
Showing posts with label Home Help's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Help's. Show all posts


Дървото на живота: значение и символика - Crassula ovata


                                               Дървото на живота: значение и символика

Дървото на живота, научно известно като Crassula ovata, произхожда от Южна Африка. Познато е също така като „Дървото на парите“, „Дървото на щастието“ или просто „Живот“, това растение се отличава с изключителната си устойчивост и лесното отглеждане. Crassula ovata е сравнително устойчиво на ниски температури, но не е напълно зимоустойчиво. Обикновено може да издържи до леки минусови температури, около -2°C до -5°C, но продължителни периоди на студ може да причинят увреждане на растението.

По отношение на отглеждането, Дървото на живота често се отглежда в саксии във вътрешни условия. Това растение предпочита топлината и светлината, които предлага домашната среда. Отглеждането му в саксия е удобно, тъй като така лесно може да бъде премествано на различни места в дома, за да се осигури най-подходящото място за растеж. Обикновено се отглежда като декоративно растение вътре, но може да бъде преместено и на открито през топлите месеци, ако климатът позволява.

Дървото на живота е с месести, овални листа, които се нареждат плътно по стъблото му. Листата са зелени, но могат да придобият червени или розови оттенъци при излагане на слънце или при ниски температури. В зависимост от условията на отглеждане, дървото на живота може да достигне височина между 30 и 90 сантиметра. То има склонност да расте широко и да се разклонява, образувайки плътни куполообразни корони. През пролетта, Crassula ovata произвежда красиви бели или светло-розови цветове върху стеблата си. Цветовете са малки, но атрактивни и добавят допълнителен декоративен елемент към растението.

Ето и някои съвети при отглеждането му: Дървото на живота предпочита ярка, директна слънчева светлина, но се справя добре и на полусянка. Подходящо е да се позиционира в близост до прозорци или на открити тераси. Тъй като е сукулент, растението е устойчиво на сухи периоди и се нуждае от ограничено количество вода. Растението трябва да се полива умерено през пролетта и лятото, като се позволява изцеждането на излишната вода от дъното на саксията. Добре дренираната почва е от съществено значение за растежа на дървото на живота. Използвайте смес от пясък и перлит за подобряване на дренажа. Торенето се извършва само през активния растеж през пролетта и лятото, като се използва тор за сукуленти с ниско съдържание на азот. Crassula ovata може да се размножава чрез отделни листни резници или чрез стъблени резници, които се оставят да изсъхнат и след това се поставят върху влажна почва. 

Дървото на живота е изключително популярно като растение за дома или офиса, тъй като е красиво, лесно за отглеждане и придава уютна атмосфера. Дървото на живота носи със себе си различни символики и асоциации, които го правят особено значимо растение. Поради своята форма и издръжливост, дървото на живота се асоциира с богатство, изобилие и процъфтяване. То е символ на финансов успех и благополучие. В мнозина култури и религиозни традиции, дървото на живота е символ на живота и вечността. То е свързано със заобикалящия ни свят и продължаващото съществуване.

Дървото на живота е красиво растение, лесно за отглеждане и подходящо за декориране на различни пространства. Със своята изящност и издръжливост, това сукулентно растение е привлекателен избор както за начинаещи, така и за опитни градинари. 





The vast number of health benefits that avocado offers is virtually unmatched by any plant on the planet. It has abilities to lower cholesterol and the risk of heart disease or attack, it relieves symptoms of arthritis, boosts nutrient absorption, reduces macular degeneration and lowers the risk of cataracts, and it even prevents cancer. As an excellent source of fiber, potassium, and healthy fats it helps treat numerous other health related issues.

Avocado trees most likely originated in Southern Mexico and were cultivated for centuries before North America was colonized. The pear-shaped fruits are a delicious, rich food that make an excellent condiment or eat alone addition to your diet. The trees are warm season plants, easily damaged by cold and frost.
Avocado trees can reach 80 feet in height. Most plants do poorly where freezing temperatures may occur. Gardeners in United States Department of Agriculture zones 8 and below should be wary of trying to grow these trees as outdoor plants. This fact leads to the question, “Can avocado trees grow indoors?” The simple answer to this question is yes. In fact, there are several dwarf varieties, which can help the cold and temperate season gardener produce the healthy fruits in their own home.



The first thing you need to do is extract the seed from the fruit, making sure you don’t cut it. Next, you’ll need to wash the seed. Soak it in water for a while, and then scrub any fruit that’s left on the fruit potentially. DO NOT remove any of the brown skin while scrubbing the seed.

Avocado seeds are typically elongated in shape, but some of them are an exception to this rule. Each seed has a bottom, or the area from whish the root grows, as well as a top, the area from which the plant sprouts. The bottom is more flat, and the top is pointy. It is crucial for you to determine which side is the bottom, and stick it with a toothpick as you put the seed in water in order to avoid submerging it entirely.

As mentioned before, place the bottom half of the avocado in water, making sure that the toothpick stands firmly. You can stick the avocado seed at an angle which can ensure that the plant rests in water when set over a glass.

In a period of 3-6 weeks the top part of the seed will split, and a stem sprout will appear. At roughly the same time the roots will grow from the bottom part of the seed. Cut off any longer leaves that you notice coming out of the stem, when the stem eventually reaches 5-6 inches in length. In 2-3 weeks more leaves will sprout, this time from the bottom part too.

Once your avocado sprout reaches 6-7 inches in length, sprout its tail in half in order to ensure fresh growth.

Make sure you have a large planting soil and high-quality potting soil. Fill the pot with soil reaching about an inch from the top. Your pot should be 8-10 inches across. Create a small hole at the center of the pot and place the seed in it. Water generously.




Cockroaches are disgusting insects or better said pests that thrive in houses, particularly in the dark and warm places. These pests and feeding by scavenging and that is the reason why they carry dangerous diseases.

There are many different ways in which you can get rid of the cockroaches, but most of the products specially created to destroy these pests are loaded with poisonous chemicals. These chemicals are dangerous for your and the health of your children, as well.

Below we are going to present you natural mixture that is completely harmless for your family and pets, but is extremely efficient and will kill the cockroaches instantly.
All you need is: 1 onion and 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
Preparation: first chop the onion and then add the baking soda. Place the resulted mixture in the corners of your house, in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Very soon you will notice dead cockroaches on these places. Repeat this process every day and you will get rid of these disgusting pests – forever!
NOTE: Can a cockroach hurt you?
While they do not bite or sting they do feed and live in areas that harbor dangerous bacteria, such as bathrooms, drains, and dumpsters. The American cockroach (like other roaches) carries the bacteria on their body and can contaminate food as well as areas where food is prepared.
We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You.




Every home creates and contains different types of energies which impact the feelings and the accomplishments of the people who live there. There are energies which are potent and easily identifiable, but there are also energies which are more subtle and are only felt intuitively. The presence of positive energy in the home is pretty important, since the home is the place where we usually start our day.
It is pretty easy for one to create positive energy in their home, and one of the ways includes bringing plants into the house. There are plants that can purify the air, there are plants that can create a sense of well-being and peace, and there are plants that can alleviate stress. One of the most important steps for regaining the health and the happiness is to get rid of the negative energy.
Here are some plants that can promote positive energy, because everyone needs this type of energy and can benefit from it.
1. JASMINE (JASMINIUM) People in Persia have considered this plant to be sacred, thanks to its numerous benefits. Namely, this fragrant flower can: – Boost the energy levels – Create romance – Decrease the anxiety levels – Trigger the heart chakra – Improve the productivity – Enhance the self-esteem – Make the relationship stronger – Improve the quality of sleep if you keep this plant inside your home, it is recommended that you place it near a window facing towards south. In case you have this plant in your garden, you should place it in the north, east, or the northeast region.
2. ROSEMARY (ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS) More and more people are becoming familiar with the medicinal benefits of rosemary. This plant is one of the best when it comes to purification of the home. Some of its numerous benefits are the following: – Improves the memory – Triggers calmness – Combats anxiety – Gets rid of the negative energy – Combats insomnia – Combats fatigue By keeping a rosemary bush next to your front door you make sure that you keep the negativity outside.
3. LILY (LILIUM) This multifunctional plant is considered to be the flower of birth. It is efficient when it comes to clearing out emotional, spiritual, and physical problems. Furthermore, this plant is ideal for your bedroom, as it stimulates serenity and tranquility in the sleep.
4. SAGE (SALIVA OFFICINALIS) This plant has incredible effects when it comes to getting rid of negative emotions, including fear and anger. Sage is known to contribute to a better flow of positive energy. It also has a number of medicinal benefits. Sage also purifies the space it is positioned in from bacteria, but you should be careful where you keep it. Do not keep it on dry places with insufficient humidity.
5. IVY (HEDERA HELIX) When it comes to air purification, the number one plant is ivy, as it is able to absorb formaldehyde. This plant gets rid of the harmful and unwanted toxins in the environment. It is recommended to people who suffer from allergies or asthma. However, you should be careful and watch out where you keep this plant, as it is toxic to pets and children, so it should be situated out of their reach.
6. ALOE (ALOE VERA) Aloe vera is one of the plants with incredible healing properties. Aloe is also known for its ability to eliminate the polluting chemicals from the environment and purify the air, so keeping it in your bedroom or at another place in your house will improve the air you breathe and get rid of the toxic chemicals present in the cleaning agents. Aloe is also very beneficial when it comes to combating the bad luck and the negative vibes in your home. The aloe vera plant is going to give you a clear sign that the air in your home contains a high level of harmful chemicals by developing brown spots on its leaves.
7. BASIL (OCYMUM BASILUM) This plant has potent antioxidant properties and attracts the positive vibrations from the environment. Moreover, it has excellent anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial effects. Basil is a plant that can get rid of the negative energy, but also produce oxygen and absorb toxins including carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The leaves of basil are used for preparation of tea or water which can be later sprayed around the house for purification of the home.
8. ORCHID (ORCHIDADAEA) Even the Feng Shui admits that the orchid is able to improve the spiritual wellbeing and the energy in the home. This plant releases oxygen throughout the night and balances the energies during your night’s sleep. It brings a positive energy in the home which contributes to romance and love and removes the obstacles that negativity poses in the home.
9. OREGANO (ORIGNUM VULGARE) This amazing herb is a must for your home, as it brings together the energies in the family. It has a specific smell that stimulates happiness, love, peace, and spiritual cleansing. Oregano is an ideal plant when it comes to getting rid of the negativity and welcoming the positive energy into your home. It is recommended that you keep it in the kitchen, exposed to sufficient quantities of sunlight.
10. LAVENDER (LAVANDULA VERA) This fragrant herb has numerous benefits, some of the being: – Elimination of toxins – Reducing the levels of stress – Reducing the levels of blood pressure – Improving relaxation – Slowing down the heart rate – Alleviating headaches, depression, insomnia, and other ailments
11. ROSE (ROSA) This plant is considered to be the symbol of love in almost all parts of the world. However, the rose also had a powerful healing energy and gets rid of the toxins and the negativity while it brings passion to the home, as well as to the life.
12. MONEY PLANT (EPIPREMNUM AUREUM) The Feng Shui claims that this plant has energy that produces a flow that attracts wealth and good luck. You are recommended to keep this plant indoors, as it can absorb the synthetic chemicals from the furniture. In addition, the money plant can help you alleviate stress and anxiety in your home.


Make Your Own Fabric Softener to Avoid Toxins

Make Your Own Fabric Softener to Avoid Toxins


Making your own fabric softener is a great way to create scents that delight you while ensuring your clothing is softened without the use of chemicals. The ingredients won’t cause those with sensitive skin to itch, nor do these products harm the environment. The more fragile fabrics are capable of standing up to them, and it contains an all-natural odor remover that will completely annihilate smells. In this low-cost, simple to make and customizable recipe, you can ensure that you’re using homemade products that have no negative impact. It even works powerfully, cleaning up stains like urine and vomit.

Homemade Fabric Softener

The fabric softener uses simple ingredients to create a powerful cleanser and softener. You simply need a couple cups of Epsom salts, or a very coarse sea salt, to create a base. Keep a few other ingredients on hand, including 20-30 drops of essential oils or blended scents, half a cup of baking soda, a marker and a container with a lid. Be sure the container lid fits snugly to keep everything fresh.
Use the container to mix everything together. Place two cups of the Epsom or coarse sea salt, into the container and add the essential oils. You can use lemon, a refreshingly bright scent, or any other essential oil. Stir these well before you add the baking soda. Baking soda isn’t entirely required, as you can add it to the wash separately. Baking soda does wonders on stains, sucking them away and destroying them. Mix all of these together well, and close the lid tightly. If you plan to make other scents, label the container with the types of essential oils you used in it to keep everything organized. You only need to use 2-3 tablespoons before your clothes rinse through the wash. If you didn’t include the baking soda, add half a cup to each load you wash.
Make adjustments to double or even triple the recipes’ turnout. You can alter the amount of essential oil to create a stronger or weaker scent. If you add more Epsom salts, you can create even more fabric softener. However, be sure to include more drops of essential oils to ensure that you make up for the difference.

Benefits of Homemade Fabric Softener

Homemade fabric softener allows you to create a completely harmless and effective product. Commercial products might sound innocuous, however they are filled with chemicals, such as benzyl acetate which is linked to pancreatic cancer, which can become absorbed into the skin or inhaled. They are pretty bad for the environment as they are typically petroleum-based, which isn’t biodegradable and is a non-renewable resource. Commercial fabric softeners also contain benzyl alcohol, which causes irritants to the upper respiratory tract, and chloroform, which is a carcinogen and neurotoxin.
When you make your own fabric softener, you can choose what goes into it all! It is the one time when you know for sure what you are getting when you use the materials inside. You can incorporate the use of different herb oils to create intricate scents, such as lavender and rose.




Our homes are filled with plastics, and most of us don't really know what they're made of -- or whether they're safe. EWG has put together these tips to help you choose better plastics and plastic alternatives for your family:
The toxicity of plastics is not fully understood or adequately tested. What we do know is that most plastics contain chemical additives to change the quality of the plastic for its intended use (examples are to make it softer or resistant to UV light). Some of these ingredients or additives we know are harmful, like the plastics chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) and the plastic softeners called phthalates. Others, we just don't know enough about.
We also know that plastics chemicals routinely migrate, or leach, into the food and water they contain. While the amount may be small, it has not been proven safe. As former EWG senior scientist Dr. Anila Jacob told Web MD,
Although most of the chemicals making the culinary crossing are considered "safe," Jacob tells WebMD that's generally not because they've been proved safe, but rather they haven't been proven to be unsafe.
"There is very little published research on the potential adverse health effects of chemicals that leach from plastic food containers, so it's difficult to say they're safe with any degree of certainty, especially with long-term use," says Jacob.
BPA and phthalates, however, are better understood. They are both potent hormone disruptors that are increasingly linked to health effects like brain and behavior changes, cancer, and reproductive system damages.
Plastics are continually changing and there are unknowns. Use them with caution, especially those that are commonly found in our households and have contact with our food and our bodies.
Because plastics are ubiquitous today, choose them carefully to minimize your exposures. Avoiding them altogether isn't practical, so we suggest you focus on those that are likely to come into contact with your mouth -- the most common way chemicals in plastic consumer products enter the body. Plastic chemicals touch your mouth in a number of ways: from your hands and your food and drink. This is especially important for young children, who frequently put hands and objects in their mouths.
Plastics to avoid:
  • Stay away from toys marked with a "3" or "PVC" (PVC stands for polyvinyl chloride, commonly called vinyl). PVC is often mixed with phthalates, a toxic additive that makes plastic more flexible. While phthalates were recently banned in new children's toys, they may be in toys made before February 2009 when the ban went into effect, as well as in shower curtains, inflatable beach toys, raincoats and toys for children older than 12.
  • Avoid polycarbonate containers (sometimes marked with a #7 or "PC"). These plastics are rigid and transparent, like plastic food storage containers and water bottles, among other things. Trace amounts of BPA can migrate from these containers, particularly if used for hot food or liquids. Soft or cloudy-colored plastic does not contain BPA.
    A recent study from Harvard University found that college students drinking their cold drinks from polycarbonate bottles had 93% more BPA in their bodies than during the weeks that they drank liquids from other containers.
    We recommend the use of glass and ceramic instead of plastics. When you have no choice, plastics marked with a #1, 2, 4, or 5 don’t contain BPA and may be better choices.
How to handle plastics:
When you do use plastics, handle them safely. We suggest that you:
  • Don't microwave food or drinks in plastic containers -- even if they claim to be "microwave safe." Heat can break down plastics and release chemical additives into your food and drink. Microwaves heat unevenly, creating hot spots where the plastic is more likely to break down.
  • Use plastic containers for cool liquids -- not hot.
  • Don't reuse single-use plastics. They can break down and release plastics chemicals when used repeatedly.
  • Avoid old, scratched plastic water bottles. Exposures to plastics chemicals may be greater when the surface is worn down.
  • Wash plastics on the top rack of the dishwasher, farther from the heating element, or by hand. This will reduce wear and tear.
  • Don't allow your baby or young child to handle or chew on plastic electronics (the remote, your cell phone) because they may be treated with fire retardants (learn more about fire retardants and how to reduce your family's exposure in a another Healthy Home Tip).
  • Wash children's hands before they eat.
Where mouth contact is likely, stay away from plastics. There are a wide variety of safer alternatives available to meet your family's needs. Some ideas are:
For the kids
In the kitchen
  • Ceramic or glass food containers (like Pyrex) are better to store and heat your food and drink.
  • When using an electric mixer, choose glass or Pyrex instead of plastic to avoid chipping bits of plastic into your food.
  • Lay natural flooring instead of vinyl.
  • Use wooden cutting boards -- but care for them properly to minimize bacteria.
  • Cover food in the microwave with a paper towel instead of plastic wrap.
In the bathroom
  • Pick a cotton shower curtain instead of vinyl.
  • In the tub, play with cotton washcloths, finger puppets, wooden toy boats and lightweight aluminum cups instead of soft plastic bath toys and books.


How to Grow a Lemon Tree from Seed Easily in Your Own Home

How to Grow a Lemon Tree from Seed Easily in Your Own Home

Seeds from the citrus fruits you eat, including orange, kumquat, lemon, lime, tangerine and grapefruit, can turn into some of the most beautiful houseplants around.
The citrus family consists of plants with glossy green, fragrant leaves that under good conditions will produce strongly fragrant flowers and fruits even when grown indoors. Buying large plants can be very expensive, but with patience, you can have the fun of growing your own plants from seed.
Today, I am going to talk about growing a lemon tree from seeds that you can grow in your home. Lemons are so useful for so many different things that they kind of exist in another universe on their own. Whether you’re adding them to water or making use of their peels, the convenience of growing your own lemons is not something that should be ignored.
The first thing is that it is very important to buy an organic lemon to get your seeds from. The non-organic lemons usually contain non-germinating seeds.
Remove the seeds from ripe to overripe lemon, rinse them off and plant them immediately in in small flowerpots filled with moistened, quality potting soil. Plant the seeds about 1/2-inch below the soil surface.
Place the containers in a tray, and add water to the tray whenever the soil dries. To speed germination, slip a plastic bag over the tray to create a humid environment for the seeds.
Group the seed containers with your other houseplants and water them at the same time, even if nothing seems to be happening. Seeds should germinate in two to three weeks inside the plastic bag. If the bag is omitted, germination may take five to six weeks.
Remove the tray from the plastic bag, if used, when germination occurs, and place containers in a sunny window.
Transplant seedlings to larger pots as soon as their first containers are filled with roots. Give citrus plants as much sunlight as you can indoors, and place them outdoors in warm weather.
Given the right conditions, including ample sunlight and water, large enough containers and fertilizer, indoor plants can reach 10 feet in height.


Riscaldare casa con 20 euro all’anno si può grazie a una scoperta italiana

Riscaldare casa con 20 euro all’anno si può grazie a una scoperta italiana

E-cat: è questo il nome del nuovo sistema di riscaldamento che ci costerà solamente 20 dollari l’anno. Avete capito bene, potete dimenticarvi i costosi sistemi di riscaldamento utilizzati fino ad ora. L’invenzione, pensata da un italiano, l’ingegnere Andrea Rossi, e in collaborazione conNational Instruments sta prendendo piede e si propone come maggiore concorrente ai più moderni e costosi sistemi di riscaldamento.
L’apparecchio, dalle dimensioni si un computer portatile, risulta essere sicuro al 100%. Perché si parla di sicurezza? Il dispositivo funziona con polvere di Nichel. Essa è molto abbondante sulla Terra e non è eccessivamente costosa ma è necessario trattarla con cautela. Il trattamento è infatti un’operazione molto delicata che deve essere affidata agli esperti.
L’apparecchio sarà in grado di produrre, con un solo grammo di polvere, circa 23.000 megawatt/ora! Questo processo viene chiamato reazione nucleare a bassa energia e viene attuata con polvere di nichel, una quantità minima di idrogeno, catalizzatori specifici e frequenze radio per mettere in moto forze repulsive.
Il sistema può essere completamente spento dopo 30 o 60 minuti dall’attivazione. L’apparecchio è ora sottoposto a test negli Stati Uniti per garantirne l’effettiva sicurezza, efficienza e soprattutto commercializzazione. Si vocifera che nel giro di 12 o 24 mesil’apparecchio sarà in grado di generare anche energia elettrica, il problema attuale è la temperatura che sembra raggiungere valori troppo alti per essere in grado di generare elettricità. Sul sito possono già essere conclusi pre-ordini senza impegno finanziario per aggiudicarsi l’apparecchio una volta partita la commercializzazione al grande pubblico. L’ideatore, Andrea Rossi, ha per ora rinunciato a grossi finanziamenti di grandi aziende per questioni di sicurezza e rischi: sono stati per ora accettati finanziamenti da aziende che hanno investito piccole somme di denaro.
Secondo il premio Nobel Brian Josephson sistemi come quello pensato da Rossi sono già in uso e hanno buonissime possibilità di riuscita. Ciò significherebbe molto, prima di tutto sotto un punto di vista economico: non dovremo più spendere fior fior di quattrini per garantirci un sistema di riscaldamento ideale. In secondo luogo sarebbe un grossissimo passo avanti nel campo energetico: produrre la stessa quantità di energia con poca polvere di Nichel è estremamente vantaggioso sotto molti punti di vista. Le applicazioni possibili non sarebbero solamente quelle casalinghe, come quella di cui vi stiamo parlando, bensì investirebbero anche altri campi che potrebbero giovarneenergicamente ed economicamente.Siete curiosi di sapere se questo metodo funzionerà veramente? Se le parole di un premio Nobel non vi bastano, potete correre il rischio ed effettuare un preordine direttamente dal sito di E-cat. L’apparecchio garantirà, una volta testata la sicurezza sotto tutti i punti di vista.
L’obbiettivo dell’azienda  è vendere un milione di unità domestiche all’anno a partire dai primi mesi del 2016. La sua facile installazione e la sua micro-tecnologia, il processore è grande quanto un pacchetto di sigarette, permetteranno comodità sia in fase di installazione sia in fase di manutenzione.
Se il dispositivo riuscirà a produrre anche energia elettrica otterrete un dispositivo che produce entrambi riscaldamento ed elettricità.Questo è molto comodo in quanto un impianto separato potrebbe significare manutenzione differente: con un solo dispositivo possiamo invece controllare tutto direttamente agendo su di un solo apparecchio che controlla tutto.
Cosa aspettate? Se volete risparmiare correte ad effettuare un pre-order sul sito web, per finanziare, tra l’altro, un progettointeramente italiano.Per saperne di più potete fare riferimento al sito web ufficiale facendo click qua.


30 Creative uses for Coca Cola include:

30 Creative uses for Coca Cola include:

1. Pour coke directly onto oil stains on the garage floor to remove, then hose off
2. Pour it on rusty nuts and bolts to loosen them
3. Use as a grease remover for clothing
4. Submerge old pennies in a bowl of coke to remove tarnish
5. Clean grout between tiles on kitchen and bathroom countertops
6. Pour on car windshields to remove dead bugs
7. Dip hair that is stuck with gum in a bowl of coke for a few minutes, it will come out easily
8. Apply coke to carpets to remove carpet stains
9. Add a cup of coke to remove strong odors in the washing machine
10. Removes blood from stained fabric and clothing
11. Place a bowl of coke outside to attract snails and slugs, the acid kills them
12. Gargle with a cup of ice cold coke to get rid of hiccups
13. Place a cup filled with coke a good distance away from a picnic to attract wasps, bees and flies
14. Make a ham moist as it cooks by basting it with coke
15. Use 2-liter bottles with a pack of Mentos to create an exploding fountain
16. Give unwanted documents a coke stained antiqued look
17. Use under the hood of the car as an engine cleaner
18. Pour around and inside of toilet bowls, showers and sinks to clean and get rid of rust stains
19. Pour directly into the soil of potted plants to help perk them up
20. Soak hair in a bowl of coke to remove and fade dyes
21. Use as a self-tanner on the skin
22. Heat and drink a cup of hot coke to relieve chest congestion.
23. Mix with a favorite BBQ sauce to make it sweeter
24. Pour 2-liter bottles into a backyard pool to make it clearer
25. Submerge burnt pots and pans and hard to clean cookware in a pot of simmering coke to clean
26. Use on a car windshield to defrost ice build up
27. Add to a backyard compost pile to increase the acidity and feed microorganisms
28. Add a teaspoon to body lotion to make skin smooth and silky
29. Pour on skin to help relieve and sooth painful jelly fish stings
30. Use as a marinade to tenderize pork, beef and chicken


магии, с които да изчистите всеки съд и уред в кухнята за секунди

магии, с които да изчистите всеки съд и уред в кухнята за секунди

1. Фурната се почиства, докато спите
На всяка домакиня се е случвало да си пожелае една малка домашна фея, която да чисти, докато господарката на дома си почива. Истината е, че можете да си уредите нещо подобно, поне що се отнася до ужасните твърди наслоения във фурната.
Ето каква е тайната: изсипете в купичка половин чаена чаша амоняк. Сложете това в печката, но само ако е напълно изстинала! Оставете да престои вътре цялата нощ. Изпаренията ще си свършат работата и на сутринта ще трябва да положите само минимални усилия, за да избършете мръсотията от фурната.
2. Съществува магия и за микровълновата фурна
При нея също можете да си спестите усиленото търкане. Намокрете обилно гъба, сложете я в микровълновата и пуснете уреда за 2 минути на висока степен. Отделящата се пара ще свърши чудеса с наслоената мръсотия. След това ще трябва само да си сложите кухненската ръкавица и да избършете с гъбата вътрешността на микровълновата. Внимание: ръкавицата е задължителна, тъй като гъбата ще бъде наистина много гореща!
3. Почистване на грила
Обелете лук, разполовете го и забийте вилица в по-тясната част на едната половина. С това приспособление търкайте решетките на включения нагорещен грил. Освен, че ще ги почисти, упражнението с лука ще осигури и допълнително вкусно ухание за следващото използване на скарата.
4. Полепналата мръсотия по кухненските шкафове
Рецептата е съвсем проста: смесете 1 част растително олио с 2 части сода за хляб, разбъркайте добре и сте готови! Използвайте гъба или парцал, за да търкате повърхностите на шкафовете, а за ъгълчетата и други особени зони можете да си помагате с четка за зъби.
5. Дървени дъски за рязане
За да почистите успешно всички резки по тях, разполовете лимон и натъркайте дъската с едната половина (държите за кората и мокрите дъската със сока от сърцевината). След това покрийте намазаната с лимонов сок дъска с кашер сол (или друга сол с по-едри частици), изчакайте 10-15 минути. Щом изтекат, вземете отново половинката от лимона и с нейна помощ натъркайте солта върху дъската.
6. Пластмасови дъски за рязане
И за тях си има "пиниз". Запушете умивалника и покрийте дъното с 2-3 пръста вода. Сипете вътре и щедро количество белина - около 1 чаша. Накиснете дъските в този разтвор и ги оставете там за около час. След това източете водата от умивалника и изплакнете внимателно всичко.
7. Остатъци от сирене или кашкавал по рендето
Използвайте замърсения уред, за да настържете суров картоф. Присъщата му твърдост, в комбинация със съдържащата се оксалова киселина, ще премахне полепналите остатъци от твърди млечни продукти.
8. Загорели тенджери и тигани
Покрийте съда с вода. Изсипете вътре и чаена чаша бял оцет, след това сложете на котлона и изчакайте течността да заври. Добавете 2 супени лъжици сода за хляб, изпразнете тигана и ще можете без затруднения да го изтъркате.
9. Стъклени тави за печене
Намачкайте топка алуминиево фолио, добавете препарат за миене на съдове и търкайте.
10. Белезникавата "пелена" по чашите
Сигурно ви се е случвало да забележите нещо като белезникаво покритие по уж измитите стъклените чаши (особено ако ползвате съдомиялна). Неприятно е, но лесно можете да се справите с проблема. Напоете кухненска хартия с оцет, изстискайте излишната течност и избършете чашата. След такова третиране тя ще бъде кристално чиста.
11. Почистване на мелничка за кафе/подправки
За да се отървете от остатъчните аромати след употреба, използвайте мелничката, за да стриете на прах суров ориз, твърд хляб или захар. Всяко от тези три предложения ще ви свърши чудесна работа.
12. Форми за печене на мъфини
Дупките са малки, така че задачата да бъдат измити е доста досадна. Ще се улесните значително, ако използвате четка за бебешки шишета.
13. Почистване на обикновен котлон
Не го заливайте с вода! Трябва само да го избършете с влажен парцал, а ако полепналите остатъци от готвене са твърде упорити, поръсете със сода за хляб, изчакайте 10 минути и след това приложете "терапията" с парцала.

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