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If you drink sparkling water, you better read this:
When you look at the ingredients on most sparkling water, like Perrier or Topo Chico, the ingredient list is pretty simple. It’s just carbonated water. So what could possibly be unhealthy about that?
A year and half ago, I found Topo Chico and it was the best thing ever.
There’s was something that I loved about the bubbles way more than any other sparkling water I had tried, it was downright addictive!
I was drinking one or two bottles every night after my daughter would go to bed, it was my “night cap”… and around the same time, I started developing pesky eczema around my eyes.
I didn’t think they were related at all, until I went on a massive elimination diet to try to figure out what it was…
I eliminated a lot and tried everything, and never suspected Topo Chico, until I had exhausted all my options.
I talked to my integrative doctor about it, my dermatologist, and even went to my acupuncturist and asked him, do you think my eczema could be related to sparkling water? He was dumbfounded – and said, no I’ve never heard of that.
I told him something just isn’t right about this and so I stopped Topo Chico cold turkey for a while, and long and behold, my eczema cleared up.
But I still on occasion would drink it here and there.. because I wasn’t quite sure.
Until now. Fast forward to late 2020.
Consumer Reports came out with a new report about sparkling water that left me stunned.
They tested 45 brands of bottled water (including 12 sparkling waters) and found “PFAS” chemicals in several of them – including the Topo Chico I was personally buying!
Consumer Reports found the most PFAS in Topo Chico!!!
And you know what?
PFAS is linked to atopic dermatitis (eczema) and a slew of other alarming health issues.
To see if your sparkling water is on the list, to warn your friends about sparkling water brands contaminated with health-wrecking chemicals.
And, stop buying bottled water from brands that are allowing these harmful chemicals in their water.
They won’t change until they get enough public pressure to do so, and their bottom line is affected.
We can make a difference together.
Thanks to Vani - https://foodbabe.com/sparkling-water-contaminated-with-chemicals-linked-to-eczema-immune-suppression-cancer-and-birth-defects/
Остават 5 години!
Thanks to : https://portal-21.com/1111/pavel-globa/?fbclid=IwAR2BJ1evbAI9qMix-jUCUSa-YJYsj7iZjq4Amph9673wZ_gMXDha1YiEAk4
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