

                                       МАСЛО ОТ РИГАН КОНКУРИРА 18 АНТИБИОТИКА

Британски учени установиха че риганът, който се използва и като билка,…
и като подправка на ястията, може да се пребори с тежки инфекции по-добре от та­кива антибиотици, като пеници­лина и стрептомицина.
Специалисти от Университе­та на Западна Англия в Бристол заедно с индийски колеги откри­ли, че веществото карвакрол, съ­държащо се в ригана, притежава изключително силно противогъбично и антибактериално дей­ствие. Тези му свойства бяха из­вестни донякъде на науката, но учените не предполагаха, че има толкова голяма сила. Според бри­танските експерти карвакролът може да се използва като анти­септик за водата, за да убива па­разитите, причиняващи наруше­ния във функциите на червата, да лекува гъбични инфекции като кандида(причиняваща млечница у жените), а също така да унищо­жава резистентния златист стафилокок - смъртоносна бак­терия, причиняваща вътре болнични инфекции.
По своето действие карвакрол се оказал много по-силен от 18 антибактериални препарата, с които учените го сравнили. По думите на изследователите от маслото на ригана може да се из­готви антисептичен спрей за унищожаване на златистия ста­филокок в болничните заведения. Освен това учените обсъждат възможността от маслото на ри­гана да се разработи и дезинфек­циращ перилен препарат.
Австралийски учени преди то­ва откриха, че маслото от риган се бори успешно със силно разпро­странения причинител на възпа­ления в стомашно-чревния тракт и пикочополовата систе­ма - E.coli (ешерихия коли), както и със салмонелозата. То е ефикасно и срещу обикновената простуда.
Карвакрол съдържат и други ле­чебни растения - стръкове гра­динска и дива мащерка (Thymus vulgaris и Thymus serpyllum), цве­тове градинска и балканска чу­брица (Satureja hortensis и Satureja montana), стръкове седефче (Ruta graveolens), корени пурпурна ехинацея (Echinacea Purpurea), коре­ни наклонен божур (Paeonia anomala) и др.


Epsom Salt in your Garden

                                         HEALTHY TOMATOES + PEPPERS WITH EPSOM SALT

Have you ever tried Epsom Salt in your Garden? You might give it a try in the Spring. You can use it as a soil amendment before seeding to give your garden a powerful boost from the start. Magnesium aids in seed germination and helps to strengthen cell walls, leading to more and stronger seedlings. For best results, use 1 cup of salt per 100 square feet of tilled soil or mix 1 – 2 tablespoons into the soil at the bottom of each hole before dropping in seeds

Tomatoes should be fed Epsom salt twice as often as other plants. Also, because tomato vines are prone to calcium-deficiency (blossom end rot), the majority of tomato fertilizers contain calcium which will compete with magnesium for root absorption. Therefore, foliar feeding is the more efficient method for delivering magnesium to these plants. Water tomato vines with dissolved Epsom salt – 2 tablespoons per gallon of water, every 2 weeks.

Peppers are another popular garden plant with a higher-than average fruit to plant size ratio. Because of this, they should also be fed magnesium every two weeks to achieve higher yields of larger fruits. For hot peppers, over-watering can lead to fruit with less heat, thus the soil amendment method may be preferable in this case. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt for every foot of height around the drip line of your pepper plants once per week.

Plants that aren’t getting enough magnesium can be identified by their yellowing leaves. This is because magnesium is an essential component in the production of chlorophyll. Sprinkle Epsom salt around your plants to achieve healthier foliage. About 1 tablespoon per 12 inches of height once a month will benefit the plants in your vegetable garden, as well as any trees, shrubs, flowers and grasses you want to green up.

Leaf curling may also be caused by magnesium-deficiency in plants. Again, add Epsom salt to the soil around the base of the sick plant. Alternately, for faster absorption you can mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in a gallon of water and apply directly to the leaves.

Have you ever wondered why your neighbors’ rose bushes are fuller than yours and sport so many more blossoms? It is highly likely that the answer is Epsom salt. Not only does it help roses to produce larger blossoms in greater numbers, but it also aids in the growth of new canes from the base of the plant. And of course, Epsom salt increases chlorophyll production meaning darker leaves.

For maximum benefit, roses should at the least be fed with Epsom salt at time of planting, then again at the first sign of new growth, and once more when the flowers are in full bloom. Bare root roses may also be soaked in water containing dissolved Epsom salt before planting.

You really can't use too much Epsom salt in your garden. Magnesium sulfate is pH neutral, so it won’t harm your soil. The crystals break down into water, magnesium, and sulfur – three components which are beneficial in some way to most plants. Epsom salt is safe, easy to apply, and works fast to correct a variety of problems and increase the overall health of your garden. As if that weren’t enough, Epsom salt is also inexpensive making it one of the most perfect tools for the health-conscious, responsible gardener.

We are The Seed Guy, a Small Family Farm that still hand counts and packages our Heirloom Seeds for the best germination for you. Please visit our website for great pricing on our 9 Heirloom Seed packages, and all our Individual varieties we have in Stock Now, Fresh from the New Fall 2021 Harvest, and On Sale Now--)
You can also Call Us 7 days a week, and up to 10:00 pm Central Time at night, at 918-352-8800 if you would like to Order By Phone.

If you LIKE US on our Facebook page, you will be able to see more of our great Gardening articles, New Seed Offerings, and healthy Juice Recipes Thank you, and God Bless You and Your Family.::) 
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