significantly, Ginseng is safe, but it does have anticoagulant action. so increased bruising is possible.

(27) Ginseng for Immune Enhancement

Many studies show that ginseng revs up the immune system. Scientists at the University of Milan. Italy, gave ginseng (100 mg a day) or a placebo to 227 people. A month later. everyone received a flu shot (which does not kill the flu virus. but rather stimulates the immune system to resist infection). In the placebo group, 42 people got the flu, but in the ginseng group, the figure was just 15, demonstrating that ginseng enhanced immune response to the shot.

(28) Ginseng for Diabetes

Ginseng also reduces blood-sugar levels. In a study published in Diabetes Care, 30 subjects newly diagnosed with diabetes were given ginseng extract (100 or 200 mg a day) or a placebo, with the ginseng groups showing lower blood-sugar levels. Other studies concur. Diabetes requires professional treatment; consult your physician about ginseng.

(29) Ginseng for Erectile Dysfunction

According to a review of studies at Yale University, ginseng boosts the body’s synthesis of nitric oxide. As NO increases, so does the likelihood of erection. In a report in the Journal of Urology, Korean researchers gave 45 men with erection impairment a placebo or ginseng (900 mg three times a day). Those taking the herb experienced significant erection improvement.

(30) Ginseng for Low Sperm Count

At the University of Rome, Italy, researchers gave ginseng (4 grams a day) to 30 men suffering from low sperm counts. Three months later, the subjects’ counts almost doubled, from an average of 15 million/ml to 29 million/ml.

(31) Goldenseal for Digestive-Tract Infections

Goldenseal, an herbal antibiotic, is often marketed in combination with echinacea as a treatment for infections, but it is effective only in the digestive tract, not for colds or flu. At the University of Illinois in Chicago, researchers tested goldenseal against H. pylori, the bacteria that cause ulcers, and the herb inhibited bacterial growth. For GI infections (ulcer, food poisoning, infectious diarrhea, etc.), ask your doctor about using goldenseal in addition to medical therapies.

(32) Hawthorn for Congestive Heart Failure

In heart failure, the heart keeps beating, just not as forcefully as it should; people with the condition become exhausted from minor exertion. Many studies show that hawthorn stimulates fatigued hearts to beat more normally. In a study published in Phytomedicine, German researchers gave hawthorn (240 mg a day) or a placebo to 40 people with heart failure. Three months later, the hawthorn group was able to exercise significantly longer. “We reviewed much of the published research on hawthorn recently,” Blumenthal says, “and 13 of 14 studies showed benefit in heart failure.”

(33) Hibiscus for Hypertension

Hibiscus is the trumpet-shaped, tropical flower that puts the color in Red Zinger tea. A report in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that 12 days of drinking hibiscus tea (2 teaspoons per cup of boiling water several times a day) lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 11 percent. High blood pressure requires professional care; ask your doctor about adding hibiscus to your treatment plan.

(34) Horse Chestnut for Varicose Veins

“Mainstream medicine offers only support hose and surgery,” says Blumenthal, “but standardized horse chestnut seed extract has shown efficacy in most clinical trials.” At the University of Heidelberg, Germany, 240 sufferers of newly visible varicose veins were treated with compression stockings or horse chestnut (50 mg aescin twice a day). After 12 weeks, both groups reported equal relief. Off the tree, horse chestnuts are poisonous, but commercial extracts are detoxified and safe.

(35) Horsetail for Skin Healing

Before steel wool and abrasive cleansers, this herb helped scour pots and pans. Today it’s used to heal the skin. A Spanish study published in Revista de Enfermeria showed that horsetail speeds the healing of wounds; it’s also used in skin-care products.

(36) Lavender for Anxiety

Lavender flowers are an age-old remedy for anxiety. British researchers at the University of Wolverhampton had women add lavender oil or a placebo to their bath water. Bathing by itself is calming, but in this study, a bath infused with lavender oil significantly reduced anger, frustration and negativity. Use a handful of lavender flowers, or buy lavender oil and add several drops to your bath. Ingesting lavender oil is toxic; keep it away from children.

(37) Lemon Balm for Relaxation

The 17th-century English herbalist Nicholas Culpeper wrote that lemon balm drives away all melancholy. That’s an overstatement, but science has shown that lemon balm is tranquilizing. The herb and its oil have been used in Alzheimer’s care units to calm those who are agitated. To decompress after a tough day, try a cup of lemon-balm tea; for extra benefit, mix with chamomile.

(38) Lemon Balm for Herpes

Lemon balm has antiviral action. As reported in Phytomedicine, German researchers gave 66 people in the early stages of herpes simplex labialis outbreaks lemon-balm cream or a placebo. The herb group had milder outbreaks that healed faster. Lemon balm is the active ingredient in the herpes treatment Herpalieve. “If you have herpes,” Duke says, “drink lemon-balm tea. If you have an outbreak, apply lemon balm to the sore.”

(39) Licorice for Sore Throat

In a study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, researchers gave either a placebo or Throat Coat, a licorice tea from Traditional Medicinals, to 60 sore-throat sufferers 4 to 6 times a day for seven days; the tea tipplers reported significantly less pain on swallowing. Add a teaspoon of chopped or powdered root to a beverage tea, and feel relief almost immediately.

(40) Milk Thistle for Liver Health

Silymarin in milk thistle seeds has a remarkable ability to protect the liver. This herb has been shown to help treat hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis, and it’s been found more effective than traditional medicine at treating “deathcap” mushroom poisoning. “In our analysis,” Blumenthal says,” 19 of 21 studies support milk thistle seed extract for liver conditions.” Because most drugs are metabolized through the liver, many herbalists recommend silymarin for anyone who takes liver-taxing medication.

(41) Papaya for Herniated Disks

Papaya has been used by Caribbean Indians to treat skin wounds and infections and by the Japanese to treat digestive disorders. In 1982, the Food and Drug Administration approved injections of the papaya enzyme chymopapain to dissolve cellular debris in herniated or slipped vertebral disks in the back. Allergic reactions are possible.

(42) Peppermint for Indigestion

In ancient Greece, people chewed a sprig of mint after feasts to settle the stomach, a tradition that evolved into our after-dinner mints. German researchers gave 118 adults with persistent indigestion a standard drug (cisapride) or twice-daily capsules of enteric-coated peppermint oil (90 mg) and caraway oil (50 mg), another traditional stomach soother. (The enteric coating allows the capsules to survive stomach acid and release their oil in the small intestine, where non-heartburn indigestion develops.) Four weeks later, the drug and the herb blend produced the same relief. If you use herbal oils, do not exceed the recommended dose, and keep them away from children. You also can brew a peppermint tea, and add a teaspoon of chopped caraway to meals. “When I get indigestion,” Duke says, “I go to the garden, pick some peppermint, chew some leaves, and make tea. It works for me.”

(43) Peppermint for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IBS involves persistent abdominal cramps, bloating, flatulence, and diarrhea or constipation. British researchers at the University of Exeter analyzed five studies of peppermint oil as a treatment, and found that it provided benefit. (See the previous item for options and cautions.)

(44) Psyllium for Diarrhea and Constipation

Psyllium is a tiny seed that contains mucilage, a soluble fiber that swells on exposure to water. For diarrhea, psyllium can absorb excess fluid in the gut. For constipation, psyllium adds bulk to stool, which presses on the colon wall and triggers the nerves that produce the urge to go. You may find psyllium at health-food stores, but it’s easiest to take Metamucil, which is psyllium with flavoring. When using psyllium, drink plenty of water. Allergic reactions are possible.

(45) Red Pepper for Pain Relief

Capsaicin, the compound that gives red pepper (cayenne) its fiery flavor, is a potent topical pain reliever, according to the Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs. When rubbed on the skin, it causes mild superficial burning. But that sensation desensitizes nearby pain nerves, and soothes pain in deeper tissues. Capsaicin is the active ingredient in several over-the-counter pain-relieving creams, such as Capsin, Zostrix and Pain-X.

(46) St. John’s Wort for Depression

For mild depression, St. John’s wort often works as well as Prozac and Zoloft, but with fewer side effects. “We recently concluded a comprehensive review of the scientific literature on St. John’s wort, and 21 of 23 studies support it for mild-to-moderate depression,” says Blumenthal. Studies showing benefits have used 600 to 1,800 mg a day; most have used 900 mg a day. Stomach upset is possible, and St. John’s wort interacts with many drugs, including possibly reducing the effectiveness of birth-control pills. Depression requires professional care; ask your physician about St. John’s wort.

(47) Saw Palmetto for Benign Prostate Enlargement

In a study published in the journal The Prostate, saw palmetto extract (32-0 mg) was compared with finasteride in 1,098 men with prostate symptoms. After 24 weeks, both treatments were equally effective, but the herb caused fewer side effects. Researchers at the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center analyzed 18 studies and found saw palmetto to be effective for prostate symptoms.

(48) Tea for Heart Health

Tea, particularly green tea, has rocketed to prominence as an herbal medicine. It’s high in antioxidants, which help prevent heart disease. In a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, Dutch researchers followed 3,454 residents of Rotterdam. Compared with those who drank no tea, those who drank two cups a day had 46 percent less risk of heart attack, while those who drank four cups a day enjoyed 69 percent lower risk. Drinking tea also improves survival odds after heart attack.

(49) Tea for Cancer Prevention

Researchers at the University of Southern California surveyed 501 Asian women with breast cancer and 594 who were cancer-free. Those who were cancer-free drank the most green tea; as consumption rose, risk fell. Also, Japanese researchers reported in Cancer Letters that breast-cancer survivors who drank three or more cups a day reduced the risk of recurrence. Green tea also appears to protect against cancers of the colon, rectum, and pancreas. Most research has used green tea.

(50) Tea for Bad Breath and Gum Disease

Forget breath mints. Instead, researchers at the University of Illinois College of Dentistry in Chicago suggest a cup of tea (black or green), which contains compounds that stop the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath. An added benefit: Tea helps prevent gum disease, the main cause of adult tooth loss.

(51) Tea Tree Oil for Athlete’s Foot

Tea tree isn’t tea; it’s an Australian plant with an antifungal, antiseptic oil. In a study published in the Australasian Journal of Dermatology, researchers had people with athlete’s foot apply tea tree oil (50 percent concentration) or a placebo. After four weeks, 31 percent of the placebo group and 64 percent of the tea tree contingent were cured. Pharmaceutical ointments work faster, but tea tree oil is clearly effective. “Apply it with a Q-tip twice a day,” Duke says.

(52) Tea Tree Oil for Dandruff

As reported in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Australian researchers studied 126 people with dandruff, which is caused by a skin fungus. Subjects were given either an ordinary shampoo or one containing 5 percent tea tree oil. After four weeks, flaking was reduced 11 percent in the plain-shampoo group, but 41 percent in those who used tea tree oil. It’s not a miracle cure, but if your dandruff shampoo isn’t working as well as you’d like, add a drop or two of tea tree oil each time you shampoo.

(53) Turmeric for Arthritis and Joint Injuries

Curcumin, the yellow pigment in this Indian spice, is an anti-inflammatory. In combination with boswellia, it treats osteoarthritis, according to investigators at India’s Central Drug Research Institute. Use turmeric or yellow curries in cooking. “I developed a recipe called ‘Arthritis Soup,’” Duke says, “containing lots of anti-inflammatory herbs. The recipe also calls for 2 tablespoons of turmeric.” When taking capsules, follow label directions.

(54) Valerian for Insomnia

Studies have shown that valerian aids sleep, often as well as pharmaceutical sedatives and without being addictive. In a study published in the European Journal of Medical Research, investigators gave 202 insomniacs valerian or a Valium-like tranquilizer. After six weeks, both treatments were equally effective. “Research strongly supports that valerian works,” Blumenthal says. “It’s been used widely and safely for hundreds of years.” Note: It takes a week or more to begin noticing benefit. Also, raw valerian root smells and tastes terrible (“like funky socks,” Blumenthal says), so pills are more palatable.

(55) White Willow Bark for Back Pain

White willow bark contains salicin, a close chemical relative of aspirin. According to a German study of 451 people with low back pain, 240 mg a day of willow bark worked better than conventional therapeutic options. Like aspirin, willow bark can cause stomach distress, and it shouldn’t be given to children.


Старозагорската Ванга - Мата Киликчиева:

Старозагорската Ванга Мата Киликчиева: Варна още ще плаща!

Наричат Мата Киликчиева „старозагорската Ванга”. Животът й се преобръща на 6 октомври 1976 г. Тежко болна е, с доказана диагноза огромен тумор в мозъка, без надежда за отстраняването му. Изписана е от болницата като смъртник. 30-годишната тогава овдовяла наскоро млада жена, с две малки дечица, решава да се помоли на Бог: Той да я излекува, лекарите като не могат, за да има кой да се грижи за дечицата й, защото освен нея никого си нямат. Мата едва става от леглото в дома си и коленичи. След разтърсваща до дълбините на душата й молитва, обляна в сълзи и искаща прошка от Господ, тя преживява чудо! За първи път в живота си получава видение: до нея застава млад и благ мъж и полага ръце над главата й. Казва й, че я обича и след 10 минути тя ще бъде напълно здрава. Повтаря го три пъти.
Свидетели на ставащото минути по-късно с Матина, както още я наричат, са нейни роднини, приятели и двама милиционери. Лекарите от старозагорската болница, които ден след преживяването й отново я подлагат на всевъзможни изследвания, не знаят какво да мислят. Свидетели са на чудо! Черно на бяло, след направените наново рентгенови, ехографски и всевъзможни пълни изследвания констатират, че няма и следа от огромния тумор в главата й!
Оттогава до днес – вече 38 години, Мата е жива и здрава, и… вече е с пораснали внуци. Но… от мига на нейното внезапно изцерение тя започва да „вижда” в бъдещето чрез Духа, както го нарича. Това „виждане” често е съпроводено и с видения „напълно реални като картина, звук и говор”, и с „послания Свише”. Вярата й в Бог я прави непоклатима в християнските ценности. Тачи всички православни празници. Знае ги ден по ден по-добре и от свещениците. Пости редовно. Причестява се. Изповядва се. Превърнала е кът от дома си в параклис. Приема дарбата си като мисия. И зове така, както древните пророци са призовавали и предупреждавали неверниците и са сочили дела за спасение на душата по Божиите пътища.
Предвид случващото се напоследък в държавата ни кореспондентът на народното издание потърси Мата Киликчиева с намерението да й зададе злободневни въпроси и да чуе отговорите й, още повече че пет години преди Симеон Сакскобургготски изобщо да стъпи в България, в най-тоталитарните комунистически години, Мата заявява пред нашия репортер, че „Симеон Сакскобургготски ще дойде в България. Ще бъде посрещнат от целия народ като цар. Връща се у нас. Ще застане начело на държавата, но… няма да бъде цар, а нещо като цар”. Тогава Мата описа цялото видение в детайли и то се сбъдна едно към едно след пет години, за което й свидетелства и авторката на това интервю!
- Мата, в уговорката ни по телефона за тази среща ти ми каза, че напоследък не можеш да спиш и се случва по цели нощи да будуваш и да приемаш послания от Духа, които дословно записваш. За какво се отнасят те?
- За какво ли не! Така преди години в едно такова послание ми беше казано, че синът ми ще бъде убит. Но аз като приемам посланията, грохнала от умора, понякога хич и не вниквам в това, което ми се диктува, само записвам. И после може да го прочета. Но уморена ли съм, друг път го чета и вниквам в това, което е написано там.
Така и тогава е станало. Като е свършило посланието, явно съм хвърлила листовете с диктуваното ми и тетрадката паднала зад пералнята. Не съм я видяла изобщо после и не съм я търсила даже. Но част от написаното тогава се е отнасяло за моя син, който по това време беше войник. Била съм предупредена за убийството му. Уби го друг войник на гара Михайлово, Старозагорско, където синът ми служеше. А аз три месеца преди това съм била предупредена за това убийство от Духа на предсказанието!… Но като съм приемала това послание, явно съм била нещо като в несвяст и чак на двайсетия ден от смъртта му с приятелката му Виолета решихме да почистим у дома. Отместихме пералнята и какво да видим: там има една тетрадка с написано от мен. Виолета започна да чете и избухна в рев. Вика ми: “Лельо Матино, как можа всичко с подробности да опишеш за смъртта на Ицко, пък не можа да предотвратиш смъртта му?!…“ (Христо се казваше този ми син, роден е 1957 г., имам и друг син.) И като ревнах с глас и всичко изскочи пред очите ми. Чак тогава сякаш се вдигна завесата пред очите ми, защото смътно се сетих, че бях писала за смъртта на някакъв войник Христо, без да се усетя, че е моят Ицко! Описала съм убийството му от друг войник – този, който после го уби. Още пазя тетрадката с написаното от мен.
След неговата смърт спрях да пиша под тази диктовка на Духа на предсказанието, но пък започнах да „виждам” и „чувам” това, което предстои.
Отърване няма!
И да искаш, и да не искаш – това става! После пак започнах да пиша, а освен че виждах, вече и чувах и така… до днес. Има 19 начина Духът на предсказанието да стига до хората чрез посредниците си като мене. Застане ли човекът насреща ми, и тръгва информацията за него. А снощи пък до три часа след полунощ ме държа будна и ми диктува. Ето тук е записано всичко, каквото ми е казал, и накрая ми написа, че трябва лично на теб да ти предам написаното. Виж, името ти стои отдолу! /Мата показва купчинка листове от ученическа тетрадка, изписани от двете страни с ясен и четлив почерк, а под последния лист – датата и часа на посланието и заръката с името ми под него – б.а./ Ето, чети какво е написал!
- По-добре чети ти, аз ще гледам, ти по разбираш почерка си. /Мата започва де чете. Изреченията са стройни. Звучат библейски. Не съдят. Наставляват. Предупреждават. Пророкуват. Ето и една малка част от посланието и с пророчества в него, които Мата дообяснява в отговорите на въпросите, които предстои да й задавам – б.а./:
„Преди много време ти предадох, че Съдът Божий започва. Бог работи с много точно време. Той даваше знак, но на всички ушите и очите са затворени. Затова пуска огнените сили, за да се съсредоточите и да чуете Божия глас и заповедите Му. Всяко нещо има край и за всяко дело има съд. Всички недоволствате от това, което ви се случва, но не си задавате въпроса: Защо се случва?… /По-нататък в посланието се сравняват дела от минали епохи, в т.ч. и от епохата на социализма у нас – б.а./... Забравихте вашата вяра, занемарихте морала, отхвърлихте любовта и всеки ден потъвате. Сатаната видя това и започна да ви води по страшните си сатанински пътища. Крадяхте от труда на братята си,
трупахте незаконни пари, но те са парливи пари…
/Посланието по-нататък анализира новия световен ред и техническите достижения на САЩ, като не отминава „пробойните”в него, липсата на духовност и копирането на порочни модели на поведение в световен мащаб. Не отминава и вината за това на световните духовни водачи, но отбелязва, че „за тях присъдата е по-висока”… и продължава – б.а./: „…Защо позволихте да вкарват „отрова” във вашата страна? /Следва пояснение за наркотиците – б.а./ Позволихте да ограбват душите ви и разбиват сърцата ви. Позволявахте чужди да ви командват… Получихте повече болести, ковчези и черни кърпи. Напълнихте чуждите банки с пари. Управниците ви лъжат, а на бедния народ дават едно мухлясало парче хляб. Тровите бедните деца. Братя и сестри, Бог ви е дал райския кът на Земята. Красота! Защо искате да я загубите, заради пари и измама ли? Тук има хляб и пари за пет държави!… Българският народ е богоизбран!… Молете се на Св. Илия, Св. Неделя, Св. Иван Рилски и майката Божия! Тя всеки ден се моли на своя Син за вас. Обединете се!
Ако ли не, всичко ще изгори!…
Варна ще плаща скъпо и прескъпо за греховете си… Варна още ще плаща! И бедните страдат, защото никой не благодари на Бог и Божията майка! Всичко е в Божиите ръце! Само Той дава и взема. Къде са вашите земни и духовни ръководители? Помолихте ли се Бог да се смили над вас?… Всички сте безотговорни! А можете да съкратите страданията си. Имате свободна воля!…”.
- Как да съкратим страданията, Матина – имаш ли отговор на този въпрос?
- Духът има отговор! Знаеш ли какво ми каза един ден, беше наскоро, след като стана тая голяма трагедия с квартала във Варна и ужасяващата гибел и страданието на хората там? Каза ми: ”Всички градове и села в България, в един и същи ден да забият камбаните на църквите им и хората да излязат на площадите със свещ в ръка! Всички в един точно определен ден и час да започнат да се молят! Да се молят на Господ да престанат изпитанията ви и да се обърне животът на народа към добруване!”.
- Как точно го виждаш това да стане?
- Разясни ми се: духовните водачи на християнските църкви – православни, католици, протестанти, евангелисти, петдесетници… в определен ден и час да съберат хората си. Да изнесат кратка беседа и в точно определения съгласуван с тях и държавниците ни час и минута да започне всенародна молитва. Да забият камбаните. Народът да наведе глава. Дори да излезе, ако трябва, със запалена свещ в ръцете по площадите, но да започне да се моли на Господ за добруването на българския народ. Молитвата може да я води духовен водач – примерно митрополит или свещеник – на микрофон, на глас, а народът да бъде в съгласие с него. Но да се молим вкупом, целият български народ, или всеки със своята си молитва, но в точно определен ден и час. Огромна, невиждана и нечувана е силата на колективната молитва! Но… това трябва да стане час по-скоро! И ми се каза: „Ако всички със запалени свещи се обърнат с молитва към Господ в един определен ден, час и минута, ще видиш какво чудо ще стане тогава!…”.
- Какво чудо ще стане?
- Ще се обърне съдбата на България, защото тя сега изкупува вини и грехове, които е сторила в цялата си история. Дълго е за обяснение. Каза ми се още, че патриархът на българската православна църква трябва да влиза при президента и всички заедно с политиците да решават важните държавни дела, които касаят целия български народ. Каза ми се още, че трябва да се въведе вероучението в училищата на всяка цена, че дори сме закъснели, но още има малко време. Но за всенародната молитва ми се каза, че това е единственият начин, по който можем да запазим нашата страна от бурята, която се задава! По никакъв друг начин не можем да се спасим като народ!
Ще ни разпилеят! Ще откъснат парчета от страната ни 
– едни от едната страна, други от другата страна ще ни ръфат и ще секат жива плът от земята ни. Ще искат да се заселят тук народи. Ще ни разпилеят, запомнете! Това е начинът да се спасим! Духът ме предупреди: обща, всенародна молитва в определен ден и час! И ми каза още да не се боим, защото: ”В България има блага, с които можете да храните не една, а пет държави! Не бойте се! Бъдете братолюбиви, сърдечни и обединени!”.

How I developed my first Android app

How I developed my first Android app

One of the best features of the modern web is that everything is so easy to try. Want your own blog? You can have one in three clicks. Want to learn about advertising? You can buy Facebook ads in a matter of seconds. Want to understand the app economy? That’s pretty easy too.
I’ve been getting into barbecuing for two years or so and, finally, this spring I grew tired of carrying around a stack of paper directions with me. I turned my grill instructions into a text file for my phone’s notepad but soon started thinking that — since I was going to be on my phone anyway — they should be in an app. I had never made an app before, so it seemed like I had the makings of a fun project on my hands. And the end result ismy first Android app.
At the time I wrote this article I had two apps published: my original BBQ app and a screen-based flashlight app. They are still under development and more are on the way.
This is the story of my journey from app user to app developer. I learned a lot in the process of building my first app, and almost as much as I built more. Most of all I learned that building an app isn’t too difficult if you are patient and you keep your goals modest.

Your platform and tools

Once you’ve decided to build an app, you need to pick your platform. Android made sense for me because I wanted maximum flexibility and to remove as many obstacles as possible. This completely comes down to personal preference, but the barrier to entry is lower in Google’s Play Store than Apple’s, plus with Android you can circumvent official app store’s altogether. There are a few other minor details to consider, such as the tools you’ll want to to work with, how much you are willing to pay for a developer account ($25 to Google vs. $99 to Apple), and what devices you have available for testing.
Ultimately I went with Android because testing apps is easier, I could send around APKs to my friends, and I could use the tools I wanted to. Also, with Android I knew that I’d be able to own my app and my account, not get caught up paying a service in order to maintain my software.
Once you’ve chosen your platform, you need to pick your toolset. It was important for me that I would be the sole owner of my app and that no one would charge me each month for it. A lot of these app builders have huge advantages for would-be app developers — such as zero coding skills required and multi-platform support — but they come at a price. The tradeoffs vary, but many will leave you without the ability to monetize your app, with a monthly fee, without the source code, and with built-in ads (that aren’t yours). That’s not to say that services like ormobincube are bad, they just didn’t fit my needs.
Knowing that I did not want a monthly fee and that I wanted full ownership of my app, I was willing to accept that I would be restricted to one app store and that my result might not be as slick as it otherwise could be. The tool I went with was MIT’s App Inventor 2, the tool Google originally built in order to promote app development. I had meant to try it out at the time of its release and never got around to it. AI2 is easy to use, no real coding skills are required aside from a basic understanding of syntax, and you fully own the end product. The tradeoff is that App Inventor 2 is pretty limited — you can’t insert ads, it doesn’t have access to some basic hardware, and there are a lot of Android tasks that it can’t do. Regardless, I knew what I wanted to do and it was clear that App Inventor could do it, so I was set.
Once I got my head around what App Inventor could handle, the building process is quite simple. AI2 uses a drag-and-drop set of blocks that makes app creation quite simple. It takes some time to learn the blocks and how they interact with one another, but there is excellent community support and a near unlimited number of tutorials online.

The build process is going to vary based on the tool you use, but if you are not a developer I’d simply stress that you find something you are comfortable working with that has a sufficient level of support (community or otherwise). If the app is never going to make a dime, you probably don’t want to spend any money on it, but if you are building it for you business then that monthly fee means nothing if it the result is good enough.

Publishing an Android app

Once you have a working app, it’s time to get it on devices. App Inventor works in a tethered mode for testing, in the Android emulator, or as a APK file that it delivers to your smartphone via QR code. I did the majority of my testing with APKs as I wanted to test with the full app, not something interpreted through an emulator or another intermediary. Once I felt the app was done it was time for the Play Store, but I could have just as easily put my APK in a Dropbox folder or on a website and distributed that way, albeit in a more limited manner.
Putting your app on the Play Store and/or Amazon App Store is a simple process. You take some screenshots, fill in a few forms, hand over some information, and in a few hours your app is available. You’ll need to make some decisions about pricing and similar matters, but if you aren’t trying to make a living off of your app there isn’t much to worry about here.
One fact I had to learn the hard way was that you need to be very careful with security, even if this isn’t even remotely an issue for your application. In retrospect these look obvious, but they were easy to overlook at the time, so take notice.
First, permissions are a hassle. Both Summer of BBQand Red Telescope Flashlightare extremely basic apps that ask for almost no information or access. The app permissions ask for more than that though, and I’m not entirely sure how to fix them. From the best I can tell the extra permissions were added in when I was testing out features that didn’t make it into the final app, but when I killed the features the permissions persisted. This is something I’ll fix in the future.
Secondly, if you take a look at the URL from Summer of BBQ, you’ll see that it’s downright ugly: How’d that happen? I used App Inventor to build the app, my publisher name is my name, and the internal name I used for the first published version was BBQ_10 (a computer-friendly version of BBQ 1.0). After publishing and realizing my mistake I assumed I would be able to change the app name in order to clean up the URL and to fix the name that appears below the icon on phones… but you can’t. The only way to fix this would be to delete the app and publish it again with my fixes.
There are tools that can make the changes I need but these generally change your keystore, which means the Play Store’s security won’t allow you to re-upload the app (a changed keystore sets off all sorts of red flags). So at this point I’m stuck with an app icon that says BBQ_10 below it, or I need to unpublish my app and start fresh.

It’s all about the marketing

Ask anyone who has run a site, written a book, or published an app and they’ll let you know a universal truth: aside from your wife and parents, no one will just find your article/book/app. The internet is too big and the environment is too competitive for people to simply stumble on your work. Even if you have a product that is search-friendly and free you’re out of luck because so do a thousand other developers. So if you don’t have a personal fan club of 10,000, your download number is going to be pretty uninspiring unless you do something about it.

Marketing is the most difficult and, for most people, the least rewarding part of the job, but the good news is that you don’t need to do it. If you are happy with simply having an app that people can download then there is nothing to worry about, but if you’d like to make a few bucks or inflate your internet ego by having a respectable number of installs, then you’ll need to figure something out.
So far I’ve limited my marketing to linking to the app on social networks and my success has been limited. To date I’ve pulled in 110 combined downloads and $0. I have some plans for increasing exposure to the apps and possibly generating some income but at this point I’d take downloads over money.

Development for dummies

At this point I’d hardly consider myself a developer, but I can say that I’ve learned a lot about app development and I’ve had more fun than I expected. I’ve been able to build apps to solve my own problems, and then released two of them to the public, because why not?
In the future I’d like to investigate the feasibility of app development as a source of income (read: beer money), using more advanced tools like Android Studio, and increasing my download numbers. The app development process has been filled with hurdles, but ultimately it’s been much more rewarding than I expected. I think a major part of this has been due to my choosing Android over iOS as the openness of the platform, the strong community support, and the ease of development have all made the process a much better experience than I would have otherwise expected.
By  Jul. 15, 2014 9:30 am


Come conservare il basilico sott’olio

Come conservare il basilico sott’olio

Ecco qui un metodo che mi ha insegnato mia nonna che spiega come conservare il basilico e poterlo gustare come fresco per tutto l’inverno. Il metodo più conosciuto è quello che consiste nel congelare le foglie della pianta. Personalmente trovo che conservare il basilico sott’olio sia il metodo migliore per mantenere inalterati il colore e il profumo della pianta. Oltretutto, con questo metodo, si ottiene anche un delizioso olio aromatizzato che può essere utilizzato per condire insalate, verdure o altre pietanze. Vediamo il semplicissimo procedimento.
-  foglie di basilico fresco;
- olio extra vergine q.b.;
- sale fino q.b.
Lavare bene le foglie di basilico in acqua fredda. Più l’acqua è fredda e meglio è: in questo modo le foglie della pianta non rischiano di perdere il loro bel colore verde intenso.
Asciugare le foglie di basilico con un asciuga insalata, o in alternativa, distenderle su un canovaccio e lasciarle asciugare completamente senza strizzarle..
Nel frattempo, sterilizzare il barattolo (meglio se con chiusura ermetica) nel forno a 110 gradi per un quarto d’ora.
Quando il barattolo si è raffreddato e le foglie di basilico sono asciutte, stendere un primo strato di basilico all’interno del barattolo. Spolverare con un po’ di sale e aggiungere un cucchiaio di olio. Proseguire con un altro strato e così via, fino a terminare il basilico. Pressare bene le foglie tra uno strato e l’altro.
Terminare aggiungendo tanto olio necessario a coprire anche l’ultimo strato di foglie di basilico: è importante che tutte le foglie siano coperte dall’olio, in modo da poter essere perfettamente conservate.
Per questo motivo vi consiglio di collocare un piccolo peso sopra le foglie, perchè quelle in superficie tenderanno a galleggiare sull’olio. Basterà un piccolo piattino o una retina.
Sigillare il barattolo e utilizzare le foglie nei mesi successivi, come preferite. Ecco svelato il metodo per come conservare il basilico per l’inverno.
Conservare il barattolo in dispensa o in frigorifero, come preferite, l’importante è che le foglie siano sempre coperte dall’olio (se necessario, fare qualche rabbocco ogni tanto).
Consiglio: è bene utilizzare le foglie verdi del basilico e scartare quelle giallastre e rovinate.


Quiet Surprise

Quiet Surprise
I sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back.. 
I asked - "why?"... 
The angel said: - "Angels don't watch over angels!"
Twenty angels are in your world. 
Ten of them are sleeping, nine are playing, one is reading this message. 
Please read..... 
Not joking.....
God has seen you struggling with something. 
God says it's over. 
A blessing is coming your way. 
If you believe in God, send this message on, please don't ignore it, you are being tested. 
God is going to fix two BIG things tonight in your favor. 
If you believe in God, drop everything and pass it on. 
Tomorrow will be the best day ever. 
Send this to ten friends, including me, if I don't get it back, I guess I'm not one of them. 
As soon as you get five replies, someone you love will quietly surprise you.

Spoon of This Miracle Plant to Prevent Dementia

  Spoon of This Miracle Plant to Prevent Dementia Did you know that mint, a simple yet powerful herb, can help protect your brain and potent...